

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 15 av 604

Sticklingsetablering av Sedum spp. för gröna tak : biokol som organiskt material i substrat

The popularity of vegetated, or green roofs, has grown over the past years due to their potential function of maintaining urban environment quality. The aim of this study was to investigate if substrates with different organic material, peat and charcoal, with two contents (3 or 6 weight%) influenced the growth of the cuttings during the first critical period of the establishment. Biochar is used as amendment to agricultural soils and has, theoretically, many of the properties suitable as organic content in green roof-substrates. Peat is one of the materials that is commercially used in green roof industry. The substrate has been treated with different amounts of water.

Certifiering och Gröna skogsbruksplaner idag och i framtiden : en enkätstudie av privata skogsägare på Södra Skogsägarna och deras attityd till skogscertifiering och Gröna skogsbruksplaner

Södra is a co-operative of private forest owner organisation which is owned by 35 000 private forest owers in southern Sweden. Forest owners in Sweden can choose to certify their Forestry. Södra uses PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) as their certification scheme for their members. Those who choose to certify their forest are obligated to follow the demands for forestry which PEFC requires. A ?Green? forestry plan is another important tool in the ambition to reach a sustainable forestry.

Hur låter ditt varumärke? En kvantitativ studie om matchande bakgrundsmusik i sällanköpshandeln.

This paper examines the impact of the congruence between the background music and the brand image on the customer behaviour in retail store. The essay's hypotheses are built after the famous S-O-R-model that unveils if congruence background music affects the customers' emotions, brand image and response. The aim of the study is mainly to answer if the congruent background music stimuli in the retail store environment will affect the customer's emotions and if it will increase spent time and money. The congruent background music has been selected through two pre-studies based on consumers' brand image. A quantitative study has been conducted where triangulation was applied in a real store environment, where in total 201 surveys was collected for the main study.

Accepterat pris : En analys av samarbeten inom fastighetsma?klarbranschen och dess prissa?ttning

ABSTRACTTitle:Level:Author:Supervisor:Date:Aim:Method:Accepted price ? An Analysis of Cooperation in the Real Estate Markets and its Pricing.Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationMadeleine Gustafsson and Sofie BillstamJonas Kågström2012 - MayThe aim with this final assignment is to investigate if the introduction and the cooperation of accepted price was necessary to generate a more stable real estate market with marketable listing prices in Stockholm. The introduction of accepted price led to a cooperation with some of the most important real estate firms in Stockholm. This cooperation was opposed by a number of companies on the real estate market. This fact inspired to examine similarities and differences of being and not being part of the cooperation and thereafter comment on the outcome.

Juniorfinansiering i fastighetsbranschen? Fokus kring Mezzanine

Real estate financing is one of the key figures for financial success and fundamental to asuccessful business. Funding will come in several different ways, from existing cashflows andassets to new capital requirements which are aimed at different markets.These markets are constantly changing and since the recent financial crisis, there have beenadjustments and austerity measures which led to that the banks have become more restrictive intheir lending.The real estate industry is characterized by both long-term and short-term thinking that ischaracterized by a solid continuity. Our thesis discuss how the demand is in the real estatebusiness and how mature the Swedish market is for junior financingwith focus aroundmezzanine debt and where are we headed in the near future.We've reached out to the key players in the industry on both the buy and sell side of real estatefinancing but also people between lenders and borrowers that handles transaction advice. Tohave been able to implement the analysisa survey and simulation of an investment calculationwas created. This questionnaire was answered by many real estate companies with senior peoplethat had operational positionsmost associated with corporate commitments.

RTK-teknikens användningsområden

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om RTK ? tekniken (Real Time Kinematik) i framtiden kan komma att användas vid lotsning i Sverige, ombord på fartyg med begränsat vattendjup under kölen.  Squateffekten påverkar fartyg vid passage över grunda partier i farleder och i kanaler. För att minska ner på squateffekten så kan man minska ned på farten eller ändra fartygets trim. Studien har utformats utefter en kvalitativ metod, som handlar om att man väljer att bearbeta och analysera sin information genom att verbala analysmetoder används. Detta har genomförts genom att intervjua ett antal utvalda lotsar som både är insatta samt mindre insatta i tekniken.

Utvecklingsmöjligheter inom Due Diligence i fastighetstransaktioner

Due Diligence is today an important part of the transaction process through sales of properties and isan important process for both sellers and buyers. The process intends to review an asset before atransaction to minimize the risks associated with the acquisition by detecting weaknesses and verifythe asset's characteristics. The use of Due Diligence has become increasingly common over the pasttwenty years in the Swedish real estate market and there is no indication that this trend will decreasebut rather increase. Although there is widespread use of the process both in acquisitions ofcorporations and properties, both in Sweden and in the rest of the world, it is costly for thepurchasers and the concept is far from fully developed.This thesis aims to clarify what the real estate market thinks about the potential development of theprocess itself and the role of the actors. The main question is what opportunities exist to develop theconcept of Due Diligence in real estate transactions.

Implementering av Neutrallager - En fallstudie inom Tooling Support Halmstad AB

Demand has become increasingly difficult to forecast in today?s volatile markets. Being able to produce towards real demand is becoming vital for companies, since inventories of finished goods are expensive to maintain and because miscalculated products tie up capital that in the end is never repaid. More and more companies are using postponement strategies to delay the process of producing until real demand has become known. Tooling Support Halmstad is a company within the manufacturing industry, which has become aware of the benefits with postponement strategies for parts of their production.

Jämförelse av olika reglersystem för undervisningsändamål

Examensarbetet syftar till att jämföra nya alternativ till olika system för användning i laborationer i reglerteknikkurser för olika studentkategorier. Det skall utredas vilket av ett antal alternativ till mjukvaruplattformar som är bäst lämpat att användas vid reglerteknikundervisningen i ITN:s reglerlaboratorium vid Linköpings universitet. Tidigare laborationer i berörda kurser skall även modifieras så att dessa kan genomföras i de nya systemen.Examensarbetet resulterade i en rad modifierade laborationer och system att tillämpa i dessa. De nya systemen medför att all reglering sköts direkt från en dator istället för tidigare variant med externa apparater som programmeras. På så sätt kan större fokus läggas på regleringen i sig och inte de system som tillämpas för att utföra den..

Det politiska spelet bakom betygskompromissen år 2015 : En spelteoretisk analys av regeringens och Alliansens överrenskommelse gällande betyg från årskurs fyra

The essay?s main focus has been to investigate and analyze the political actions behind the 2015?s grade compromise; an agreement to introduce grades from the fourth year in primary school. Through a game-theory analysis, mainly based in Leif Lewin?s and Jörgen Herman's research on rationality in politics, this study examined the grade debate  during a fifteen year period. The primary task has thereby been to explain the grade compromise through game-theory.

Översättning som annangörande

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

World of Warcraft : En virtuellt social värld

In today?s modern society with high-speed connections covering the globe people are more than ever finding themselves gazing into the cold lights of the computer screen. On the other side a strange and exciting world yet to be explored awaits. Many are those who spend hour after hour running over green hills swimming in vast blue oceans in the lands of Azeroth, the playfield in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft. In media we often read and hear alarming reports on players stuck in this virtual world, ceasing to play a part in the real world.

Utvärdering och implementering av automatiska farthållare i fordonssimulator

Vehicle simulators are becoming more common in vehicle industries. Company earns lot of money on simulations instead of real tests. Real tests are necessary but not made so extensively as before.In this thesis the building of an vehice simulator will be described and a comparison between three different cruise controls. The three cruise controls are PI-regulator, a regulator who regulates after positions in the terrain and a MPC-regulator. The reason for choosing this three is to see the difference between simple regulation and more complex regulation with respect to fuel consumption, travel time and complexity.The vehicle simulator is made in Matlab/Simulink, Visual Studio and Open Scene Graph.

Optimering av multiprocessorsystem med hjälp av schemaläggning

A well known optimization-problem of multiprocessor system is scheduling of tasks. In this paper I use a variant of previous known algoritm, (Fast Critical Path) for scheduling real-time tasks on a multiprocessor system. This is made in a simulation study in MATLAB. The system architecture is assumed to be a MIMD- machine, (Multiple Instruction stream Multiple Data stream) with bus-typologi and message-architecture. Scheduling was made on this system where the number of processors varying from five to ten.

Paktering av fastigheter : Är paketering mer fördelaktigt än direktförsäljning av fastigheter?

The thesis deals with packaging of real estate?s; an approach concerning tax benefits with the purpose to sell real estates in a more beneficial process than what is doable in direct sales. The proceeding can be beneficial because of the rules in Inkomstskattelagen (19999:1229) regarding underpriced transfers and selling of business related shares.  The real estate owner initiates the procedure through an establishment of an affiliate to a previously wholly owned parent company, where the real estate is the solitary asset of the affiliate. In order to fulfill the rules of underpriced transfers the transfer from the parent company shall be valued in regards to the tax value, else it will be taxed.

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