

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 41 av 98

Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan : Ur ett lärarperspektiv

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

Tid för Time? : En studie i hur musikalisk timing lärs ut

Syftet med studien är att få en fördjupad kunskap om innebörden av Time som begrepp samt att ge en bild av hur erfarna lärare hanterar ämnet i sin undervisning. Denna studie har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i det sociokulturella perspektivet och hur medierande redskap används i undervisningen.Den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun användes som metod för att få svar på mina frågor. De fem informanterna arbetar i antingen Värmlands eller Örebro Län. De är alla verksamma pedagoger på nivåerna från gymnasium upp till musikhögskola och de undervisar i olika musikämnen. Resultatet visar att ämnet handlar om hur man, som musiker, placerar sina toner i förhållande till en given puls samt att alla informanter understryker att Time är viktigt och bör undervisas i.

SafeTool : Implementering av RFID-teknologi i maskiner för byggbranschen

Every year more than 6000 thefts, to a value of 1.5 billion SEK, are reportedwithin the Swedish building trade. Plus all the indirect costs of having theconstruction site standing still.SafeTool is a newly started company that will try to prevent this problem witha modern technology solution.The key to SafeTool?s solution is RFID ? Radio Frequency Identification ? andthe solution looks like this;All tools are stored in a container on the construction site. Every tool isequipped with a RFID-tag that uniquely identifies the tool. With antennas in thecontainer it is possible to detect when a tool is leaving the container and whenit comes back.

Att säkerställa god språkutveckling i förskolan : En undersökning om hur pedagoger arbetar för att främja varje barns språkutveckling

The main purpose of this study was to examine how preschool teachers are working to promote each child's language development and whether they can ensure that they do that. Therefore I wanted to find out what a good language development implies for each teacher, how they work to promote each child's language development in daily practice, how they measure the actual language development and also what conditions the teachers have, to engage in a language development way to work. For the study, I chose a qualitative method, with structured interviews and all together I interviewed six preschool teachers, within the same organization in a suburb close to Stockholm.  The results showed that there is an ambiguity, among the preschool teachers, in what a good language development means, but it can be stated that they do have a language development way to work even if it needs to be developed. Further on, it has emerged that the teachers have the tools to measure children's language development, although they do not have the conditions yet to use the method to the fullest. About the preschool teachers own conditions in order to operate in a language development way to work, I concluded that they have a strong foundation to build on, but they still have much work ahead of them.

?Han ska inte bli likadan som jag har varit? : En narrativ studie av moderskapets betydelse för några unga, före detta familjehems- eller institutionsplacerade mammor

The purpose of this study was to examine how some young mothers, who previously have been in foster care or residential care, describe the way motherhood has affected their lives and identities. Narrative interviews were conducted with three teenage mothers and one mother aged 23. As tools for analyzing the narratives, theories about narrative psychology and how people present themselves through story-telling and language were used. The results of the study show that becoming a mother was life-changing in a positive way, according to the young mothers. They described how they, since becoming mothers, had become more mature and now lived less risk-full lives.

Sen så kommer den och förklarar vid bänken; alltså bara för mig : Om elevers upplevelser av stöd och hjälp i matematik

The study's purpose is to describe students' experiences of help and support in mathematics. To investigate this, I adopted the questions: What does it mean, according to the students, to get "help and support in mathematics?" Are there differences in the description of help and support depending on the age of the students? What different kinds of help and support do students feel that they get from their math teachers? What different kinds of help and support would they like to have? The study is based on a qualitative method, group interviews, with three groups of students, one from each stage of primary school in one municipality in Sweden. The students were at the time of the interview in grade 3, 5 and 8. The interviews were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. The results show that what the students primarily consider as the meaning of help and support it is to get individual support from their teacher.

Förändringsarbete i Seco tools AB Fagersta : Styra runt hindren

Kritik är ett begrepp som inte har fått lika stort utrymme som feedback i forskning om sociala relationer. Den här studien visar på dess betydelse för relationer mellan lärare på en gymnasieskola. Utifrån teorier som Scheffs sociala band, Asplunds problemlösning, Meads ?I? och ?Me? med flera, belyser vi kritikens olika aspekter och vad som krävs för att den skall tolkas som positiv kontra negativ. Vi har under den här studien hittat en del saker som är relevanta när det gäller hur personer förhåller sig till kritik, exempelvis på vilket sätt den bör framföras och tas emot.

?Tvingad och tvingad. Jag behövde mina pengar ju?? : En studie om arbetslösa ungdomars upplevelser av kompetenshöjande insatser

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether and how labor consultants, job coaches, guidance counselors promote the possibility of self-realization of the clients they encounter in their work. By analyzing, based on the theoretical framework, six semi-structured interviews of people having the chosen professions answer the questions "Do counselors promote client's opportunities for self-realization in their work?" and "If so: how is this practiced?". In the theoretical framework three important concepts are addressed: "identity", "recognition" and "self-realization". These are explained with the help of works by including Emma Engdahl, Anthony Giddens, Axel Honneth and Allison Weir.

Elever med ADHD i klassrummet : hur påverkas vi?

Today there are many students in schools with a wide variety of different behavioral disorders. Among these disorders you can find ADHD. We have selected to research how pedagogues respond to students with ADHD. The essay will address the issues concerning the pedagogues own knowledge about ADHD. This essay will problematize if pedagogues find their knowledge about ADHD sufficient enough to respond to students with ADHD and other students without diagnoses of one of the class equivalent manner.

GPU accelerated SPH simulation of fluids for VFX

Fluids are important to the Visual Effects Industry but extremely hard to control and simulate because of the complexity of the governing equations. Fluid solvers can be divided into two categories, those of the Eulerian point of reference and those of the Lagrangian. Both categories have different advantages and weaknesses and hybrid methods are popular. This thesis examines Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, a Lagrangian method for physically based uid simulations. To allow the artist the exibility given by shorter simulation times and increased number of iterations, the performance of the solver is key.

Religion i historieböckerna, utmaningar och möjligheter : En didaktisk analys av läromedel i historia

Swedish students in the upper secondary school will recieve informaition regarding religion from multiple sources. If we look past the students surroundings like the family, friends or multimedia school is still the primary arena for religous education. Discussions about religion will take place in other lessons than just the subject religion. History is in my opinion the subject closest related to religion and the two makes up for a lot of the values work in swedish schools. Textbooks is still one of the most important tools for education and that makes them important as objects to study.

Olika fönster mot samma omvärld ? En undersökning av omvärldsbevakningen på Stockholms stadsbibliotek och Akademibokhandeln i Stockholm

The aim of this thesis is to explore how a bookstore chain and a public library meet the needs of their customers through environmental scanning. The empirical material is derived from six semi-structured interviews with six informants, three from each organization, together with an analysis of internal documents. The method used is a case study and the theoretical framework is based on models used in the process of environmental scanning, as described by Choo, Hamrefors and Hedin & Sandström among others, and which facilitate a comparison of the environmental scanning of the two organizations. The results of the study indicate that the library, as a public organization with a mission in society, perceives the environment as society as a whole and all its members as their users, whereas the bookstore concentrates on the sectors of the environment that affect their sales. The consequences of these different views are that the library is more active in the environment and uses surveys as a basic source of information, while the bookstore is more passive, and relies on statistics for information.

Pulveregenskapers inverkan på grönkropp med avseende på sprickor

This thesis is a survey and also an investigation of the different factors that affects the cracking that occurs in the inserts at AB Sandvik Coromants production in Gimo. The work that has been done has focused on two main factors, namely, powder characteristics and pressing parameters.AB Sandvik Coromant produces tools and tooling systems for metal cutting. They have some problems in their production of inserts. The problem is that cracks sometimes occur in the body of the insert, after it´s pressed. In order to investigate this, a preliminary study was made in which production principles were studied.

Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell

For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out.

Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning

The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.

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