8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 66 av 568
Audiologisk grupprehabilitering och dess eventuella effekter : en litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Audiologisk rehabilitering definieras som interventioner i form av instruktion, counseling, hörapparatutprovning och kommunikationsträning vilka används för att minska hörselnedsättningens påverkan på individens funktion, aktivitet, medverkan och livskvalitet. Audiologisk rehabilitering kan utföras såväl individuellt som i grupp. Grupprehabilitering kan vara kostnadseffektivt. Frågan är om audiologisk grupprehabilitering har några positiva effekter och om detta format kan anses likvärdigt med individuell rehabilitering. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva audiologisk grupprehabilitering och dess eventuella effekter.
Interaktivt visuellt säljstödssystem
The purpose with this study was to elucidate the pros and the cons with a sale support system. This has been narrowed down into two questions: ?What are the pros and cons for a company that have a sale support system? and what are the pros and cons for a company that does not yet have a system?? Configurator that is a sale support system has been studied. It is a system that presents products by accepting different functions, qualities or parts that are possible to match. It can be used in business-to-business or business-to-consumer situations, through different sale channels, namely direct sale, indirect sale and online sale.
Cellulosa : en alternativ isolering med hänsyn till brand och fukt?
AbstractThis master thesis was performed at Scania transmission department in Södertälje, where the manufacturing of gears is done. Today a large amount of manual handling is performed between the machining and the hardening process. Most of the manual handling is done at the heat treatment department. The purpose of this master thesis is to give a suggestion on how to reduce or eliminate the manual handling at the heat treatment department. The possibility to use the same packaging throughout the processes will also be investigated.
System 348 - Rekombinator : Analys av reglerproblematik vid O2
In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.
Webbaserat ordersystem samt CRM.
The author of this report has created a Web-based invoice system and CRM at therequest of the company Webhouse.se. The purpose of the System is to makeeveryday tasks in the company easier. The system also needed to prevent mistakesand errors by managing orders and invoices.The system has been created with the company?s requests in focus. During thedevelopment of the system information security and interaction design have beenimportant aspects that have been taken into consideration.The system has been created using techniques such as PHP and MYSQL.
Behovsstudie för implementering av ett informationshanteringssystem i el-utvecklingen på Volvo Car Corporation
VSEM project and the need for a more efficient way of handling requirements andinformation are highly apparent.The overall objective of this thesis is divided into two parts:1. To identify criteria/factors leading to a successful introduction of an informationmanagement system.2. To develop an implementation process for a requirement management system ?the first step towards a PLM system in EE development at VCC.This will be done through interviews with employees, a literature review and an analysisof studies of three earlier projects within VCC.The conclusion of this study shows the great need for change in work methods fordesigners handling information and requirements. An implementation process has beenidentified with guidelines on how to handle different phases of the process.
Liten förändring, stor skillnad : En kvalitativ studie om logotypers påverkan på den visuella identiteten
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of logotypes within the visual identity and identify possible reasons that motivate companies to change their logo. This paper should also clarify how different parts of the visual identity affect each other and how they are interconnected. The thesis research question is formulated with the purpose in mind and has led to the following question: How can a logo change contribute to enhanced visual identity? Since we wanted to obtain a better understanding of the chosen research area with help of interviews have we chosen a qualitative method for this thesis. During the process we have let the empirical material control the chosen theories.
Funktionsbedömningar i arbetslivet Hur rehabiliteringsaktörer definierar viktiga aspekter i en funktions-bedömning av den vuxna människan
Arbete har en stor påverkan på individens liv. Det ger förutsättningar för att kunna försörja sig och är del av ens identitet. Förlust av förmåga att arbeta är både negativt för individen och samhället. I arbetet med den vuxna människan i arbetslivet har arbetsterapeuter, trots stor kunskap och kompetens gällande människan i aktivitet, en begränsad utbredning inom arbets-rehabiliteringen, speciellt inom företagshälsovården. Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera viktiga kategorier vid en funktionsbedömning.
Test och verifiering av en ny inkapslingsmetod för SiC BJT och MOSFET
The use of silicon carbide (SiC) as a base material in power electronics has manyadvantages, including high breakdown voltage and excellent temperature endurance.However, the packaging of such electronics presents major challenges and there is aneed for packaging that can operate in higher temperature. The purpose of this thesishas been to develop a test method and verify the functionality of SiC powertransistors prototypes with a new packaging technique developed by Swerea IVF AB.It includes setting up an electrical test-bed for power and high temperature cyclingand analysis of the results. Even though test confirmed functionality after thepackaging process, (at room temperature) the performance seemed to have been reduced. This could be a result of the measurement setup and the packaging process.In higher temperature the transistors failed to operate longer than a couple ofminutes which showed the weaknesses in the design and the challenges with this typeof packaging..
Personalpolitiken ? en dynamisk process
En studie av personalpolitiken hos ett mellanstort tjänsteföretag; dess syften, effekter och utveckling Syftet med denna uppsats är undersöka personalpolitiken hos Sparbanken i Karlshamn som är ett medelstort, enskilt tjänsteföretag. Vår avsikt är att utreda dess syften, effekter och utveckling. I uppsatsen har vi använt kvalitativ metodteori och utifrån denna intervjuat tre personer från fallföretaget. Respondenterna har noga utvalts och det empiriska materialet har baserats på personliga och fokuserade frågor. Vidare har vi använt oss av andra observationer och kontakter med personer väl insatta i området samt sekundärdata.
Verksamhetsstyrning i grundskolan - En väg till goda förutsättningar för inlärning
This study investigates how performance management in primary schools can facilitate learning, relating to theories of efficient schools. This is done through a qualitative study of the performance management systems in two public primary schools in Sweden. The schools selected were similar in all major aspects, except pupil grades, where there was a clear difference between the schools. The analysis revealed differences in how the schools handled the process of management by objectives, the professional development of teachers as well as routines, rules, and policies. We conclude that having a rooted process for management by objectives, professional development of teachers, and clearly formalized values, gives a school a good foundation to support a pupil's learning and development..
Digitalisering av kulturarvet En studie av digitalisering vid två museer
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how two separate museums have realised the task of digitizing their collections, as well as to learn what options, possibilities and resources have been available to them during this process. Additionally, the aim here is to find how the two museums have dealt with problems in connection to the digitization projects, since there are as-of-yet no established regulations or standards to guide them in their digitization efforts. However, national and international working groups seeking to establish better collaboration between archives, libraries and museums ALM institutions have recently begun to formulate recommendations and suggested standards. Some of these recommendations have been used here as a theoretical framework in the examination of the two museums. The research questions posed are: What options, possibilities and resources have been available to the museums in their digitization projects, in terms of economy, staff, technical equipment and time?; For what purpose are the museums digitizing their collections?; and How does their purpose influence the process and chosen procedures? Also discussed here is how the museums relate to some of the existing recommendations.
En uppgörelse med unkna ideologiers våld
Hedemyr?s project has been about finding a meaningful position of utterance and a language for her practice. The general theme is performative art in public spaces.This text is a meta-narrative about this development and transformation process. It is also a proposal for choreographic practice as text, and thus a suggestion for what performative text could be.Her master project includes three intertwined parts. The foundation is an ongoing ?doing?.
Sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnaden av patienter med suicidala tankar
Nurses have an important role caring with the suicidal patient as they often are the first to encounter these individuals. In order to develop their skills, nurses need to understand the complexity of the problem around the thoughts of wanting to die. The purpose of the study was to compile and elucidate research that describes how nurses can provide care to suicidal patients. The method used was a literature review. The results were divided into seven themes that can guide the nurse in the work: to be there, give time and listen, to recognize and assess risk factors, working in a team, to be attentive to own attitudes, to give hope, to be able to process their feelings, increased knowledge of the causes of suicide.