

1858 Uppsatser om Record review - Sida 3 av 124

Hur påverkar energi- och proteinrik kost intaget av energi och makronutrienter?

Today 70 percent of the people residing in nursing homes are undernourished. One way to avoid that an individual is affected by malnutrition it is a necessity that the meals is customized after special needs current among other things as energy and protein. Food record is a method that can be used to examine and evaluate if an individual is getting sufficient nutrition and energy to cover the daily needs. For those suffering from malnutrition it is recommended to eat energy and protein enriched diet.AimsThe aim is to compare the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of elderly people living in a nursing home in southern Sweden before and after the introduction of an energy and protein enriched diet based on newly developed recipes.MethodsFood record was made during four days. Food record means that everything that is consumed by an individual is noted precisely.

När gamla lagar och nya teknologier möts : En diskussion om den illegala nedladdningen av musik idag

Research shows that almost 30 per cent men and 20 per cent women at the age of 16-24 in Sweden download music on a regular basis instead of buying records. Thanks to modern technologies teenagers of today have become used to downloading music illegally from theInternet. Even though legal alternatives, such as Spotify, have become popular, the behavior of illegal download of music still persists. What do record companies do to prevent this phenomenon and why do they go to such length to stop this widespread movement? The question is, why is illegal download of music a problem ? and for whom? To investigate this I?ve read books about the subject, analyzed web pages of alternative record companies and interviewed a drummer in a local band.

Användbarhetsutvärdering av en grafiskt visualiserad patientjournal

First-year students at Linköping University have developed a prototype that graphically visualizes a medical record in a new way. The customer of that project was the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Linköping University. They now want a usability evaluation to be performed of the prototype. The prototype is to be used by employees in the public health care and is supposed to be used on a small portable unit with a multi-touch interface. For this reason the prototype will be used as a complement to existing systems when the users work near the patients.

"Hur känd kan jag bli på fem veckor?" : En studie om distribution av musik via Internet.

Internet and the digital channels for distribution have meant big changes for the musicindustry. The physical record that has been symbolising this market for a long time is slowlybeing replaced by digital based music. The technical progress during the last ten years has ledto a democratization of music production. The amateur musicians of today can produce highquality music on their laptops and later distribute it via free music sites. MySpace andYouTube are two of the biggest sites for this free distribution and is therefore my main choiseof study.The purpose of this essay was to find out how and if these changes have made a difference formusicians without a record deal to reach an audience by themselves.

En Annan berättelse om världen : Om grön anarki och existentiell befrielse

ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.

Förekomst och lokalisation av gingivala retraktioner hos patinter mellan 20-29 år som behandlas på Tandhygienistprogrammet i Kristianstad

ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and the location as well as the registration of gingival recessions among patients between 20-29 years of age, who are treated on the Dental Hygienist Programme at the University of Kristianstad. The study was performed as a recording study, where the first page of the base record paper was examined. We examined 295 base records. The result showed that gingival recessions only were registered on 3 % (n=10). Most of the injuries, 53 % (n=157), had been registered as toothbrush trauma.

Mönsterspråk för hantering av konfigurationsdata i Java

Genom litteraturstudier samt praktiskt arbete med förbättringar av programvaran File Secure har ett antal lämpliga designmönster för konfigurationshantering i Java identifierats och applicerats. Den typ av konfigurationshantering som här avses innefattar inläsning från en databas till en objektrepresentation, samt ett grafiskt gränssnitt som låter användaren modifiera datat. Det antas att mängden data är förhållandevis liten, vilket har gett upphov till vissa förenklingar. Resultatet av arbetet presenteras i form av ett mönsterspråk för konfigurationshantering, innefattande designmönstren Domain Model, Active Record och det befintliga mönsterspråket Model - View - Controller. Detta kan appliceras i många olika sorters system..

Demokrati och lagprövning - Om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning som institution i demokratin

This essay concerns the issue of democracy and judicial review. The main focus is on the justification of both a positive and a negative attitude towards judicial review, and the values these justifications are based on. The analysis is made by textual analysis of four authors with different opinions of the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who has a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who are positive about it. In the analysis an analytic frame is used which consists of different dimensions and aspects of the problem of democracy and judicial review. The study shows that there are important differences in democratic values between a positive and a negative justification of judicial review.

Att dokumentera audiologisk rehabilitering - en studie om audionomens arbetsprocess och journalföring

Audiological rehabilitation is a complex process and can involve medical, educational, psychological, social and technical proceedings. The audiologist's part in this process is essential. The purpose of the study was twofold: to describe the audiologist's working process and to explore patient records written by audiologists according to structure, content and comprehensiveness. Method. Out of rules and regulations, code of ethics and literature concerning audiological rehabilitation from the audiologist's point of view, a model for the audiologist's working process was developed.

Dokumentation vid vård av patienter med demenssjukdom i palliativt skede på särskilda boenden : -En retrospektiv journalstudie

Abstract          Background: End of life is difficult to establish in patients with dementia and many patients die due to complications related to the disease. To document that care are palliative in this group of patients is not common among nurses and physicians. This may depend on that the palliative course is extended and not similar to the palliative course common among patients with cancer. Aim: To describe how the registered staff in nursing homes document the care of persons with dementia in a late palliative phase. Method: A retrospective record study with a deductive approach.

Smärtskattning vid bröstsmärta en kombinerad empirisk och litteraturstudie inom prehospital sjukvård

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) is used in the prehospital environment, and describe how patients 40 years and older with acute chest pain describe their pain with help of VAS. Further, to investigate how the literature describes other instruments to evaluate pain. Method: This was a descriptive study and used both literature and empiric material as foundation. The selection consist of the paramedics medical record from one emergency department, 100 men and 100 women with chest pain witch had been transported with ambulance to one hospital in middle of Sweden. A literature review was done in order to see what previous research recommends for pain rating scales.Results: The study showed that 71 (35 %) of 200 individuals pain were rated with VAS according to the guidelines for the ambulance department.

Kulturhistorisk värdering av rekordårens bebyggelse

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen ikulturvård, bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:21.

Tilläggsisolering - lönsamt enligt en livscykelkostnadsmodell?

It is found that the properties of the record years of 1965-1975 is leaking a lot of energy andthese properties are facing a major energy efficiency. From the energy aspect, the facade isafflicted with poor thermal insulation which is a big problem. To address this problem addinginsulation is a good alternative to reduce overall energy consumption of a building. Thewindows on these buildings are also a problem from the energy point of view. Therefore,there are many reasons considered for energy upgrading.

Katalogisering av ljudupptagningar: En komparativ studie av Statens ljud- och Bildarkiv och Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv

The aim of this thesis is to explore and outline the cataloguing of sound recordings at two main Swedish audiovisual archives, The National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images Statens ljud- och bildarkiv, SLBA and The Grammophone Record Archive of the Swedish Radio Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv and its data base GAMBA. As non-book, non-printed, material in many ways differs from printed material, the institutions that deal with this kind of material have often developed their own rules for the cataloguing of it. The general codes for cataloguing, AACR2 and KRS, are insufficiently suited for audiovisual material. That is the reason why the IASA Cataloguing Rules, presented in this thesis, have been created. After the presentation of the IASA rules the problems of accounting for important sections of the catalogue record are discussed such as title, statement of respeonsbility, performers, physical description and notes.

Bemötande efter plötsligt dödsfall. En litteraturstudie om närståendes behov.

The idea of this study was to critically examine and account for the result found in scientific articles from databases. The aim of this literature review was to investi-gate how nurses can encounter a bereaved person in a crisis situation. Also the encounter of a person at risk of losing someone. Additionally, we investigated if the nursing staff fulfilled these needs. This literature review foremost addresses registered nurses.

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