

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 26 av 77

HBTQ och Folkbibliotek

Our thesis is an analysis of four librarians view on LGBTQ and which implications these views have on the practical work with LGBTQ issues in the public library. The three ideal types we can identify are the excluding, the including, and the normcritical approach. We also want to know if the four librarians? standpoints can be connected to the above mentioned ideal types. We can see that the area where the implementations of the three ideal types are most visible is the way LGBTQ material is displayed in the library space.

Det ihågkomna och det bortglömda : en undersökning om hur fyra historiska händelser presenteras i skollitteraturen

This essay is a textbook study where I aim to review four textbooks regarding some historical events in the subject History. The textbooks are used in junior high school and the historical events are as follows: the genocide that happened in Congo during the leadership of king Leopold II, the genocide on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, the Holocaust and the Vietnam War.By performing this study I wanted to answer these three questions:What differences and similarities can be found in how the events circumscribed?How much space do the various events have and has it evolved through the years 1980-2009?How can this be explained?The study has been analyzed from a post-colonial perspective and the recurring patterns that appear show how the texts are post-colonial. This means that the authors of the textbooks are writing about the same subjects, but in very different ways..

Nyhetskommentering på Facebook : En studie om hur deliberativa kommentarerna är på nyhetssajternas facebooksidor

The purpose of this study was to examine in which extent the comments about news inthe comment fields, on Swedish news sites Facebook pages were deliberative.To fulfill this purpose we used a quantitative content analysis as a method to interpretthe data that we collected about 2203 reader comments from three news sites Facebookpages. Ju?rgen Habermas theory about deliberative democracy together with theoriesabout public space and Web 2.0 were the theories we based our study on. To determinethat a comment was deliberative it had to contain an argument and be written withtolerance and respect. Our result showed that most comments lacked either one or bothof these criteria?s and therefore weren?t deliberative.

Kvalitet-i-Bruk för Beslutstödssystem inom Thoraxkirurgi

The aims of the practical work carried out for this thesis were to redesign a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgeons, called AssistMe, and to evaluate the concept behind this system. The main objective of the thesis is to give an account of the considerations that were found to be of key importance for designing a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgery. Another aim was to let future users test the system after it had been redesigned and evaluate the concept behind it. The thesis also investigates users? experience of the system and their views on whether it would be applicable in their daily work practice.

Belysning för immateriella rum -en lysande byrå

Bright Chest of DrawersThis project derives from a fascination of spaces which withonly light and shadow withhold a narrative value, which createsemotions and experiences with a minimum of objects. Iwanted to invesitigate light and lighting, and create a productthat can change the mood and experience of a spatial enviromentwith light. Questions I asked myself was: How do I relateto the spatial limitations that arise? How can I, with light asmy tool, give form to an immaterial value or state of mind?Will the object that illuminates be the most important factorof communication and meaning when I want to tell a story, oris it the light itself?The result became a chest of drawers that is lighted up frominside when you open the drawers. It serves a function as a unitfor storage of objects, but also makes us reflect of the importanceof objects, of how we define a spatial enviroment, andwhat we consider as private spaces in our home..

Normer, presentation och självrepresentation : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnor som bloggar

In this paper we examine how young women present themselves on their weblogs. The main purpose of this study is to get their own opinions and thoughts about their own blogging, to see if we can find norms for how they present themselves and how the presentation online matches themselves offline. We put this in relation to information technologies, social software and Computer mediated communication, CMC. It´s also in our interest to see how the phenomenon of blogs, its role and methods of communication have changed and developed in the last few years, and whether there are differences in the way people use it according to age. The major finding is that, unlike previous research, the women in our study tend to be themselves in their weblogs and they do not manipulate their identities.

Biggi förvaring : förvaringsskåp för utomhusbruk

Manne Bouveng, CEO of Optimel AB had an idea for a new kind of storage cabinet that could be adapted especially for townhouse owners. I came in contact with Manne by a familiar friend for us; we met and decided that it would suit as my thesis.What was needed to be done was a market research that would possibly show that there was a need for a new kind of storage cabinet on the market. Because of this we continued to work on the basic idea. We came up with a solution where we developed a box that resembles Optimels known mailbox Biggi Rondo, the storage cabinet is a new solution of a storage cabinet, adapted after a market that need of a lot of new space. The solution is based on a simple construction which sits an inside hang-off device which can attach tool hooks, tool holders and shelves and so on.The purpose of the assignment was to develop a new type of storage cabinet with some kind of solution to attach tools and other garden related stuff. With this we have succeeded and the concept meets the requirements we set ourselves at the beginning of the project..

Anytime-whatever : Om narrativ struktur och temporal upplösning i Stig Larssons Autisterna

This essay is reading the Swedish author Stig Larssons debut Autisterna [The Autists] (1979) in the light of Gérard Genettes narratology and the time philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. The focus of the essay is time and how it is seemingly dissolved. The essay maps out a chronology of the non-chronological novel and from there discusses the breaking up of the empirical time. The essay uses Deleuze to explore the time-image of the novel to see how it is built up in the text for example by literary anyspace-whatevers. Hence the title, Anytime-whatever.


Idrottsanläggningen Enavallen i centrala Enköping ska flyttas och ytan ska bebyggas med bostäder. Det geografiska läget och det faktum att området delvis gränsar till Enköpingsån, vars roll i staden Enköpings kommun har som ambition att utveckla, gör Enavallen till ett intressant område att studera. Området ligger dessutom nära befintliga villaområden, en prisbelönt park samt strax intill den centrala rutnätsstad som centrum utgör. Området studerades med analysverktyget Space Syntax för att ge en tydligare bild över de befintliga gångstråk som finns i staden. Analyserna visade att Enavallens potential begränsades av det faktum att ån spärrar av hela norra delen av området. Dessutom är idrottsplatsen, som upptar den största delen av ytan på Enavallen, till stora delar inte utformad för genomströmmande gångtrafik. En förutsättning för exploateringen av Enavallen är att antalet bostäder i området styrs av att försäljningen av bostäderna ska finansiera den nya idrottsplatsen som ska byggas på en närliggande plats.

Mat, gemenskaper & gränser : En etnologisk studie om matens betydelse och potential i migrationen till Sverige

Uppsatsens syfte är att, med hjälp av postkolonial teori belysa matens roll i några personers migration till Sverige. Nio stycken informanter har berättat om sina erfarenheter och minnen av hemlandets mat och maten i Sverige och på olika sätt diskuterat sin personliga och kollektiva utveckling ur ett matperspektiv. Resultatet visar att mat spelar en viktig roll för gemenskaps- och tillhörighetskänslan i sociala situationer samt att informanterna ibland upplever att de hamnar mellan två kulturella gemenskaper, ett slags ?third space? med möjlighet att föra dessa närmare varandra med hjälp av hybridisering. Mat blir då ett konkret sätt att både se och upptäcka den utvecklingen men också någonting att bygga nya gemenskaper runt..

Hållbar utbyggnad: En studie av stadsutvecklingen på Galoppfältet, Täby

Täby galoppfällt kommer att genomgå en förvandling som innebär att ca 4000 nya bostäder kommer att tillföras under en 15 års period. Täby kom-mun tillsammans med byggherrarna JM/Skanska och Viggbyholms fastig-hets AB driver projektet med målet om en sammanhållen, hållbar park i stad. I snitt flyttar svensken 11 gånger under sin livstid. Detta innebär att de som flyttar in i startskedet av utbyggnaden med stor sannolikhet kommer att hinna flytta ut innan hela stadsdelen är färdigt utbyggd. Att stadsdelens ut-byggnad sker på ett sådant sätt att målen om en hållbar och sammanhållen stad inte bara uppfylls i och med projektets färdigställande ut även bäddas in som en röd tråd under hela byggtiden är alltså mycket viktig.

Global Star V

En effektiv och populär grafisk effekt för realtidsgrafik är Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion(SSAO). Teknikens nackdel är brusiga artefakter som kan dämpas med blur filtrering. Detta arbete studerar upplevelsen av defekterna i SSAO med en användarstudie. Arbetet implementerar en renderare som renderar bildrutor från kameraåkningar och ett visningsprogram som används i experimentgenomförandet. Renderade bilder utan och med aktiv blur-filtrering visas för försökspersoner som får beskriva om de ser skillnader mellan bilderna och välja vilken bild de föredrar.

Framtidslayout för Motala Wire Work

This master thesis was conducted at Motala Wire Works Ltd (MWW) in Motala during the autumn and winter of 2007-2008. The thesis named ?Future layout of Motala Wire Works? focuses on making a better planed layout for the factory, which also take in to consideration future changes.Motala Wire Work produces wire mesh products of varying sorts for the white goods industry. The factory was started by Electrolux during the 1950?s.

Boulognerskogen : förslag till program för en stadslekpark

Boulognerskogen is a park in the central of Skövde that have had a health resort, paths for strolling, outdoor-bath, outdoor-sport areas and events. During the 1970:th there was a lack of interest for the park and very few visited it. By a motion from a resident in Skövde wich proposes that a city playground will be build in Boulognerskogen gave me an opportunity to investigate how the potential of the park can be used to create a funny and nice place to visit for children in company with adults. By a program that contains the main goals and design program for a city playground in Boulognerskogen, I wanted to present a proposal that could meet childrens needs to play and to use the conditions of the place to create places to play in, and where children in company with adults could be together. To reach this, I wanted to try different methods that could lead to a proposal that was well supported by children and adults, and wich was possible to use by the local authority in their further actions. The methods that I used was therefor an important part of the work. I have choosen to define the concept "city playground" as a greater playground situated in the center of the town that are suitable for outings and as a meetingplace, with a varation in playground attractions and promote children and adults to be together, aiming at younger children in the ages of 1-10 years in company with adults, but should also give space to activities of other groups.

Välfärd hos växande nötkreatur ? finns den?

During an investigation of animal welfare in animal production, the focus has for a long time been focused on the absence of stress, suffering and injuries, and positive emotions have not been prioritized. However, in recent years that has been drastically changed. The public interest have increased for buying animal products from animals that have had a decent life, which have led to that play, exploratory behavior and other positive behaviours has come to play a significant role in welfare assessment. The welfare of cattle is difficult to assess since there is currently no ancestors to study, it is thus difficult to determine which behaviors can be regarded as natural and thus positively related, acordingly the welfare of cattle have been forgotten and research on positive emotions of cattle have not been prioritized. The aim of this study was to observe which behavior growing cattle performe, and if there was any differences of which kind of behavior that was observed, if the cattle is keept on slatted floor or on a deep straw bedding. Furthermore, antoher purpose was to investigate if the observed behaviours indicate a positive, negative or natural welfare, and if it is possible to use the observed behaviours in a welfare assessment.

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