

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 44 av 68

Ett ?bra? intranät ? Ett framgångsrikt exempel på användarcentrerad systemdesign

We live in a stressful world and a demanding society where the ability to quickly adapt is one of the most important and most difficult challenges of today. A fairly new phenomenon called intranets has evolved to meet this challenge, however many examples of corporative intranets are stories about failures and systems with poor usability. This study focuses on how the user oriented approach to systems design affected upon a system development process of an Intranet, solely developed within a company, and how it impacts on the intranets popularity among the employees in the company. The study starts not from the literature but from a survey, which is based upon the Delphi method. Which results were used for further in-depth research about the subject, by interviewing three representatives from the company.

Användarmedverkan vid anpassning av ett gränssnitt för processtyrning

Syfte med denna fallstudie är att undersöka hur användarnas medverkan vid anpassningar av gränssnitt för ett processtyrsystem påverkar användbarheten av denna. Eftersom det är gränssnittet som användarna interagerar med är det viktigt att användarna involveras i anpassningen vid införandet så att hänsyn tas till deras behov och önskemål. I min fallstudie valde jag att undersöka processen för användarmedverkan vid anpassningen av ett grässnitt för ett standardstyrsystem ur användarnas perspektiv. Undersökningen är baserad på ett stort företag med ett nytt system för styrning och övervakning av tillverkningsprocessen, som nyligen implementerades dels på en befintlig produktionsenhet och dels på två nybyggda produktionsenheter. Olika kategorier av användare(operatörer)har kunnat identifierats: de som har erfarenhet av användning av ett sådant system och aktivt medverkat vid utformning av användargränssnitt, de som har erfarenhet men inte medverkat aktivt och de som inte har särskilt mycket erfarenhet av system användandet överhuvudtaget.

Sociala och emotionella interventioner i skolans värld. : Vad händer med karaktären hos eleverna?

The purpose was to investigate whether using two type of interventions (i.e., Four rooms of change in school and EQ- workshop) in addition to curriculum guidelines can affect character development in children 10-12 years of age. The data was collected using the test Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI; Cloninger, CR, 1994) in three elementary schools among students in fifth grade who had been involved in any of the two interventions for the past two years or no intervention at all.The J-TCI scales were used to, besides the seven personality dimension it measures, create a self-constructed empathy scale. A total of 55 participants were included in the study (girls n = 26 and boys n = 29). Statistical testing with MANOVA showed no significant main effect on empathy or any personality trait. There was however an interaction effect between intervention and gender on the character traits.

Användbar användarmedverkan : Är användarmedverkan positivt för systemutvecklingsprocessen?

Computer use at work has risen considerably over the past fifteen years and is currently a relatively common phenomenon when 76 percent of women and 72 percent of men using the computer in their daily work (SCB Arbetsmiljörapport 2009).According to Gulliksen and Göransson (2009), Sweden is one of the countries which are more advanced in the procurement of computer systems at work. He means that Sweden has unique opportunities and conditions for user participation in the development of computer systems, when the user has the right to influence their working environment through a law in the Work Environment Act. The paper examines the importance of user involvement in system development and the Swedish company's approach and experience of user involvement. To highlight and explore the importance of user involvement, there has been a case study in which users have been representative of the development process. The case study has been conducted on a case company where the system IST analys was in need of a new interface.

Utredning av undervattensbastu

Nordic Marine Sauna AB has, since 2005, designed, manufactured and sold floating saunas. Theproduct are characterised by a well thought thru and appealing design and its high quality. Thecompany is now intending to open a new business area by starting a subsidiary, NordicSubmarine Sauna AB, which will design submerged saunas. The expected customers are leisureand conference centres as well as customers that seek an experience out of the ordinary.Due to the products technical complexity a master thesis was adverted. The task was to do aninvestigation whether such a product is technically viable.The job involved research of existing products and constructions material as well as designingthe product with CAD and FEM-programs.

Träning av lexikal förmåga hos ett svensk-arabisktalande förskolebarn : Utredning och intensiv intervention av det svenska ordförrådet

Sweden has a growing proportion of children living in a multilingual environment. It is thus highly important that caretakers as well as professionals who meet these children have knowledge of multilingualism and its impact on language development. Also, an increase of referrals of multilingual children with suspected language impairment to speech and language pathology clinics is seen.The objective of this study was to investigate the linguistic ability in both Swedish and Arabic in a four year old child with suspected language impairment. A further aim was to implement an intensive intervention and evaluate the efficacy of it. Language testing in both languages showed that the boy?s greatest need was in the lexical domain.

Vad är viktigt? : Läroboken i biologi som förmedlare av kunskapsideal kring innehåll och mening

The aim for this paper has been to examine three textbooks designed for science education in upper secondary school in order to determine whether they convey any specific attitudes regarding what is considered to be ideal knowledge within the field of biology. The main focus has been to investigate if different types of design strategies have been used to emphasize certain values or attitudes and if this proves to be the case, how is this achieved specifically?                      For this purpose I have conducted several different qualitative linguistic analyses of the textbooks. The theoretical framework for the analyses lies within the main field of critical linguistics and more specifically in the context of systemic functional linguistics. The two main language models I have chosen to use for my investigations are functional grammar and multimodal text analysis.                      My results imply amongst other things that by conducting an overall assessment of the headlines in the textbooks a fair assessment can be made of which overall attitudes the books convey.

LMSim, cacheminnessimulator för utbildningssyfte

Cache simulator is a tool to increase the understanding of a cache memory. Therefore cache memory simulation is included in the course Computer Engineering IS1200 at the Royal Institution of Technology. The purpose of this project is to develop a cache memory simulator for education. The existing MipsIt and Mips Simulator which is currently used in IS1200 has been the main source of inspiration. This resulted in the development of the cache memory simulator LMSim.

En studie av IT-miljön och dess användning inom förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of IT technology within preschool and study how IT tools are used by preschool staff for administrative as well as pedagogical assignments. Several aspects affects the work preschool staff do with IT which concerns availability to technology, how technology is used and how technology is made available for the children. There are a number of questions linked to these aspects where some examples this study examines are which advantages, disadvantages, obstacles or other limitations that comes with introducing IT? This study also examines how, when and in what contexts IT is being used? Other questions examined are the pedagogue?s general views of IT, competence development and eventual needs of investment? Further on this study examines to some part how children interact with IT during pedagogical activities? The overall objective is to shed light on problems that preschool staff encounter  in their daily work and on the basis of identifying important questions at issue that could constitute a basis for further research. The results of this study are based on both a literature review and a field study.

Från digitalt utanförskap till digital gemenskap : En hypotetisk väg till digital gemenskap

We are in an emerging digital society where we are increasingly dependent on the mastery of IT and digital technologies to better carry out our everyday tasks. They cover everything from keeping in touch with family and friends to pay bills and declare. At the same time there are those who have not learned how to use the new technology and live their lives outside of the digital society. What happens to these people, in a society that is becoming increasingly digitized? Do they take harm by being in digital exclusion? It looks like this are issues that will not become less important as digital technology constantly changes.

Blödningsbenägenhet hos bengalkatter :

During the years 2005-2007 several cases of abnormal bleeding were seen after surgery in Bengal cats on veterinary clinics and animal hospitals in Sweden. In this study we have examined if the observed bleedings are due to an inherited defect of the coagulation cascade. Ten Bengal cats were tested for activated partial thromboplastin time (P-APT-time) and one-stage protrombin time (P-PK), and nine of these cats were tested for fibrinogen quantity (P-fibrinogen). Four of the tested cats had shown signs of an abnormal bleeding after surgery, and five of the cats were genetically related to these cats. One cat had a small bleeding wound at the internal base of the right auricle.

Användbarheten på högskolornas och universitetens hemsidor ur studenternas perspektiv.

Problemområde: En del av de högskolor och universitet som har hemsidor har inte lagt så stor vikt på användbarhet då deras funktionalitet brister. Det är svårt för deras studenter att på ett så enkelt sätt som möjligt nå den information de behöver. Hypotes: ?Användbarheten på högskolornas- och universitetens hemsidor kan förbättras med hjälp av att krav ställs från studenterna.? Genomförandet: För att undersöka hypotesen har tre undersökningar gjorts. Den första var en granskning av de utvalda högskolornas och universitetens hemsidor av författarna. Undersökning nummer två gjordes med hjälp av enkäter som studenter vid de utvalda högskolorna och universiteten fick svara på.

Testbänk för motorbåtsdrev

Marinediesel has, to meet there customers needs for a suitable sterndrive to powerboats, developed a prototype. The prototype is currently in the testing phase. The opportunity to test the sterndrive under load inside the workshop has not previously been possible. Until now the drive has been tested in a test bench without any load on the propeller axle. The prototype has also been tested under real conditions mounted on a boat.The idea with my thesis was to create a test bench that can run around the clock in order to be able to test things like wear and service intervals and other things that require that the test interval is long.

Centrerad användarhjälp? : en fallstudie vid Kriminalvårdsverket

Denna fallstudie avser att undersöka vilka behov användarna vid Kriminalvårdsverket har av att få de hjälpfunktioner som finns i verksamhetens applikationer samlade till en och samma plats. Definitioner om hur applikationer skall vara utformade för att uppnå god användbarhet förklaras, för att senare länkas ihop med det resultat som inkommit genom en utförd enkätundersökning av användarna i verksamheten. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen tillsammans med egna och andras teorier diskuteras i slutet av uppsatsen. Det visar sig att det centrala problem som finns i verksamheten inte är direkt knutet till att man samlar användarhjälpen på en och samma plats, utan verksamheten lider av stora organisatoriska problem såsom bristande utbildning i de olika programmiljöerna, skiftande kompetens och ovilja hos användarna att utnyttja de olika applikationerna som finns i verksamheten. I uppsatsen föreslås en rad konkreta punkter att tänka på, innan arbetet med att samla användarhjälp på en och samma plats kan påbörjas.

Skattningar i gallringsskog med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning : beräkningar med massaslutenhet

This master?s thesis is a remote sensing study of an area-based method used to detect forest in need of thinning by use of laser data and field samples. Only pine-dominated forest has been included in the study and height limits were set to match empirical restrictions. The study area was in the municipality of Älvsbyn (Latitude 65° 40´ N, Longitude 21° 00´ E), in northern Sweden.The Swedish authority Lantmäteriet is currently laser scanning most parts of Sweden, providing new opportunities and applications. The primary aim of the national laser scanning is to create a new elevation model, useful in consequence analysis of climate changes.

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