

1283 Uppsatser om Religion. - Sida 5 av 86

Man och kvinna i tvåsamhet, Amen : en studie om debatten kring samkönade äktenskap i religiös media

The purpose of this thesis is to present a number of examples of how the debate concerning same-sex marriages in Sweden was conducted in religious media between the year of 2005 and May 1st 2009. I intend to examine if and how these debate articles can be descibes as examples of religion taking part in the public sphere according to José Casanovas theory of deprivitization and public religion (1994) and Jürgen Habermas theory of religion in the public sphere (1964, 1989, 2006, 2008). I will apply the theories to the material by using four criteria for public religion, based on Casanovas and Habermas two theories, designed by Marta Axner. I also intend to compare the arguments used in the material to the arguments found in Marta Axners dissertation Public Religions in Swedish Media (2013). To identify these arguments a textanalysis containing seven argumentschemes, designed by Gunnar Björnsson (1994), is applied.

Samisk fr?nvaro i religionskunskap. En kritisk diskursanalys av l?romedel med postkolonialt perspektiv

Samer m?ter dagligen f?rdomar och okunskap vilket ?r n?got som kan f?rebyggas om samh?llet och skolan inkluderar kunskap om dem och f?rmedlar samiska perspektiv i undervisningen. Denna studie vill med en postkolonial teori och en diskursanalys utifr?n Foucault och Denscombe unders?ka om och hur olika l?romedel f?r ?mnet religionskunskap behandlar samisk Religion. Syftet med studien ?r ocks? att unders?ka om koloniala m?nster kan urskiljas i l?romedel f?r religionskunskap och hur f?ruts?ttningarna ser ut f?r l?rare att undervisa om samisk Religion.

Bibeln är vårt rättesnöre : Religion, företagsamhet och entreprenörskap bland Plymouthbröderna i Småland

The aim of this study is to examine the Christian community called Plymouth Brethren and how they interpret religion in relation to their entrepreneurship and business practices. The community has a strong faith in God, uses the Bible as the guiding principle in everyday life, and also has the ambition to live together within the group in seclusion from the rest of society.Based on interviews with Plymouth Brethren in the county of Småland, the study describes how they perceive the relationship between the Christian faith and entrepreneurship and practice religion in the context of their family business. As the study illustrates the Christian faith is significantly motivating their enterprises of business and the Bible is their guiding principle even when it comes to how they should run their businesses..

Gymnasieelvers attityder och engagemang till ämnet religion

Lärare försöker göra sitt bästa i att försöka inspirera elever. En avgörande del i att försöka inspirera en elev är att försöka förändra elevens attityder till att bli mer positiva till ämnet. Denna studies syfte är att försöka avgöra vilka förutsättningar det finns för lärare att engagera elever genom att inspirera dem. Därför har jag gjort en enkätundersökning bland 104 gymnasieelever som går första året på gymnasiet och undersökt deras attityder till ämnet religion, deras engagemang i att lägga ner tid och energi i ämnet och sambandsnivån mellan de två företeelserna. Resultatet visar att elevernas attityder till ämnet religion kan betraktas som relativt positiva, men inte i jämförelse med tidigare undersökningar i elevers attityder till skolverksamheten i allmänhet.

Avislamisering och religiös påverkan i det svenska samhället : En studie om tio muslimers praktiserande av Islam

What impact does the Swedish society have on the practice of Islam? That is the main topic of this thesis.As a result of migration, the distinction between a specific region and a culture or religion has been mixed. Islam is not just part of the Middle East but is more and more institutionalized in the Western, and the Swedish society. Sweden, which is one on the most secular countries in the world, has developed into a country where the view on religion have been privatized. Religion can be practiced, but not in public.

Mandeism i Sverige : En antik religion söker sin identitet i ett västerländskt samhälle.

From being an exotic small religion that has existed at a fading presence in southern Iraq and Iran mandeism has moved to the West and Sweden. As more and more Mandaeans encounter a new culture and a new society in Sweden it affects not only them as individuals but also their religion mandeism. In this essay, I have begun to examine how Mandaeans think about their identity and Religion. I have taken my starting point in a broad theoretical discussion of identity, religion and secularisation. Mandeism is a gnostic religion that probably has its roots in today?s Israel / Palestine and sees John the Baptist as the last prophet.

Banden mellan historia och arkiv

Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.

Vad betyder Gud och livet för tonåringar?

The aim of our thesis was to gain greater knowledge of how young people relate to religion, religiosity and life, and this behavior might show influences of a gender perspective. Part of the aim was also to have greater awareness of how our education should include a gender perspective. To get to this goal, we have assumed the qualitative investigation method which we discussed with a number of students who read last year of high school. First, the interviews were aimed to let students talk about matters concerning religion and life. The next step was to examine their thoughts with a gender perspective as a starting point.

#yogaeverydamnday : En analys av religiösa och andliga uttryck och beskrivningar på Instagram

In recent years, the Internet has exploded with different kinds of social media, where a significant function is to share your life in text and images. This changes how we form our identity, our religious identity included. The aim of this paper was to study how Instagram forms a space for the creation and development of religious and spiritual beliefs. For this purpose, Instagram updates from five women with yoga oriented Instagram accounts have been analyzed in relation to two theories: Paul Heelas? och Linda Woodhead?s theory of a spiritual revolution and Heidi Campbell?s theory of networked Religion.The aim of the study was to explore how these women presented themselves in their Instagram flow and what part religion and spirituality had in their presentations.

"Särskilt inte här i Sverige" : en studie av hur genus och religion framställs i läroböcker för gymnasieskolan

The aim of this paper is to examine how gender and religion is described and portrayed in relation to one another in Swedish textbooks. The research questions used in order to reach the aim of the study is what interpretation of gender and feminism is represented in the textbooks and is the gender perspective consistent regarding all religions described in the textbooks, or does it vary depending on which religion that is described?This study is based on four Swedish textbooks used when teaching religion in Swedish upper secondary school. The books chosen are published after the most recent curriculum for the upper secondary school, published in 2011. The curriculum gave new directions stating that questions of gender in relation to religion should be a part of the education.

Yezidier i Sverige : Diaspora, religion och identitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att få en bild av yezidiernas religion och deras liv i exil. Hur yezidier ser på sin identitet och möjlighet att utöva sin religion i Sverige. I uppsatsen finns en kort forskningsöversikt av de centrala delarna i yezidismen. För att få svar på mina frågor har jag använt kvalitativ intervju som metod. Undersökningen är gjord i form av djupintervjuer med yezidier bosatta i Hässleholms kommun.

Världens viktigaste oviktiga sak : kan fotboll fungera som religion?

Fotboll har under de senaste 100 åren växt till att bli en enorm företeelse i Sverige och övriga världen. Att vara fotbollsintresserad är idag en vanlig sida hos många människor, i Sverige och i övriga världen. För vissa är det identitetsskapande, och så viktigt att allt kretsar runt det fotbollslag man följer. Livet i övrigt kommer i andra hand. Det finns de som säger att fotboll är viktigare än religion för dem, eller att det är fotboll som är deras Religion.Jag har i detta arbete försökt se om fotboll kan vara en religion eller fungera som en Religion.

Religion, utveckling och social förändring - en religionspsykologisk studie av analys av religion inom utvecklingsarbete

The role of religion, of religious individuals and organizations, is currently discussed within both a private and public sector of development. I have viewed documents from the World Bank and DFID where the religious presence is a growing fact and previous theories that religion would disappear with economic development have been abandoned. As a result DFID conducted a large study on the importance of religion for development work, RaD 2005-2011, under the directions of Professor Carole Rakodi. Rakodi (2011) concluded that religion was highly related to the success or failure of developmental projects, and to understand the values people had religion needed to be understood within its specific cultural context. She developed an analysis model to conduct this work.

?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK? : En fältstudie som undersöker turismens påverkan på balinesisk religion och kultur

[?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK?] The purpose of the following study is to examine the relationship between tourism and religion in a Balinese context. We look specifically at changes in religious practice, culture and mentality, as well as how religious philosophy is used as a tool for limiting the negative impact of tourism. The methods used are semi-structured interviews and participant observations. Central themes in the following essay are globalization in the form of tourism, westernization, subsystem theory and capitalism, which also make up the theoretical framework.

Målar författare till religionsläromedel med bred pensel? : - En kritisk undersökning av fyra gymnasieläromedels framställning av buddhism

This study is based on qualitative and hermeneutic methods. The investigation summarises how four textbooks present Buddhism in (school) subject Religion, such as texts and images. Two of them are used in Religious studies A, the rest is used in Religious studies 1. The study rests on the theories of orientalism and christocentrism, where both can be related to the concept of making secondary. In the research background there are descriptions of how the western world looks upon Buddhism in a historical perspective, but also how Buddhism in a modern age is represented.

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