

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 46 av 604

Referensgrupper för ungdomar på folkbibliotek en bra idé?

The aim of this master thesis is to find out if young people and librarians think that reference groups can support public libraries to meet the needs of young people, and if the reference groups, which the librarians describe, differentiates from the young peoples requirements. I have made a qualitative study with a questionnaire to six librarians who have experience from reference groups and ten interviews with teenagers. The result showed that young people have many interests and needs which can be met from the library. The teenagers were positive to the library and many of them showed interest in having more influence on the library. Many would like to join a reference group, but on the condition that they would be offered real influence.

Kroppsuppfattningen hos kvinnliga och manliga högskolestudenter. -En kvantitativ undersökning.

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Servostyrning med binaural ljudlokalisering

People are usually directed towards each other in conversations, to make it easier to hear what is being said. Algorithms for voice and speech recognition works in a similar way, regarding the microphone direction towards the sound source. In this thesis in electronics has therefore a servo control with binaural sound localization been implemented on a microcontroller connected to two microphones.When people perceive sound, the brain can estimate the sound source direction by comparing the time taken by the sound reaching one ear to the other [1]. The difference in time is called the interaural time difference, and can be calculated using various techniques. An exploratory comparison between the techniques cross-correlation and cross-spectrum analysis was carried out before implementation.

Jämförelse av två mätmetoder för mindre gasvolym

Two different methods for measuring biogas production were used, gas meter and gasbags. The gas meters were electronic and counted each time a certain gasvolume passed through them. The gasbags collected the gas that hade passed through the gas meter until a manual measuring could be done. The two different methods gave the same result for a volume at three liters but for a volume around 0,2 liters they did not. Accuracy and precision for the gasbags was more exact than for the gas meters even if the method was difficult with a lot of different elements that could affect the result.

Förskolors inställning till och användning avstadens natur :

This master thesis is made in co-operation with the Department of Forest Management and Products at the Swedish University of Agriculture in Uppsala and the Forestry Association in Stockholm. The purpose of the Master thesis was to describe how pre-schools in Sweden use forests and green areas, and to understand how different factors can affect the use of the nature. The purpose of the interviews was to create a picture of attitudes and routines of the pre-schools, in the matter of visiting the nature. The thesis is built on interviews where fifteen pre-schools in five large cities around Sweden participated. Among these pre-schools, five of them worked with special focus on nature, while the other ten did not have any particular focus connected to their activity.

Svinnoptimering VTIS1

The goals of this Bachelors? Thesis were to establish the production loss through the VTIS1 Pasteur at Arla Foods Linköping dairy and then suggest simple but effective solutions to minimize the losses for each production run. If the timeframe allowed it, some of the solutions would be implemented and tested in full production to determine their impact on economic and environmental savings.The very first step of this project was to establish the statistics over what losses there is in the production pipeline through VTIS1, from milk and powders in mixer tanks to finished and packed products in cold storage. Then, when knowing how much product was actually lost and where, those bottlenecks could be pinpointed and examined more closely. At this stage the focus was switched, from the otherwise complicated and broad manufacturing process, to the VTIS1-aggregate, since early data indicated there were quite substantial losses there.In conjunction with this project Arla Foods purchased an absorption photometer-measuring device (OPTEK AS16) that could be inserted straight into the product stream out of VTIS1, allowing real time measurements of its optical density.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : inom transportbranschen

Transportbranschen är en av de branscher som ofta förekommer i debatten kring klimatförändringar, men de är även en av de branscher som ligger långt fram i utvecklingen vad gäller redovisning kring hållbar utveckling. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda vad som ger en lyckad eller god hållbarhetsredovisning. Med lyckad eller god menas att hållbarhetsredovisningen bidrar till att ge företaget legitimitet från sina intressenter samt att hållbarhetsredovisningen tillgodoser intressenternas informationsbehov och att företaget lyckas kommunicera sin hållbarhetsredovisning till sina intressenter. Detta skall göras genom att utifrån teorier kring intressenter, legitimitet och kommunikation analysera riktlinjer som finns för hållbarhetsredovisning samt genom att studera två fallföretag inom transportbranschen, vilka har prisats som goda förebilder. En lyckad hållbarhetsredovisning är en redovisning som följer de uppsatta riktlinjer och standarder t.ex GRI och FN:s Global Compact, som idag finns och som erbjuds till företag som vill använda sig av hållbarhetsredovisning.

Varumärket Stockholm : En studie om imageutveckling

During my practical training I have seen what after-school offers children. Large groups of children and little staff, often results in that the children had to play freely until they go home. Few activities are offered to the children and the staff is busy looking after the children and ensures that they are not fighting.The purpose of this study is to find out how children feel about their leisure activities and if they think they are being offered a meaningful leisure. The main research questions were:How do children experience their leisure-time?Do after-school offers children a meaningful leisure and is it the children's interests and needs that govern the activities and the environment?How do the number of children in the leisure group affect the leisure time?The methods to collect data in the study are observations and interviews.


This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Lean och värdeskapadnde sjukvården : En fallstudie

Now a day?s there is dramatic change from traditional to digital information processing in construction industry. This change can be visualized in the project concept stage where it now has accessibility to join all the data in one place. Location-based planning technique simplifies scheduling by visualizing the schedule efficiently and has many advantages such as might shortened the project period by about 10 - 20 % if the company uses location-based technology, reducing risks in many ways by maintaining production continuity and identify collisions between things etc. Vico Office software has been used for Location based planning technique and in this thesis.The purpose of this thesis work was to demonstrate how location -based planning technology change the scheduling stage in Peab, potentially reducing the project time.

Förgät mig ej

I examine how relationships between people and objects are created and continues through contiguity every time one use or touch an object and through participation through use and memories. The aim is to continue a relationship and to keep a communication alive with people beyond time and space, then, now and henceforth. I take advantage of and transform the traces in an object that belonged to someone. Parallel I create new space for bodies to put their mark for the first time. I compare my work with the Nordic Museum's task to preserve the present for the future.

Analys av leksaksrobot, skapande av monster

During spring 2009 a three meter tall and laughing robot was developed in collaboration between Royal Institute of Technology and Royal University College of Fine Arts. The robots function and esthetics is based on an existing toy robot called Elmo. Elmo is 30 cm tall but now the goal was to make it 1000 times bigger in order to present it on the spring exhibition of Royal University College of Fine Arts. Due to only four months of developing and building time a demand of fast determination and good planning was required. In order to make a good structure for the project it is divided into five phases: Analysis of Elmo, planning, concept development, detail construction and finally product development and testing.In the first phase valuable knowledge is obtained according to the movements and geometry of Elmo.


Uppsatsen handlar om cineliteracy; att öka sin kompetens att tillgodogöra sig rörliga bilder. Jag undersöker huruvida brittiska filminstitutets femstegsmetod är en fungerande modell för att stimulera elevernas lärandeprocess av komplex film. Som exempel använder jag mig av Jacques Tatis film Play Time..

Kundanpassning av ett rehabiliteringsverktyg

To be able to move around without having to think about each movement is for most people amatter of course. Todays society contributes to a life at high speed where the sparetime is oftenspend doing somekind of sport, even extreme sports which earlier only a few people wheredoing. This leads to not only good health effects but also to more injuries. One of the mostcommon injuries is the knee injury.Capio Artro Clinic is a clinic specialized in sports medicine and particulary patients with injuriesin knee, shoulder, foot, hip or elbow. They perform a great part of all the crucial ligamentsurgeries in Sweden and has therefor also a lot of patients in need for rehabilitation of the knee.During the rehabilitation the load of the injuried knee is increased in steps.

Parametrisering av lyftok

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

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