

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 27 av 77

Operamaskerad i Stockholm 1925

I have examined the conditions for participation in an opera masquerade. Theoretical support has been found in Michail Bachtin, Richard Schechner and Judith Butler. The main study object has been a masquerade organised by the workers of The Royal Opera of Stockholm in 1925. The masquerade is examined as a social practise with distinct aesthetic framing. The analysis shows that the opera masquerade share some characteristics with the medieval carnival culture as described by Bachtin, but differ in many ways as well.

Spektralanalys av gammautbrott: En studie i ett av Universums mest energirika fenomen

Kosmologiska gammautbrott är bland de mest energirika fenomen som observerats i universum. Ursprunget för dessa kraftiga blixtar av gammastrålning är idag relativt okänt, men tros komma ur kollisionereller kollapser av tunga stjärnor.  Efter analys av data från detektorerna ombord på Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope visas  i detta arbete att spektrumet från GRB 080916C beskrivs väl av den enkla Bandfunktionen (två sammanlänkade potensfunktioner) och därför troligtvis kommer från en enkel strålningsprocess. Den starkaste kandidaten är synkotonstrålning, även om modellen idag inte till fullo kan förklara spektrumet på ett tillfredsställande sätt. GRB 080916C:s isotropa energi mäts till den extremt höga nivån ~ 9 x 10 (upphöjt till 54) erg. vilket är bland de högsta  som uppmätts för gammautbrott..

Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv

To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived aspainful by children. Therefore there is a need for something,which can distract children?s attention from their perceivedpain. During my graduation project, I discovered a designopportunity to work with suspended ceiling systems inexamination rooms, as there is not much to look at whilebeing examined.The result, Twig Ceiling is an interactive nature-inspiredbacklit module with colored LEDs. Twig Ceiling has onelayer of pattern that is visible when the module is not litand the second layer of pattern appears when turning onthe light.

Nätmobbning - en ny fråga : En studie om skolkuratorers kunskap och arbete med nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand school counselors knowledge and work with cyber bullying among students. Our study is based on the result from eight qualitative semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted with school counselors working at elementary and high school in the state of Kronoberg, Sweden. Our theoretical base is human services organizations, street level bureaucrats and acting space. Our study shows that school counselors have adopted cyber bullying in various ways which has an impact on their knowledge and systematical work regarding this question.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Hur tänker barn att de ser ut inuti? : Vad har 3- och 4-åringar för uppfattning om insidan av kroppen?

AbstractMy purpose of this essay was to discover three- and four-year-olds comprehension of their internal body and then compare the result between their ages. I have used the same methods in both essays, semi-qualitative interviews. It is structured interviews with space for following questions. My formulations of the questions were: Do the children have a comprehension of their internal structure of the body? Do the children have a comprehension of organs and organ systems? Is there any difference between the ages?Their comprehensions I have categorized in four categories and I have seen age related differences in their comprehensions.

Skadegörelse klotter nedskräpning förbjuden : Graffitiborttagning som ikonoklasm

This essay concerns graffiti, and in particular graffiti removal regarded as iconoclasm.Graffiti is described as a visual symbol laden with both negative and positive values, and sometimes as a meaningful expression in the urban public space. One problem with graffiti as a field of study is the diversity of both the meaning of the term as well as the diversity of the phenomenon itself. Therefore I have defined the term graffiti as follows: words and images painted on public walls by a person usually in an unauthorised manner. Specific examples of graffiti and related phenomena are presented. Within the Swedish anti-graffiti discourse the pejorative term klotter (scribbling) is used to describe what I above define as graffiti.

Att vistas i gaturummet : en studie av den offentliga gatans sociala kvaliteter

Denna uppsats syftar till att, utifrån en granskning av tre olikt gestaltade gator i Stockholm, belysa faktorer och förhållanden vilka gynnar eller missgynnar vistelse och därigenom påverkar möjlighet för möten och interaktion mellan människor. Vi ämnar visa hur Stockholms stad arbetar med sociala aspekter knutna till gator inom planering och gestaltning samt om det finns verktyg för utvärdering av sociala kvaliteter.Genom fallstudier av Sergelgatan, Götgatan och Hammarby allé erhölls resultat om respektive gatas förutsättningar för vistelse. Utifrån litteraturstudier av Jan Gehls och Jane Jacobs mest erkända böcker samt av Stockholms stads styrdokument vid planering och gestaltning av staden, analyserades observationerna av gatorna.Resultaten i studien bekräftar för det mesta Gehls och Jacobs teorier om hur offentliga rum bör gestaltas, med undantag från vissa upptäckter. Ett annat erhållet resultat är att Stockholms stads arbetsdokument inte är tillräckliga för att genomföra en detaljutformning av stadens gaturum. Dokumenten behandlar oftast en mer översiktlig planering och beskriver snarare ett synsätt än fungerar som konkreta hjälpmedel för planerare och arkitekter vid utformning av staden.En mångfald måste finnas i staden för att många kontakter, både ytliga och mer intensiva, ska uppstå och ge staden ett socialt liv.

Utopia Trek : utopibegreppets resa genom Star Trek

Humanity has always dreamed about a better world. These dreams has manifested themselves in the vision of Utopia - the good place, but also the non-existing place. Up until World War II man still wrote optimistic descriptions of this ideal world, and spread the idea through literature. In the aftermath of the atomic bomb and under the influence of the cold war, these publications seized to surface in literary surroundings. Despite this utopia did not die - it has only changed.

Skäggetorp : ett förslag hur stadsdelen kan integreras med övriga staden

Stadsdelen Skäggetorp är en förort cirka 4 kilometer från Linköpings centrum som uppfördes under miljonprogrammet det vill säga mellan 1965-74. Under dessa tio år uppfördes drygt en miljon bostäder i Sverige med avsikten att bygga bort den bostadsbrist och trångboddhet som då rådde. Efteråt har byggandet och stadsdelarna från epoken kommit att kritiserats hårt för att bland annat ha monotona och torftiga miljöer. Utemiljöerna var något som allt som oftast blev eftersatt vid byggandet på grund av att det rationaliserades och serietillverkning skedde. Förorterna från miljonprogrammet har även kritiserats på grund av den segregering som allt som oftast skett i dessa stadsdelar.

Riskuppfattningar kring spårspring : Fokus på lokförare och personal på Trafikverket

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Konkurrens mellan rådjur och dovhjort

The main purpose of this report is a first step to cover the scarcely investigated subject of interspecific competition between roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, and fallow deer, Dama dama. The report focuses on the distance between individuals of roe and fallow in the study area as well as which factors that is affecting the variation in distance depending on fallow deer group size and changing population density over time and in two areas. For additional information the history of the populations, such as harvest and distribution, is also investigated. The report came to the conclusion that interspecific competition between the species do occur. The elevated distance between individuals of the two species is clearly significant. The most important factor affecting the distance seemed to be the size of the fallow groups.

Vem skyler vem? : En religionssociologisk studie om kön och kvinnlig muslimsk identitet i Dagens Nyheter 1951, 1989 & 2009

This is a sociological study of religion that examines how gender and female Muslim identity is expressed during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in the swedish paper Dagens Nyheter in the year 1951, 1989 and 2009. The aim is to see who creates the image of Islam and Muslims in general and in particular the image of the Muslim woman and whose Islam is given space in the article material. The picture has changed with the increase in immigration from Muslim countries and that we have gone from a modern to a late modern society in which other patterns shape our identity. The historical summary of the paper Dagens Nyheter illustrates how the Swedish society is formed in relation to Islam and Muslims. It provides a deeper understanding of the problems in the swedish multicultural society today..

Fichtelius-affären och public service-ideologin

With this master thesis I wanted to find out whether Erik Fichtelius, an SVT employee, interview project with prime minister Göran Persson is acceptable according to the public service ideology. In order to do that I used Swedish newspaper articles to analyse the so called Fichtelius affair. I also gathered material on SVT and the public service ideology. The master thesis is based on sociologist Manuel Castells theories on mass media and television as presented in the Information Age. Castells claims that in our time different areas, such as politics and television, are melting together.

Prins Eugen som monumentalmålare : A study of mural painting as an artform

The aim of this essay is to examine the relationship between picture and room, between wallpainting and architecture. The basis for such exploration is the mural painting in Sweden at the turn of the 20th century, and the artist in focus is Prince Eugen (1865-1947).His works "Sommar"(1904), "Rimfrosr"(1909) & "Staden vid vattnet"(1922) and the rooms in which they are in make for an anlysis concerning how the totality of the space is experienced by the viewer.The main issue in mentioned expeience is how the mural is perceived with regard to the other elements in the room. And here, the walls' "flatness" enhancing its decorative qualities plays in. The problem with a mural built on the principles of perspective becomes evident when a wall is seen to vanish through the painting of an illusion on it..

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