

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 14 av 604

Design och utveckling av monteringsverktyg

With this essay we want to describe the transformation process that the real estate owner has to go through to sell the current rented flats to tenant. We also want to provide an understanding how the valuation is performed in the transformation process and highlight the issues that affects the price in the valuations. In the essay we would like to see if the valuation and the transformation process differ in a public real estate company compared to a private real estate company. Based on this we have asked us the following question to answer: -Is there any differences in how real estate?s are valued in the transformation process between public real estate companies and private real estate companies? We have used a qualitative approach to keep our main question.

RTLS - real time location systems : an inventory study for agriculture applications and requirements

The trend towards increasingly large farming units raises questions regarding how to better monitor production. Larger units make the impact from possible errors more severe, which increases the pressure on management supervision. To cope with management issues, prevent errors and handle increased demands on traceability and documentation, the Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) concept is making its way into various parts of agriculture. In sectors outside agriculture, RTLS are already being used successfully to track and locate items through nodes at different levels of accuracy, such as room level or the relative or absolute position. Empirical data can be received in real time from the nodes.

Undersökning och framtagning av ett moduluppbyggt datainsamlingssystem

This report is about a thesis that is performed in and for SYSteam Engineering AB in Motala. The thesis work is divided into three parts, study of the market, programming and electronics. The study part consists of examining and comparing different data acquisition systems for testing of different circuit boards, taking into account the modularity, real-time applications, mobility, environmental, interface hardware and software, to be able to define a general module-based data acquisition system in both hardware and software that enables for future developments.The programming part consists of getting started with Visual Studio, which integrates the Measurement Studio for C#. NET. Measurement Studio includes classes and user controls for testing and measuring and offers tools for acquisition, analysis and presentation of real world data.

OMBILDNING FRÅN HYRESRÄTT TILL BOSTADSRÄTT  : En jämförelse mellan ett allmännyttigt och ett privat fastighetsföretag

With this essay we want to describe the transformation process that the real estate owner has to go through to sell the current rented flats to tenant. We also want to provide an understanding how the valuation is performed in the transformation process and highlight the issues that affects the price in the valuations. In the essay we would like to see if the valuation and the transformation process differ in a public real estate company compared to a private real estate company. Based on this we have asked us the following question to answer: -Is there any differences in how real estate?s are valued in the transformation process between public real estate companies and private real estate companies? We have used a qualitative approach to keep our main question.

Påverkar olika faktorer bilföretagen? : ? Hur påverkar ett högt oljepris, miljömedvetna marknader och ekonomiska trender bilföretagen?

The automotive industry is today in a world of globalisation and external factors can influence the car companies and it is important that they progress with the people. When an external factor, as the oil price, increases dramatically, it will affect the economies in different matters. Other external factors are impacted by the oil price, for example inflation, unemployment and target rates. In addition, people are changing their preferences due to the attention of the environment. With this as the foundation the problem of the essay were divided into three aspects.

Mediebilder av homosexualitet. Åke Green-debatten

The purpose of this thesis is to study how homosexuals and homosexuality were represented in the press during the trials against the Pentecostal pastor Åke Green, and to what kind of social representations and narratives these representations can be related.Using critical discourse analysis and theories about the differentiation between in- and outgroups I try to unveil implicit meanings and attitudes towards gay people mainly at the local text level. The material consists of articles in Ölandsbladet and Dagens Nyheter that were produced before, during and after the trials.The analysis suggests that homosexuals are construed as a deviant outgroup and that the majority, the ingroup, is presented as an essentially heterosexual, tolerant community. Homosexuality is wrong and heterosexuality is the right way of living. Homosexuals, in terms of group lobbyism, are construed as an enemy, a threat, against Western ideals such as family values and freedom of speech. They indirectly become a threat to Swedish democracy.

Oralt intag av grönt te och dess effekt på uppkomsten av UV-inducerad hudrodnad, erythema solare ? En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Oral intake of green tea and its effect on the appearance of UV-induced erythema, erythema solare ? A systematic literature reviewAuthors: Ernita Antoni Mulliqi and Pernilla GustafssonSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietetics programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013Background: UV irradiation of the skin can cause erythema, clinically called erythema solare. The condition can exert pain as well as discomfort and may in the long term lead to negative effects including skin cancer. Green tea contains catechins which are substances with anti-inflammatory effect that may have positive effects on the skin. The intake of green tea is believed to have a protective effect against UV irradiation, since green tea extracts in lotions in previous studies have shown to increase the skin tolerance level against UV irradiation.Objective: To examine the scientific basis and determine whether an oral intake of green tea has a protective effect against UV-induced erythema.Search strategy: Searches in the scientific databases PubMed and Scopus were made to find suitable articles.

Kreditgivares agerande vid sjunkande skogsfastighetspanter

Background: The hurricane in the south of Sweden in January 2005 was the worst storm in Sweden for the last hundred years. The storm named Gudrun has blown down forest that according to estimation is corresponding to one year of cutting down in the entire country.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe how credit granters act when facing falling forest real estate mortgage and describe if they will make considerations due to the storm in the south of Sweden 2005.Method: With help of a qualitative method, we investigated how the credit granters act when facing falling forest real estate mortgage. Interviews were obtained with three credit granters, SEB, Landshypotek and FöreningsSparbanken in the county of Jönköping and Kronoberg.Conclusion: The conclusion is based upon the empirical study, the analysis and our own reflections and it shows that the credit granters do not change their policy concerning credit granting to forest real estate properties. The policy of the credit granters has proven to be valid even in this extreme situation..

Ledarskap i tv-såpans värld : tre hierarkiska nivåer i Rederiet

Background: The description of different characters in soapoperas are often exaggerated to catch the viewers interest and to present an exiting content. The phenomenon that takes place in soapoperas can often relates to every-day- life-situations. The viewers should recognise them selves in the content, the imaginary situations and the characters should be normal but at the same time exaggerated and twisted to catch the viewers attention. This means that the characters in Rederiet should have connections to the real world and this makes it interesting to study how the different styels of leadership are descibed.Purpose: The purpose is to analyse and compare three choosen characters in the soapopera Rederiet, from existing leadership thoeries. To identify leadership on three hierarchical levels ? head of machinery, superintendent and captain ? and to analyse how leadership are descibed in the soapopera.

Samma eller likartad verksamhet : ?Avkvalificering? av andelar i fåmansföretag

The thesis deals with packaging of real estate?s; an approach concerning tax benefits with the purpose to sell real estates in a more beneficial process than what is doable in direct sales. The proceeding can be beneficial because of the rules in Inkomstskattelagen (19999:1229) regarding underpriced transfers and selling of business related shares.  The real estate owner initiates the procedure through an establishment of an affiliate to a previously wholly owned parent company, where the real estate is the solitary asset of the affiliate. In order to fulfill the rules of underpriced transfers the transfer from the parent company shall be valued in regards to the tax value, else it will be taxed.

Nyttjande av manöverkrigföringens element ? avgörande för utgången av slaget om Goose Green? : En studie av slaget vid Goose Green under Falklandskriget 1982

Slaget vid Goose Green var det första slaget att äga rum på land under Falklandskriget. Slaget ägde rum under ett par dagar i slutet av maj 1982 mellan brittiska 2 Para och argentinska Task force Mercedes och slutade med en argentinsk kapitulation. Slaget är spektakulärt i flera avseenden ?  bland annat för att britterna lyckades slå en numerärt jämbördig försvarsgrupperad argentinsk motståndare, det var nästan enbart infanteriförband som stred och att befälhavaren för 2 Para stupade. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om nyttjandet av manöverkrigföring på de bägge sidorna kan ha varit avgörande för utgången av slaget.

Time and architectural representations: the illusion of being eternal

Att beskriva en byggnad som tidlös är bland det finaste en kan säga. Några av världens mest uppskattade byggnader har beskriv- its som just det, tidlösa. Hur kommer det sig att en av den finaste komplimangen och erkännandet en byggnad kan få, egentligen är intetsägande? Tiden går ständigt och det finns ingenting någon kan göra för att ändra det. Människor, djur och även byggnader utvecklas och åldras.

Kompostering i kommunal regi: en fallstudie i Arvika Parkf?rvaltning

Arvika Fastighets AB is a municipal subsidiary tasked with managing all green areas in the municipality, with a strong focus on the City Park and plant beds in the city centre. These areas generate large amounts of green waste, which is currently transported to the municipality's composting area at Lycke. Currently, the material is piled up and turned once a year without using the resulting soil for flowerbeds, lawns, and shrub/tree plantings. The purpose of the study is to determine if Arvika can compost the green waste in a more efficient manner and produce weed-free soil ready to be mixed into various substrates for different purposes. Interviews with the Swedish Church and several municipalities in Sweden have been conducted to learn from their experiences and knowledge of how they make their composting work.

Förortens utemiljöer : teorier, metoder och analyser för gestaltning av friytestruktur i gles förortsbebyggelse : exempel på arbetsmetoder för grönområdesanalyser och utvecklingsförslag för friytorna i Runby, Upplands Väsby

This paper constitiutes graduate work at the Swedish University of Agriculture Science, the Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The main objective of this work has been, in part, using the municipality of Runby as an example, to test different inventory and analysis methods directed towards a sociotopic usage perspective. A secondary objective has been, based on knowledge obtained from current research results concerning the usage of green areas, to transfer the analysis results to a proposal for a free space planning over Runby. People living in the countryside often have good access to nature as well as access to a garden of their own. In the city, however, there are considerably less people that have access to a private outdoor spaces so the parks become a type of public living room for all the inhabitants. Through the lack of private green spaces and through the anonymity of the city, an inviting atmosphere is created towards spending time in the park.

Bostadsrättssäljarnas kriterier vid val av fastighetsmäklare

Every year a number of tenant-owner flat deals are concluded and the availability of real estate agents on the market is today very widespread. It has become increasingly difficult for estate agents to distinguish themselves in a way that makes the estate agent the customer?s choice. Estate agents must have a good understanding of what is important to the customer. An apartment deal is, for most people, an important event in their life.

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