

1162 Uppsatser om Region Skåne. - Sida 21 av 78

Barn i och kring kyrkobyggnaden fram till och med 1600-talet

The purpose of this essay was to find out if it is possible to:? Detect different groups of gender among children in grave materiel and church art and if that was the case, in what way?? What different groups of children can be seen in these two categories?? What does the material say about children's position in society? The time span is from early Christian time to 17-th century and the geographical region is Sweden and Denmark. I got my information from published literature and different pages on the Internet. The conclusions were that gender among children can be detected in both types of material but different groups were not ?visible? to the same degree.

Kampen mot de fyra storbankerna

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Finns det rätta livsmedelsvalet?

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Grabability - att utforma ett bokomslag som fångar köparens uppmärksamhet

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

The Swedish food retail market : An econometric analysis of the competition on local food retail markets

The Swedish food retail market contains of three major actors, ICA, KF and Axfood, all in all dominating 75 percent of the total market shares. The scant number of retailing actors indicates that the Swedish food retail market is a highly concentrated oligopoly, which as a fact has given rise to definite discussions and argumentations concerning the market situation. But is the food retail market imperfect and how do we reach a workable competition? Economic theory does not provide any clear answer on these questions, but is rather divided into two fundamentally different approaches to define competition: the static and the dynamic perspective on competition. In an attempt to examine the competition on local Swedish retail markets, the purpose of this study is to carry out an econometric model estimating the situation.

Miljöeffekter inom vägplanering : En utvärdering av den samlade effektbedömningens styrkor och svagheter

Detta arbete har genomförts i samarbete med Vägverket Region Mitt med syfte att utvärdera hur bedömningen i de samlade  effektbedömningarna är genomförda. En samlad effektbedömning är ett dokument som ska sammanfatta vilka effekter ett vägprojekt kommer medföra utifrån befintliga dokument. Bland annat brukar den samlade effektbedömningen bedöma miljöeffekter utifrån en upprättad miljökonsekvensbeskrivning. I den samlade effektbedömningen ska både de effekter som kan värderas monetärt och de som inte kan värderas ingå. Ett flertal miljöeffekter som påverkan på naturmiljö, markanspråkstagande och barriäreffekter är svåra att värdera monetärt och hamnar då under ej prissatta effekter.

Effektiv förvaltning och sökande politiker : Organisationsfo?ra?ndringars inverkan pa? kommunal demokrati, en ja?mfo?rande studie av kommunerna Mo?nstera?s och Mo?rbyla?nga.

This is a study of democracy on the local level. It?s a comparison between the municipalities of Mo?rbyla?nga and Mo?nstera?s in the region of Kalmar in Sweden based on most similar design. The question is if the structure of the political organisation affects the quality of democracy, with focus on the reorganisaton in Mo?rbyla?nga and the quality of the political process.

Sociala medier som strategiskt verktyg för professionella bloggare

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Om de svenska hushållens bostadsutgifter och bostadsutgiftsandel

Uppsatsen jämför och diskuterar hur svenska hushålls bostadsutgifter har utvecklats i relation till deras disponibla inkomst och/eller totala utgifter. Detta görs från 1980-talet till 2000-talet. Den undersöker också hur skillnader mellan olika hushålls bostadsutgifter som andel av disponibel inkomst varierar beroende på vilken inkomstdecil, geografisk region som hushållet tillhör, vilket år det skaffat sin bostad samt vilken upplåtelseform det handlar om. Avslutningsvis diskuteras om det finns en risk för ett prisras på den svenska bostadsmarknaden..

Leverantörsvalets kriterier i SME : I en bytesekonomisk kontext

The European economy today is built on small and medium sized enterprises (SME?s) and SME?s recieve a lot more attention in the litterature now. Even though SME?s have earned more attention in the litterature there is a significant lack of information regarding purchasing and supplier selection in these companies?. This report aims to create bigger understanding of SME?s and their purchasing by showing how seven swedish SME?s select their suppliers.

Vattenkvalitén i Fredstorpsbäcken - dikad bäck på fastigheten Rämningstorp i Skara kommun :

The estate of Rämningstorp in the region of Västergötland in southern Sweden is administered by the holding trust company Skogssällskapet i Skövde. In 1999 measures were taken by Skogssällskapet to drain the stream Fredstorpsbäcken as a means to increase the forest productivity of the surrounding lands, which are situated on the estate of Rämningstorp. Almost immediately after the drainage, the streamwater turned turbid and a landowner downstream reported the issue to the county administrative board of the region. The aim of this thesis was firstly to analyse the suspended matter that appeared during summer/autumn and secondly to explain why it came to be. Initial hypotheses for the explanation to the greyish turbid water were that it was either 1) a chemical/biochemical precipitate, or 2) an bacterial/algal blooming.

Flexibel assistent sökes : En sociologisk studie av språket i platsannonser där man söker efter personliga assistenter

Personlig assistans är ett nytt yrke. Lagen om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) instiftades 1994. Tidigare bodde personer som var i behov av personlig assistans antingen på institution eller i föräldrahemmet. Meningen med den nya lagen var att ge dessa människor ett själigt liv och en möjlighet att kunna leva ett så vanligt liv som möjligt.Denna uppsats handlar om språket i platsannonser där man söker efter personliga assistenter. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka ord som används i beskrivningen av brukaren och assistenten sam hur relationen mellan brukare och assistent ser ut i annonserna.

Innovationens ramar - en kvalitativ intervjustudie i kreativitetens begränsning och dess inverkan för grönare restaurangmenyer

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Betydelsen av en diversifierad eller en fokuserad strategi
på aktieägarvärdet: en studie av börsnoterade
fastighetsföretag i Sverige

Denna studie syftar till att ur en aktieägares perspektiv studera vilken betydelse för valet av diversifiering eller fokusering får på ett fastighetsbolags aktieägarvärde under tidsperioden 1998 ? 2008. Studien omfattar svenska fastighetsföretag från listorna Small Cap, Mid Cap och Large Cap på Stockholmsbörsen. Företagen har kategoriserats efter vilken utsträckning som deras fastighetsbestånd är fokuserade över olika fastighetstyper och ekonomiska regioner. Herfindahls diversifieringsindex har legat som grund för klassificeringen och har utvecklats och anpassats till fastighetsbranschen för att återge en verklighetstrogen bild.

Branding för distansarbetande kreatörer : Förbättra din nätnärvaro

In the fragmented network economy of toady remote work for creative designers becomes mor eand more prevalent. This is good for a number of reasons. Mainly, creative designers can find work inside and outside of their region irrespective of where they choose to live. However, competing for jobs in a global market is harder, and the online presence of the creatives becomes their main shopping window. We have conducted a study, interviewing digital creatives in Västerbotten.

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