

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 19 av 604

Kommersiella fastighetsinvesteringsbeslut : Påverkande faktorer ur ett investerarperspektiv

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

"En skola för alla" : verklighet för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi?

Many researches have been done about the difficulties in teaching children with disabilities and like in this case dyslexia, which is the disability my essay is focused on. Earlier researches have investigated how and what teachers do practically when they have pupils with dyslexia and what help they have in their work. I wanted to investigate how the theories in National Compulsory School Curriculum (Lpo94) and about inclusive education in relation to the actual work in one Swedish school. My essay, with help of other research, has taken the expression ?school for all? and it?s meaning to what is possible to do in a real life work situation, with the assignments that schools have in Lpo94.

Faktorer som påverkar kapitalstrukturen i nordiska fastighetsbolag

The bachelor's thesis is to examine the explanatory factors affecting the choice of capital structure in real estate companies. The analysis is based on data collected from the main financial reporting from 2007; all listed real estate companies listed on Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish stock market. Based on previous research and theories, we have defined five independent variables that are linked to the debt ratio, which are: profitability, growth, firm size, cost of debt and operational risk. The statistical tests have resulted in that we can say with certainty that profitable firms tend to have a lower debt to equity ratio. We can also say with certainty that property companies with high interest costs have a high level of indebtedness..

Dagvattenhantering i den täta staden

This thesis adresses the subject of stormwater management and the problematic with stormwatermanagment and landuse in the compact city. The thesis research different solutions in stormwater managment and how to implement them in the context of the compact city. And at the same time preserve and make good recreaational places and keep quality green land per capita. The thesis also analyses risks and problems that could effect the environment with focus on stormwater managment and hov to minimize these problematic factors an create a good environment. In an urban context where the water has a natrual place, and is used as a asset.

HIV/AIDS-politik i Sydafrika : En innehållsanalys av de tre nationella strategiska planerna för HIV/AIDS

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

Sociala Medier : Interagera, engagera och komplettera

Social media has made it possible to have a conversation in real time through audio, images and text, with anyone worldwide. The easy availability of social media has created a new society. Companies and organizations have the opportunity to interact with their audiences and their target in a way not previously possible. Welcome to the Web 2.0 world!Social media is a collective name for the communication channels that allow users to communicate directly with each other in real time through text, image or sound. Examples of social media are blogs, SMS, Skype, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Linkedin and Myspace.The purpose of this essay is to explore social media's role and opportunities in terms of being able to influence companies and organizations marketing communication. We have used a qualitative approach and our thesis is based on a qualitative text analysis study where we have analyzed 13 articles (the articles are from scholarly journals, magazines and trade/professional) from 2007 to 2009.

Carpe Diem -En studie i användandet av realtids BI

Bakgrund: Information har länge varit en viktig resurs för företagen och Business Intelligence har gjort det möjligt för dem att analysera stora mängder data. En annan resurs som företagen värdesätter är tid och på senare år har tekniken möjliggjort att BI-systemen inte bara kan hantera stor mängder data utan även göra det på kort tid, eller i realtid.Frågeställning: Vad räknas in i begreppet realtids BI?Kan realtids BI användas för att skapa tidsbaserade konkurrensfördelar?Syfte: Kartlägga begreppet Realtids BI samt identifiera möjliga användningsområden för denna inom den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi intervjuat konsulter och leverantörer inom Business Intelligence.Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att det inte finns någon klar definition av realtids BI, men två huvudspår har identifierats. (1) Realtidsanalys med innebörden att data finns tillgänglig för analys när användaren så kräver, samt (2) att realtidsdata uppdateras i nära realtid, vilket kan variera från några sekunder upp till ett par timmar.Dessa två spår inom realtids BI finner användningsområde inom olika områden av den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin. Realtidsanalys kan användas för att uppnå den externa tidsprestationen i det att företaget snabbare kan identifiera rådande marknadstrender och har då möjligheten att snabbare uppdatera sitt produktutbud.

Dåliga mäklare, eller bristande kunskap hos konsumenten?

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to through a survey, gain information about the tenant owners knowledge concerning their own and the real estate agents rights and obligations, this to elucidate one of the factors we think play a big part in the general publics dissatisfaction about the real estate agents and the negative picture painted of them in media today. By throwing light on the assumed lack of knowledge in this area we hope to contribute to improve the information communicated to the customers so that they can feel safer when consulting a real estate agent in this matter.Our main question in this thesis is: How much knowledge does tenant owners and tenant owners to be have concerning the division of responsibilities when it comes to selling and buying a tenant owned flat and what problems can the presumed lack of knowledge in this area lead to?Method: We have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data has been collected through a survey which we have put together and analyzed both based on the results we got from the survey but also based on the reactions we received from the participants. The results are presented both in text and in diagrams.Result & Conclusions: The results we got from the survey indicate that the knowledge among our participants is much worse than what would be desired.

Kostnadskalkylering på en förpackningsavdelning

This degree project is based on identifying and allocation of costs in a packaging section at Electrolux Distriparts in Torsvik.The purpose of this thesis is to identify the costs that emerge when packaging different articles and show how the costs are allocated. The report also contains improvement suggestions about how the company can use the current computer system more efficient.The methods that have been used in order to approach the problem and the collection of information have mainly been literature study, interviews and observation.The work started with answering the questions; which expenditure cost and direct cost exist in the section, how can they be allocated, if improvement can be done and how the flow of information is supposed to happen.In order to answer the questions we used our former experience and the knowledge we achieved by reading literature, interview relevant persons in the company and observations carried out in the section.Through our studies, we came up with an Excel file, which is the groundwork for a template that can be used by the company in different occasions depending on the situation and need. It is important to remember to modify the template if the presumptions change. In the template, we have identified the different kind of costs that emerge when packaging different articles and we have also allocated the costs. In addition formulas and estimations that are necessary for the cost calculation are presented.The work consisted in making the groundwork for a template.

När trädens rotsystem får bestämma : En intervjustudie med en grupp yrkesverksamma inom anläggning av hållbara gröna miljöer.

ABSTRACTThis pilot study examines the knowledge about tree root systems amongst five treeplanting professionals. The aim is to find out the professionals? collective knowledge ofthe nature of root systems of various trees used in green areas. Furthermore; to explorehow the professionals adapt landscaped green areas to the tree root properties in asustainable manner. Questions: Which tree species have special root properties toconsider and how do the professionals utilize this knowledge? And: How do theprofessionals in general adjust planting according to the root systems of trees in areas tocreate sustainable green environments?Interviews with the professionals were performed.

Chefskap, administration och IT - Hur går det ihop? : En kvalitativ studie av hur enhetschefer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever IT-system

The increasing administration in IT-systems is the target of much debate today. It is viewed as taking time from what is considered to be managers? real tasks as well as resulting in an ineffective and stressful work environment. This view of IT-systems as problematic and time consuming can also been found among unit managers in a municipality in the north of Sweden. To be able to understand why IT-systems are perceived in this way this study?s aim has been to find what leads to this view.

Människan - en gruppvarelse : en kvalitativ studie om grupperingars och status betydelse för elever i årskurs 9

In this study, five qualitative interviews were conducted, four of those with pupils and one with a teacher, in grade 9. Humans - a gregarious creature written in the context of status and hierarchy, aims to study how these students in grade 9 are grouped and how you look at each other in and between these groups and also in terms of status between and within the group. Using the concepts of identity, adaption, exclusion and the meaning of emotions with the chosen theoretical concepts by Goffman and, Elias and Scotson the purpose of this study has been answered. The results showed that the students were quite flexible between the groups in their class; most of them were part of a small group that consisted of their ?close? friends.

Tänja tiden ur sin buk : Nattens skogar och historia

In this essay I trace the historical theme in Djuna Barnes?s Nightwood, stressing the importance of the concept of forgetfulness in the text. Read alongside Nietzsche?s On the Use and Abuse of History for Life as well as his later thoughts on genealogy, the novel can be seen to concern itself with that same dilemma of history that he articulates in his philosophy. That is: how not to be overburdened by historical knowledge to the point where it petrifies life and prevents any real and novel action, and how at the same time, to make oneself conscious of ones own historicity, so as not to be governed to much by the past.I argue that Robin inhabits what Nietzsche would call the unhistorical state, whereas the other characters, in contrast, struggle with their relation to the past.

Mellanmannens strävan att uppnå kundtillfredsställelse : en studie i hur mellanmannen arbetar för att uppnå kundtillfredsställelse åt två parter

SUMMARYLevel: This is a final thesis for a bachelor degree in Business Administration. The thesis is oriented in the field of marketing and written at the University of Gävle.Author: Niklas EnlundDate: January 2014Tutor: Lars -Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder - FrickTitle: Intermediaries pursuit to achieve customer satisfaction - A study in how the agent works with factors to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the intermediary perspective how different factors affect the intermediaries working method to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.Research question: How do real estate agents work with the four factors; informant, routines, intentions and competences? That is how real estate agents can work; like a good informant, after good practice, bringing together the parties intentions and with their skills. How does the real estate agent work with the factors related to the theories connected to the four factors? Are any of the factors more commonly used by real estate agents?Method: The thesis is based on a scientific theory in the field of marketing and focused on the topic how the agent is committed to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.

Förändring av varumärken

This thesis aims to study brand change, which can be of interest since a brand during its lifetime can be expected to meet a lifecycle consisting of five phases; innovation, introduction, growth, maturity and recession. In order to avoid the recession phase and the sales decline that follows there is a need for a change of the brand.In order to study brand change, theoretical framework is compared to two real world cases that have gone through an active change.The conceptions of positioning, repositioning and revitalization are clarified. Positioning deals with how brands are located in customer?s minds as well as on the real market. Repositioning implies a change of the current position and is also often a move towards a new market segment.

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