

4620 Uppsatser om Resistance towards organizational change - Sida 10 av 308

Utomhusgym, några fördelar? : En studie om affekter vid styrketräning inomhus respektive utomhus

PurposeThe aim of the study was to examine the affects perceived by young people aged 18-19 years old after resistance training outdoors versus resistance training indoor. The aim of the study was also to examine if the rate of perceived exertion was affected by whether the resistance training took place outdoors or indoors. What immediate affects are perceived in conjunction with resistance training outdoors and indoors in people aged 18-19 years?What immediate affects are perceived after resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoor in people aged 18-19 years?What perceived exertion level can be seen in conjunction with resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoors in people aged 18-19 years?How does exercise habit correlate with affects and exertion in conjunction with resistance training? Method22 pupils in a secondary school conducted two resistance training sessions, one outdoors and one indoor. A questionnaire about their mood and exercise habits was answered before and immediately after the training session. Rate of perceived exertion rate was also included in the questionnaire the participants received after the workout.

Kausalitet i fiktiva miljöer : En narratologisk analys av tre cyberpunk-romaner

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

Finns det daglig variation i resistans i de nedre luftvägarna hos häst?

Among researchers it has been established since decades that humans and animals have an internal biological clock that controls certain physiological mechanisms. One example regarding humans is the impairment of lung function during the night, causing the phenomenon ?nocturnal asthma? among asthmatics. Only a few studies concerning respiratory circadian rhythm in horses have been done previously and they showed a daily variation in horses with a chronic or an acute respiratory disease. The technique used in those studies was the conventional technique, which is invasive and less sensitive than the technique used in this study.

Eftersökta fördelar vid företagsförvärv : integrationsprocessens betydelse för måluppfyllnad

Mergers and acquisitions are a phenomenon which can occur for a variety of reasons. It may for example be that the organizations want to gain larger market shares or to complement and learn from each other and thus become more competitive. After the completion of an acquisition or merger, a process is initiated to create an affiliation between the two companies' employees. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there is something that management can do to make the integration process as efficient as possible. The empirical research in this paper consisted of interviews and surveys with respondents from two accounting firms that recently completed a merger.

Framgångsfaktorer i ett drogpreventivt förändringsarbete

This masters degree is a study of factors of success in a drug preventions work of change and model or method which could facilitate this work. The target group, which is in focus in this survey, is alcohol- and drug coordinators, also called prevention coordinators who?s main task is to develop and coordinate the preventive work in the alcohol and drugs area. My method of investigation is a combination of literature studies and a quantitative poll study with the target group, alcohol and drug presenters?, in Sweden.

Syntes och egenskapskarakterisering av volframoxid framställd med magnetronsputtring

The system tungsten-oxygen has potential of being suitable for decorative coatings since ceramic coatings are often hard and wear resistant, and since modulations in oxygen content or incorporation of small ions could give bright colours. The aim of this report was to investigate the relationship between process parameters and  the properties of the films, with the wear resistance being of special interest.Samples with tungsten to oxygen ratios in the range of 100:0 to 25:75 at% were made using reactive sputter deposition, either with constant gas flow, or gas flow controlled by optical emission of the plasma. The hysteresis of the system, which means that a certain gas flow will cause different pressure and/or target voltage depending on in what way the flow is reached, makes it interesting to control the process where the system makes the steep change from metallic tungsten to ceramic tungsten oxide. This is difficult and thus requires precise control equipment.The samples were analysed using X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and an empirical wear test suitable for small components like cell phone cover for example, in order to characterize the structure, composition and wear resistance of the coatings. The results could be divided into three groups: (I) tungsten-like, with very low oxygen content; (II) mixed phase and (III) tungsten oxide like, with oxygen content close to 75 at%.

Beräkning av återmatad bromsenergi på Malmbanan

Energi är en resurs som måste användas effektiv för att undvika onödig negativ miljöpåverkan och utgifter. Återmatning från nedåtgående malmtåg till uppåtgående malmtåg leder till en effektivisering i energiutnyttjande. Beräkningen av den återmatade energin utgår ifrån tågets lägesenergi och förlusterna från räls, lutning, vind och kurvor. Totalt kan återmatning av energi ge en besparing på 20 % för enkelspår och 20 % respektive 21 % för dubbelspår. Dubbelspår kan ha mer trafik än enkelspår men förhållandet mellan konsumerad och återmatad energi är i princip den samma.

Dialogen som skapar förändring

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

Organizational Misbehaviour : Om olika yrkeskategorier ? En jämförande studie

I denna studie kommer jag att jämföra kollektivanställda och tjänstemän på en större processindustri i Värmland. Syftet med att jämföra de olika grupperna är att se om det skiljer sig mellan handlingar som kan tolkas som organizational misbehaviour.Denna studie är utav en kvantitativ karaktär där graden av organizational misbehaviour har undersökts mellan de två yrkesgrupperna med hjälp av enkät. Urvalet omfattar totalt 300 stycken anställda, respondenterna var jämnt fördelade mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna för att göra en så rättvis undersökning som möjligt.Jag har valt att mäta Organizational misbehaviour i följande variabler (1) om de anställda använder Internet till privata syften (2) ringer privata samtal på arbetsgivarens telefon (3) gör privata ärenden på betald arbetstid (4) om det förekommer skämt om sina kollegor och chefer (5) stöld på arbetsplatsen.Jag har kommit fram till att det finns en skillnad mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna. Denna skillnad beror främst på vilka möjligheter de anställda har genom sin anställning. Det har visat sig att om de anställda har tillgång till Internet och en fast telefon som betalas av bruket så ökar frekvensen bland de anställda att begå handlingar som kan kopplas till organizational misbehaviour bland de anställda.

Social Construction of Crisis: The Constructed Realities of SAS Ground Service Employees Regarding the Preparatory Period of Strategy 2011 Organizational Development Program.

The thesis explores an ongoing dialectical process between different levels of employees including top management to workers of Scandinavian Airline Service (SAS) regarding a new change program and to find out the possible social construction among them. In particular, it searches for the constructed reality of SAS ground service employees at Malmö Airport with regard to the preparatory stage of SAS Strategy 2011. A possible ambiguity in dialectical process is explored as it relates to an organization?s ability to effectively influence the understanding and identity of its employees through discourse.

Omorganisering som medicin - En uppsats om att organisera den svenska sjukvården

The health care is an important part of the welfare services in Sweden. Therefore it is of large interest that it is well performing. A part of this is related to how the health care is organized. This essay examines how the Swedish health care has been organized between 1960 and 1990 and what organizational changes that have been made to the health care. It shows that the Swedish health care has un-dergone many organizational changes the last decades.

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

Skiftesstrukturen i Dalarna : Från storskifte till om arrondering

The change of the Real property index map has met a lot of resistance in Dalarna.This is the reason that the parcel?s reform has not had the same impact in Dalarnaas in the rest of Sweden. In addition, even ?Laga skifte? (the reformation on propertystructure) was never effected in most areas of Dalarna. This has lead to thatDalarna has a unique property structure with many small and narrow parcels.Some argue, however, that the property structure has been the same for many centuries.The purpose of this thesis is therefore to study how the property structurelooked before ?storskifte? (the reformation on property structure) was done, howit was when äganderättsutredningen (the adjudication), in the 1970s, was accomplished,and finally how the structure looks when land consolidation has been implemented.For the template of the studies, seven different villages were chosen.The basis for the study was comprised of acts for each stage and each village.The study showed that change in property structure has occurred.

Gör som jag menar : En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

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