

1162 Uppsatser om Region Skćne. - Sida 61 av 78

Contortatallens roll för virkesförsörjningen pÄ Holmen Skog, Region Iggesund : konsekvensanalys av fyra hushÄllningsstrategier för contortatall

Large areas of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) were planted in the 1970s - and '80s. The purpose of the fast-growing species was to increase growth and with short rotation periods allow a rapidly increased harvest level. Today a large proportion of the young forests owned by Holmen Skog, Iggesund are covered by Lodgepole pine and an active forest management is required to spread the harvested volume over time which is desirable by a market perspective. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibility of spreading the harvested volume of Lodgepole pine over time.

Vivlar pÄ prydnadsbuskar - nya arter eller förÀndringar i födopreferenser?

During the last couple of years leaf-edge-cuts, typical to Otiorhynchus wingless-weevils, have been discovered on ornamental shrubs, especially Syringa vulgaris lilac and Ligustrum vulgare privet. These plant species have not earlier been attacked by wingless-weevils and because of that, the aim of this study is to see if new species of weevils have been established in Sweden or if the domestic weevils have changed their food preferences. This work also includes a literature study of known weevil species in Sweden and their host plants, and of wingless-weevil species in Europe that could be invasive here. Locations, where damage to previously named plants has been reported, have been examined. The extension and appearances of the damages have been documented in order to study if different weevil species make different types of edge-cuts.

Varför uppförs sÄ fÄ bostadsrÀtter med passivhusstandard i Sverige? : En fallstudie mellan ett passivhus- och en konventionell fastighet

Abstract Background: In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was signed, it?s an international agreement which is aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden's goal is to reduce energy using in buildings with 20 percent by 2020 and 50 percent by 2050. This is a comparison with levels from 1995 (Glad, 2006). For Sweden to be able to reach its goals, they need to construct more low-energy buildings (Åhman, Wahlström & Lundblad, 2010).

Systematiserad erfarenhetsÄterföring inom byggbranschen. Ett arbete för att minska Äterkommande produktionsfel inom Tuve Bygg.

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. VÀstfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the VÀstra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage VÀstfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for VÀstfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

Zakrisdal : OmrÄde i förvandling

Zakrisdal and the west coast region of Karlstad was at one time a protected area where the ammunition factory AmF Zakrisdal 1941-1994 was situated. This factory manufactured explosives for the Swedish armed forces and for export. In this context it is an interesting paradox that the production of ammunition, mines and armorpiercing grenades for more than 50 years has preserved the environment surrounding the factory.The factory is now gone and the production is moved to Karlskoga. Plans are being made to build housing for 3-4000 residents and other enterprises within the area. The area now stands before yet another change, most likely the most profound to date.The inspiration for this work comes from the economic historic Jan Jörnmark.

I en ny allmÀnhets tjÀnst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förÀndrat medielandskap

ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.

Skiktning och strukturell utveckling i unga naturlika skogsplanteringar: :

Multilayered woodland types are an important part of the urban forest. The knowledge how to establish and maintain such plantations are not as deep as other knowledge fields concerning forestry. Therefore this study has looked upon how to achieve multilayered structures in young nature-like woodland plantations. As a theoretical base for the study three different major knowledge culture have been studied that concerns the subject, ecology, forestry and landscape management/design. This three theoretical framework concludes that many natural processes strive in the opposite direction of multilayered structures in their youth.

Östra Afrikas kustnĂ€ra skogsomrĂ„de : en viktig region för biologisk mĂ„ngfald

LÀngs Afrikas östkust frÄn Somalia till Mozambique löper en tropisk skogsremsa som uppvisar en fantastisk variation i artsammansÀttning och utgör habitat för en mÀngd endemiska arter. Regionen Àr sÄ unik att bÄde Conservation International och WWF anser att den bör prioriteras för bevarande insatser. De kustnÀra skogarna erbjuder ocksÄ en mÀngd tjÀnster som mÄnga mÀnniskor Àr beroende av. Skog förhindrar jorderosion, Àr hem Ät pollinatorer och lagrar upp koldioxid. Mangroveskogar stabiliserar kustomrÄden och de för lokalbefolkningen heliga Kaya-skogarna i södra Kenya erbjuder ett kulturellt vÀrde. Den stora befolkningen som lever i omrÄdet gör att mÀnsklig pÄverkan utgör ett betydande hot mot regionens biologiska mÄngfald. Det största hotet utgör det vÀxande jordbruket som ska försörja en allt större befolkning.


Syftet med studien var att kartlÀgga de kunskaper diabetesansvariga lÀkare och sjuksköterskor anser sig ha om sambandet mellan typ 2 diabetes (T2D) och parodontit samt om och nÀr information ges om parodontal sjukdom till individer med T2D. Data erhölls frÄn ett frÄgeformulÀr bestÄende av kunskapsfrÄgor samt frÄgor som skulle belysa vilken medvetenhet vÄrdgivarna har om sambandet mellan T2D och parodontit. MÄlgruppen var det totala antalet diabetesansvariga lÀkare och sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom primÀrvÄrden Region SkÄne i Malmö/Trelleborgs-regionen. Totalt sÀndes enkÀten ut till 91 personer pÄ 32 olika vÄrdcentraler. Svarsfrekvensen var 76 %.

JÀrnÄldersboplatser och historiska byar : En studie av agrara bebyggelsemönster i mÀlarbygder under 1500 Är

Following paper deals with the questions about prehistorian and medieval settlements in the MÀlar Valley and their relations to the historically known hamlets or single farmsteads from the 17th- and 18th-century cadastral maps. Models over settlement development through the period A.D 200 to 1700 done by geographers Ulf Sporrong and Dan Carlsson are tested and compared to the knowledge won by recent archaeological excavations. Is there a connection between the older settlements linked together by dry-stone walls and the late Iron Age settlements? Does the picture differ from the one presented for the Gotland region? How well are the general theories about different settlement development depending on basic natural conditions as for the potentials for cultivation and topography, corresponding to the physical remains?  Are there other factors involved when the settlement structure takes its form?The methods that are used here constitutes mainly of a comparison between different locations in the MÀlar Valley that has got a well known prehistory thanks to extensive archaeological excavations. Cadastral maps, soilmaps, topography maps and maps over ancient monuments are intertwined to the same map and analyzed through works in Geographical information systems.The results of this study reveal an interesting suspicion in the continuity-question through the Iron Age.

En uppföljning av floran i Enköpings vattenpark : kan anlagda vÄtmarker med vattenrening som huvudsyfte bidra till naturvÄrd och biologisk mÄngfald?

Wetlands are important ecosystems and form habitat for both common and threatened species. In Sweden, as well in many other places on earth, there is a lack of wetlands. There is an expressed will to adjust this lack through restoration of wetlands with reduced function and through construction of new wetlands. Follow-ups and evaluations are important steps to optimize these actions. The wetland Vattenparken was constructed 1999 ? 2000 for treatment of surface water.

Hur socialarbetaren uppfattar sin yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetaren inom ekonomiskt bistÄnd upplever sitt arbetssÀtt utifrÄn ett maktperspektiv

This study is intended to study how the social worker in financial assistance relates to the social workers exercise of its authority, regarding the Social Services Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. In concerning how the social worker treats and handles the cases of their clients, but also what significancethe organization's policies and goals have on the social worker?s role and the formation of their professional identity. To answer these questions the study chose a qualitative approach. Because the purpose of this study is to investigate the social worker?s personal beliefs about their way of conducting social work.

Det frÀmsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vÄrdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvÄrd

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

Godsterminalernas (om)lokalisering i stadsomvandlingen - DÄtid, nutid, drivkrafter och framtidsutsikter i Göteborgsregionen

För att förstÄ begreppet omlokalisering och dess orsaker Àr det viktigt att först studera teorier om begrepp som tillgÀnglighet, markanvÀndning, markpriser, förtÀtning och decentralisering. Begreppen pÄverkar pÄ olika sÀtt omlokaliseringarna och det Àr viktigt att genom empirisk forskning förstÄ hur de relaterar sig till varandra för att kunna tillÀmpa begreppen.Kartor Àr utmÀrkt som metod nÀr det handlar om att studera geografiska aspekter pÄ ett fenomen, som t.ex. rumsliga samband eller skillnader. För att studera hur ovannÀmnda begrepp pÄverkar en region som Göteborgsregionen, utfördes studier av kartor frÄn olika Är. DÀremot har metoden att studera kartor nackdelar nÀr de rumsliga fenomenen ska förklaras med varförfrÄgan.

VĂ€gen till ett effektivare förbĂ€ttringsarbete : En fallstudie ur ett process- och organisationsperspektiv hos Trafikverket Region Öst

Familjeföretagen dominerar mÄnga av vÀrldens ekonomier, och Àr speciella eftersom familjen ofta finns med i företagets ledning och styrelse. Just pÄ grund av slÀktrelationerna kan styrelseledamöter som Àr familjemedlemmar tÀnkas ge en speciell karaktÀr till styrelsen, som i sin tur kan tÀnkas pÄverka betoningen pÄ styrelsens funktioner, det vill sÀga de uppgifter styrelsen Àgnar sig Ät. Uppsatsens syfte Àr med detta som bakgrund att förklara slÀktbandens betydelse för styrelsens funktioner i familjeföretag.I uppsatsens teori behandlas familjen utifrÄn tre delar, vilka Àr om styrelseledamöterna Àr familjemedlemmar eller inte, hur nÀra slÀkt de Àr, samt om flera generationer inom samma familj finns representerade i styrelsen. De tvÄ senare delarna kombineras till nÄgot som kallas slÀktkoefficient, som anger ett medeltal för hur nÀra slÀkt styrelseledamöterna Àr. De olika styrelsefunktioner som teorin utgÄr frÄn Àr kontroll, hantering av resursberoende samt konfliktlösning.Undersökningen genomfördes genom tvÄ enkÀter samt genom insamling av kompletterande information frÄn AffÀrsdata.

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