

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 20 av 604

Inflation och Investeringar med Särskilt Fokus på Realränteobligationer

Title: Inflation and Investments, with Focus on Inflation-linked Bonds.Investors face many types of risks when allocating assets in a portfolio, e.g. volatility and inflation risk. Inflation risk will mainly affect investments in the long perspective. This thesis will examine those risks that an investor is commonly exposed to when allocating assets in a portfolio and in particular inflation-linked risk and how to eliminate it. We examine the correlation between different assets and inflation to determine the assets? ability to hedge inflation risk.

Modellbygge och regulatordesign av tröghetsmomentsimulator tillreferenssystem för stridsvagn 122

This master thesis holds a modelling in Simulink for a physical model of a main battletank tower, a three-phase induction motor and some mechanics. The aim of this work is to connect an earlier project at AerotechTelub, named StabSim to another called Eldris. In StabSim it has been made a Simulink model of the align and stabilisation system in a main battle tank 122 and in Eldris it has been build a physical model of a main battle tank tower. In this thesis the models that differs between Eldris and a real tower is changed in StabSim, and the parts that only exist in Eldris is added, for example a torque generating system which purpose is to make the model to behave like a real tower in control application, although it only has half the inertia as a real tower. The thesis even includes proposing a calculation of the torque that the torque generating system will actuate at the model..

Applicering av obligationsfinansiering i börsnoterade fastighetsbolag - En kvalitativ studie av säkerställda obligationer

New rules for bank capital adequacy were introduced in 2013. This caused a changein funding of real estate companies. The bank could not cover as much of thecompanies funding?s as before and they had to explore other funding opportunities,such as bonds. Bond funding in Swedish real estate companies regularly consists ofunsecured corporate bonds and the secured ones are not that common.

Södras gröna skogsbruksplaner ur ett landskapsperspektiv :

The aim of the "Green forest management plans" is to help forest owners to reach the environmental goal of the forestry act. But are they able to do that? Is it possible to plan preservation of species on single estates? How do single-estate-plans differ from a landscape analysis and how can the landscape approach be used in operative planning? This work was initiated to give an answer to these questions. This study was made in a landscape of 4200 ha in Östergötland county, south-eastern Sweden. A lanscape analysis was made and then compared to the Green forest management plans in the same area. The nature conservation areas (areas that were set aside to be managed with environmenatl goals) differed quite a lot between the two alternatives.

Navigationshjälpmedel i tredimensionella virtuella miljöer och understödjande av minne

This thesis explores different ways of navigation in virtual environments. It also investigates how virtual environments can support human memory. Tests are done using a self made virtual model of Orkanen Library, Malmö högskolas school library. Among the different navigation tests that were done, a visual guidance in form of a line on the ground leading to the goal is showed superior when navigating a virtual environment but that people prefer legible landmarks instead. Tests were also done which show that a 3D-model of a real location supports context based memory.

3D-portal : Kommunikation i 3D

I dagens samhälle används internet för kommunikation mellan människor runtom i världen. Det första videosamtalet gjordes runt år 1940 och det är dags fören utveckling, där 3D är något som skulle kunna göra videomöten mer verkliga.För att möjliggöra detta så konstruerades ett system som skulle kunna ta in datafrån olika time-of-flight- och färgkameror och en ljudenhet. Denna data ska sedankomprimeras och sändas över internet för att kunna spelas upp på någonannans 3D-skärm. För att samtalet inte ska kännas fördröjt måste samtliga delartillsammans ske inom realtid. De utvecklingsmetoder som har använts är parprogrammeringoch en variant utav testdriven utveckling.

Företagsvärdering : en studie av värderingsproblematiken för företag med lågt substansvärde

Background: The difference between the market value and the book value of the companies has dramatically increased. One explanation is that the inflow of capital on the market has increased. Another explanation is that companies have a larger share of intellectual capital. The question is how this has influenced the company-valuator's use of valuation-models? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out what relevance the substance valuation model has, the DCF-model has, and also discover new valuation-models, among company-valuators.

Miljömärkta Kläder : En analys av gröna konsumenters förhållningssätt till miljömärkta kläder

The market for eco-labelled products has developed rapidly from the early nineties in Sweden. There is a full variety of environmentally friendly products on the market today, and perhaps organic food is the most popular alternative. Eco-clothes have not reached the same amount of success as other eco-labelled products on the Swedish market. In this essay I will discuss and analyze which factors that have influenced green consumers attitude and behavior towards eco clothing. Four interviews with green consumers in Karlstad have been done in order to explore consumers attitude and behavior.

Förändringens tider i fastighetsbranschen : En studie på utvecklingen före och efter finanskrisen 2008

Background and problem: The financial crisis 2008-2009 came out from an over-optimism among those who took the real estate loans in the U.S., and especially so-called subprime loans. After the 2008 financial crisis, it has become a global uncertainty in the financial market with low growth, and even financial crises in the euro countries have appeared. The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry where companies have a high leverage to implement their investment. This means they have a larger proportion of debt relative to equity than companies in other industries. As investments require a lot of capital, real estate companies become dependent on having a working relationship with both the banks and the capital market.

The Clash of Liberties - demokratiska principer och fallet Åke Green

Sverige är ett land som internationellt sett länge förknippats med fred, och framförallt med frihet. En tolerant nation, där just denna beryktade tolerans i nuläget utsatts för ifrågasättande. Anledningen till detta är fallet med pastor Åke Green. Denne har i en predikan, som sedermera publicerades i Borgholms lokaltidning, Ölandsbladet, uttalat sig kränkande mot homosexuella och deras livsföring. Följden av detta blev väckande av allmänt åtal enligt den nya tilläggsbestämmelsen i Brottsbalken 16 kapitlet, 8 paragrafen om förbud mot hets mot homosexuella.

Hur bedöms vallens avkastning?

Grassland is a great part of Swedish agriculture and there is a demand of what the grassland yield is in practice. To be able to control the economic of the milkproduction it is important for the farmer to know how big quantities of pasture there is to use during the year.The work is based on interviews of 22 farmers from southern part of Sweden. Their area of grassland fluctuate between 16 up to 360 hectares. The questionnaire content 32 questions.The most common way to weight the green plant material is to drive over a scale, and to measure the dry extract with your own gauge. It takes in average two minutes toweight one load of green plant material.

Effekter av specifika näringsämnen vid osteoartrit hos hundar: verkningsmekanismer för omega-3-fettsyror, 'green-lipped mussel' och glukosamin kombinerat med kondroitinsulfat

Osteoartrit är en vanligt förkommande degenerativ ledsjukdom hos våra hundar som orsakar smärta, stelhet och minskad rörlighet hos drabbade individer. Ledbrosket bryts ned och detta följs av en inflammatorisk process som ytterligare driver på utvecklingen. De bakomliggande orsakerna varierar men kan t ex vara felställning av ben som ger onormalt slitage eller övervikt som ökar den mekaniska påfrestningen på brosket vilket initierar nedbrytningsprocessen. De genetiska förutsättningarna har stor betydelse för sjukdomsutvecklingen. Sjukdomen är kronisk och progressiv.

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

Grafisk utvecklingsplattform för signalbehandling - Design och implementation

We have different kinds of signal processing everywhere around us in our everyday life, in our cellphones, when we are listening to music, watching TV etc. This makes signal processing a very interesting and important technical area, where the demand of skilled engineers sets the limit of what is possible.Working with signal processing requires in-depth knowledge in areas such as mathematics, physics, electronics, and other related areas. For this, it has traditionally been demanded by a talented developer to also master the advanced programming languages such as C / C + + and Assembler.This has begun to change; today there are several companies that offer graphical development environments for signal processing, environments where programming skills are not needed anymore, and the focus can be on signal processing instead.The goal with this project is to build a corresponding graphical development environment to reach an understanding of what is required of these systems, and also to grasp what opportunities that are available within graphic programming. Inspiration for the work has partly arise from some of the tools available on the market, and partly from previous theses that have been written about graphic programming.The challenge lies in creating a program that can execute signal diagrams in real time from given signal blocks, and be able to handle feedback loops in an efficient way and to do so at the lowest "cost" in terms of clock cycles as possible. This should also be compared against to code, compile and run a complete signal diagram directly.To increase the usability it should also be possibility to externally manage in real time the parameters of the signal diagram during execution.The interface is a separate program, which is to some extent similar to Matlab Simulink, where a signal diagram is drawn up graphically by connecting wires between different signal blocks.

Webbutveckling med Getting Real

Detta examensarbete syftar till att beskriva, använda och utvärdera Getting Real som arbetsmetod under utvecklandet av en webbplats åt teknikföretaget Metop AB i Malmö. Getting Real är en arbetsmetod som är beskriven i boken med samma namn, författad av Jason Fried och hans medarbetare på företaget 37signals, som bland annat har utvecklat Ruby on Rails. Getting Real skiljer sig från andra arbetsmetoder på ett flertal punkter. Projektdokumentationen är till exempel mycket begränsad för att undvika att tid läggs ner på arbete som inte direkt har med själva utvecklandet av applikationen att göra. Dessutom utvecklas gränssnittet och designen först.

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