

8352 Uppsatser om Recruitment process. - Sida 2 av 557

Kommunal rekrytering i praktiken- platsannonsens betydelse vid tjänstetillsättningsärenden

This Paper examine how a municipality hire employees and in what way they use relevantlegislation in the Recruitment process. The purpose of this paper is to clarify one specific municipality and their recruitment process, where the selection of the candidates is in focus of the process.The premiss is that municipalities can hire whoever they want, although some legislation needs to be considered. The principle of objectivity, the precedence and prohibition against discrimination are some restrictions municipalities must be aware of and not contravene.Further on candidates have an opportunity to require probation of the legality if they experience that mistakes have been made with the recuritment. However, only members of the municipality can emphasise this request.The municipalities job advertisements conformation and demands will be clarified in the paper. Job advertisements has a validity regarding disputes refering to discrimination because only the advertisement can justify employers procedure and choise.

Rekryteringsprocessen och sociala medier : Hur arbetar olika HR-funktioner i Sverige med sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen

An increased use of social media has enabled a new arena for HR functions and the work with HR issues. Proponents are critical of this, as it can lead to ethical and legal dilemmas. So far the research on this area is limited. On this basis I found it interesting to study how social media is used in connection with the Recruitment process. Those who will benefit from this study are primarily those dealing with recruitment, but also others working with HR issues.

Förväntningar: Hur de Påverkar Motivationen hos Nyanställda

This paper aims at shedding light on the effects of a broken psychological contract in terms of job satisfaction. In a qualitative field study, the author researches seven newly recruites employees about their expectations when starting their jobs at the rapidly growing, Swedish company Klarna. Using Herzbergs two-factor model of hygiene and motivation factors as well as modern motivation theory, i.e. self-determination theory, the study answers questions as to what makes a candidate choose a company and what factors motivates as well as demotivates the recruit at the job, in the onboarding phase. The result is an attempt to describe what makes a recruitment process successful..

Från Facebook till ?Fakebook?? : Facebooks inverkan på rekryteringsprocesser och dess eventuella påverkan på individens profilutformning

Our purpose was to investigate when a specific phenomenon is taken out of context and used in a manner not originally intended for. Facebook is meant to be used in the private sphere as a way for individuals to communicate and keep in touch with family, friends and acquaintances. However, Facebook has begun to be used increasingly in the professional context like recruitment. We have through qualitative interviews explored how the respondents, professional recruiters and future job applicants, think about the use of Facebook in a Recruitment process. By applying theories dealing with roles and lifestyles we have been able to pinpoint our empirical data.

Pluginramverk för webbaserade spel

In order to attract talented consultants, Sigma, a consultant company, wanted an online game for recruitment. In the game, potential employees? skills could be tested to determine whether they are qualified for the job. This paper presents a general technique for creating such a recruitment game. The report generalizes the recruitment game to a level-based game for the web, where a player should be able to progress from one level to the next by solving a given problem.

Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?

The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.

Skilda världar ? Herrklubben kontra föredömet : En studie om rekryteringsprocessen till bolagsstyrelser i börsbolag och statligt helägda bolag

Background: Female representation on boards is an ongoing debate. The European Parliament voted in November 2013 in favour of a proposal that it should be at least 40 percent women on company boards by 2020. Jens Spendrup, president of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, was interviewed on Swedish Radio in February 2014 and stated that there are not enough qualified women to recruit to the company boards. The listed companies in Sweden only have 22 percent of women in their company boards and given Jens Spendrup?s statement should they have difficulty reaching up to 40 percent by 2020.

Vad efterfrågas av den : En jämförande studie mellan Socialförvaltningen, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this c-level essay shall try to illustrate how a good leader is formed. We have investigated what influences leadership style, personal characteristics or individual competence have when recruiting a new manager. This study has been carried out with comparative applications because we wanted to study the similarities and differences between the Unemployment Office, the Social Insurance Office and the Social Welfare Administration.We have used a qualitative method in interviews both with employers as well as the from the trade union representative?s perspective. Part of our results indicates that the trade union representatives and the employers are not always unanimous and do not request equivalent characteristics and knowledge at recruitment.

Rekryteringsprocess av maskinbefäl : en kvantitativ studie om hur tjänsterna ombord tillsätts

Syftet med det här arbetet var att kartlägga rekryteringsprocessen i svenska rederier och bemanningsbolag av maskinbefäl. För att ta reda på detta skickades det ut ett antal enkäter till personalrekryterarna i respektive rederi/bemanningsbolag. Studien är en kvantitativ undersökning för att få in ett så stort underlag som möjligt och därefter kunna få fram ett trovärdigt resultat. Resultatet blev att rekryteringsprocessen har påverkats av utflaggningen av fartygen och då framför allt för juniorbefälen. Det som personalrekryterarna ansåg som mest betydelsefullt vid nyrekrytering av maskinbefäl är rekommendationer från redan anställda i rederiet/bemanningsbolaget och fullständig sjöingenjörsexamen.

Diskurser om breddad rekrytering : Analys av några offentliga texter

The aim of this study is to investigate the discourses of widening recruitment to higher education in some political documents from the 21st century. The scientific method applied is critical discourse analysis as developed by Norman Fairclough. This implies the analyses of the actual texts, the social practice as well as the discursive practice, i.e. the conditions under which the texts are produced, distributed and consumed.The major results include four discourses: a post-modern discourse, a neoliberal economic discourse, a political discourse of multi-culturalism and a modern discourse with its roots in the 20th century?s discussions about social imbalance in recruitment to higher education.

Rätt person på rätt plats

Title: The perfect candidate ? the selection process in a global organization.Authors: Kariin Adolfsson and Simon LeetsaarIn today's society, it becomes increasingly current with correct person on correct place in theworking life. What requires knowledge about how to recruit in a professional manner andreliable ways. In many bigger organizations, there is today a human resources department thatonly works with recruitment of new employees. The purpose with our research is to describepersonnel selection process in a big swedish organization, how they work throughout theentire process.

Socialt stöd, krav och kontroll den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på ett bemanningsföretag

AbstractComing to new job is not that easy, sometimes the feeling of insecurity appears. Working for recruitment agencies includes constant changes of colleagues and places of work and at the same time one has two different managers. Who does the individual turn to when problems occur and who do the employed see as his/her manager? Why do people search for work in recruitment agencies? How does it feel not having a fixed place of work or colleagues and how do the aspects of this affect the employed psychosocial work environment? This is a few questions asked when we tried to find answers on the employed feelings about his/hers psychosocial work environment in a recruitment agency. The purpose of this study was to find a deeper understanding on employees working in a recruitment agency experiences their psychosocial work environment on the basis of social support, demands and control.

En arbetsmarknad för äldre arbetstagare? : -Om åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre i arbetslivet

The purpose of this essay is to examine for the age discrimination towards older people in the working life. The essay practice EU-law and national law to examine the age discrimination. It also looks for the limits towards age discrimination. A presentation of the rules will make it easier to see how employers are possible to get around the ban against age discrimination. This essay also illustrates how age discrimination emerges in recruitment processes and then how to discourage age discrimination.

Demografisk sammansättning samt beteende hos medlemmar i panel

The use of marketing research panels are a more and more frequently used source of information for studies within many different branches. The purpose of this report is to investigate the demographic composition of panels and compare it with the population of Sweden, a possible change in behaviour of respondents, and if the source of recruitment is the cause of possible differences in study results. The study was commissioned by Norstats Linkoping office. Sources for the data material include Norstat?s recruitment process and their two main panels with different recruitment sources.

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