

1472 Uppsatser om Resistance training - Sida 18 av 99

Effektiv kompetensutveckling : En undersökning av hur olika perspektiv på lärande påverkar effekterna av kompetensutveckling under Training Days

Två gånger per år genomförs kompetensinvesteringar för ingenjörer på GKN Aerospace Sweden AB. Konceptet går under benämningen Training Days. Syftet med investeringen är att höja kompetensen bland de ca 400 ingenjörerna. I anslutning till utbildningsdagarna genomförs en enkätundersökning för att se till deltagarnas åsikter om Training Days. Problemet är att det aldrig undersökt vilken inställning och synsätt medarbetarna har till lärande och utveckling och om de olika perspektiven i sådana fall påverkar effekterna av investeringarna.Den kvalitativa fallstudien syftar till att undersöka om ingenjörernas perspektiv på lärande och kompetens påverkar organisationens utveckling.

En välsignelse på jorden : Det goda äktenskapet som normaltillstånd och mål i tre romaner från 1860-talet

The aim of this study is to examine marriage as something both desirable and normal in three popular novels from the 1860s about marriage: Rosa Carlén?s Agnes Tell: en äktenskapshistoria (1860), Marie Sophie Schwartz?s Alma eller De moderna äktenskapen (1860) and Sara Pfeiffer?s Aurora Trampe (1867). Using a theoretical perspective from Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, I have analysed the novels as being producers of, and resistance against, norms.The good marriage is partly depicted as a utopian vision in the novels, which therefore functions as fantasies for the readers. But it is also depicted as a realistic possibility. Though difficult to achieve, the main characters reach the goal through individual improvement towards correct behaviour.The question for the main characters is not whether they are going to marry or not, but how to make their marriages good ones.

Textil halksula

De senaste årens långa och kalla vintrar har lett till ett ökat antal halkolyckor. Genom att undersöka halkolyckors utsträckning samt halkskydd som fanns tillgängliga konstaterades det att ett behov av nya halkskydd fanns. Enkäter för att ge svar på användning av halkskydd togs fram och svar från personer i åldrarna 20-65 visade att man överlag inte använde halkskydd. I stor utsträckning berodde det på halkskyddens dåliga kvalité och den negativa stämpeln som fanns på dem . Textila material undersöktes för att finna lämpliga egenskaper.

Testbänk för motorbåtsdrev

Marinediesel has, to meet there customers needs for a suitable sterndrive to powerboats, developed a prototype. The prototype is currently in the testing phase. The opportunity to test the sterndrive under load inside the workshop has not previously been possible. Until now the drive has been tested in a test bench without any load on the propeller axle. The prototype has also been tested under real conditions mounted on a boat.The idea with my thesis was to create a test bench that can run around the clock in order to be able to test things like wear and service intervals and other things that require that the test interval is long.

Delaktighet och demokratiska processer på träningsskolan : En studie som belyser lärares och assistenters uppfattningar

The aim of this study is to examine some teachers and assistants? perception of conditions for students? democratic participation in the compulsory school for learning disabilities specialization training school. In order to deepen and more clearly describe the purpose of the study, three issues have been selected. Firstly, how do teachers and assistants perceive the concept of participation? Secondly, how do teachers and assistants perceive students opportunities for participation in teaching? And finally, do teachers and assistants perceive students? opportunities for participation in democratic activities of school? It is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews.

Aggression Replacement Training - hur får man en hållbar förändring?

Syftet med denna C-uppsats har varit att undersöka hur metoden Aggression Replacement Training (ART) används i arbetet med ungdomar. I ART tränas den unge i att förändra sitt aggressiva beteende och sina värderingar och ersätta dessa med positiva tankar och handlingar. Metoden är multimodal vilket innebär att den kombinerar olika delar i en och samma metod för att genom strukturerade övningar komma fram till bäst resultat. I vår undersökning har vi gjort fem kvalitativa intervjuer som vi sedan har jämfört med varandra och tidigare forskning. Vi fann att killar var överrepresenterade på ART träningen, att killar tenderar vara mer aggressiva och utåtagerande än tjejer.

Kadetter på väg mot examen : Är de motiverade till fortsatt anställning i Försvarsmakten?

This paper is about the different parts within the officers training that motivate the cadets to continue their employment within the armed forces after graduation, it also brings up the different parts that influences their motivation in a negative way. Six cadets from the 2011 class at the military academy at Karlberg have been interview in order to give their view on the following seven themes; reasons to take employment, collegiate attitude, comfort, study motivation, perceived education quality, the regiment and career. The responses have then been compared to the previous research at a cadet level which have been scarce. The result followed the previous findings about conscript?s motivation to continue their career and officers to end theirs.

ART (Aggression Replacement Training) - en resurs i grundskolan?

Vi har i vårt arbete studerat hur ART (Aggressive Replacement Training) som metod kan användas ute i skolans värld. Frågan vi ställde oss var: Kan ART användas som resurs i grundskolan och i så fall hur? Arbetet syftar till att belysa och konkretisera ART både som behandlingsmetod för elever med aggressivt beteende samt i förlängningen, integrerat i skolverksamheten som skolämne. I teoridelen beskriver vi ART utifrån litteratur i ämnet, tillvägagångssätt och metodik. I empiridelen har vi intervjuat både elever och pedagoger/tränare ute i verksamheten.

Utvärdering av kognitiv beteendeterapis (KBT) effektivitet : En systematisk replikation

AbstractA systematic replication study was conducted at the training site at the University of Karlstad. Student therapists performed cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a part of their master?s degree in psychology.  The systematic replication that took place was based on the work of Hiltunen et al. (2013), who evaluated the efficacy of CBT treatment conducted at the training site previously mentioned.

Utvärdering av röstträning på logopedprogrammet i Göteborg

The purpose of this study was to examine if there were anychanges in quality in the voices of speech and language pathology studentsafter four years of study at the University of Gothenburg. Recordings oftwenty student voices from the first and eight semesters were evaluatedperceptually by six speech-language pathologists. The parameters judgedwere: vocal fry, glottal attacks, strain, breathiness and resonant voice, usinga scale from 0 to 10. Acoustical measures were made of F0 mean andmedian to detect possible differences between the two recordings. Theresults show a significant decrease in vocal fry, glottal attacks and strain aswell as an increase in resonant voice and a significant decrease in F0 meanand median.

Implementering av International Baccalureate Diploma Programme vid fyra skolor i Sverige : En utvärdering av motstånd och möjligheter

The aim of this essay is to analyze the implementation process of the International Baccalaureate?s Diploma Programme in four of the approximately 30 schools currently offering the IB at upper secondary level in Sweden. The starting point is a comparison between definitions in fundamental documents in the national programmes for Natural Science (NV) and Social Science (SP) on the one hand, and the IBDP on the other. The evaluation, based on Program theory, focuses in particular on the consistencies in the Organizational plans of each system.  The basic assumption is that the IB due to a deviating organizational system, different structures, aims and objectives makes a challenge for the dominating educational discourse, to use a concept by Michel Foucault, and that resistance against the IB therefore is to be expected.As a second part of the evaluation five people who either play, or have played the role of coordinators of the IB, and who thereby are responsible for the implementation, have been interviewed. The questions have been focused around in what sense the informants can confirm resistance in their implementation work due to the differences found in the first part of the evaluation, and in what ways it manifests itself.Finally, Michel Foucault?s power structures in connection to discourse analysis have been applied on the results of the two previous parts of the essay.

Implementation av ett interface till Emotiv Epoc

The eld of Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) concerns linking together an external device with the brain of a human or an animal. By doing this the conventional use of a mouse or keyboard can be circumvented, which can greatly benefit people with different types of diseases that cause paralysis or other loss of motor control, such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A BCI can also be used for cognitive training of either healthy or mentally impaired subjects to increase cognitive capabilities.In this thesis an implementation of an interface is made against such a device, the Emotiv EPOC Headset. The result is meant to be a stable basis for further study using the device. An in-depth study of the history of EEG and its current use in clinical work and research in the topics of BCI as well as Human-computer interaction (HCI) is presented.

Matematiksvårigheter : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om matematiksvårigheter.

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

Dräktighetsdiabetes hos hund :

This article presents a retrospective case study combined with a review of the current literature concerning canine gestational diabetes. A total of 14 cases have been collected from six different clinics in Sweden. There are few previously published reports on canine gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a disease that rarely occurs in pregnant bitches. The condition is due to the rise of progesterone that occurs during the estrus cycle.

Monitoring and pest control of Fruit flies in Thailand : new knowledge for integrated pest management

Fruit flies (Tephritidae) are serious pests that cause enormous losses for farmers in many countries. The frequent use of insecticides in controlling fruit flies in fruits and vegetable has not resulted in sustainable management of the pest. Problems associated with this complete reliance on chemical control are many residues of insecticides in crops, health problems for farmers, contamination of water and soil, insecticide resistance development and decrease in natural enemy populations. The implementation of control measures that do not imply an added burden to the environment and/or the farmers is urgent. More knowledge about the ecology of fruit flies is the basis for finding new and better ways to control this pest.

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