

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 49 av 141

Fördröjning och bortfall av nätverkskorrektioner : osäkerhetskällor för nätverks-RTK

Network RTK is a real-time technique for accurate positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The technology means the use of correction data from a network of GNSS receivers with known positions (reference stations) to reduce the uncertainty in position for the user´s GNSS receiver (rover). However, this requires that the correction data can be transferred seamlessly to the user in real time. Commonly the corrections are transferred via mobile phones. The Swedish National Land Survey operates a nationwide Network RTK service, where users can receive correction data via GSM or mobile Internet (GPRS).

Att säkerställa rätten att nyttja utrymme/anläggning i annans fasta egendom - exemplet Trafikverket

A property is owned with ownership which in turn may be granted limited rights to acquire the use of land or space in another's property. Tenancies and easements are the most common limited rights. Trafikverket has a range of different rights that are linked to its properties. There are rights that work in favour of Trafikverket?s property as well as against them.

Autonom materialtransport med hög precision

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Tillämpningen av tredimensionell fastighetsbildning : studie av resultatet efter 2,5 år med ny lagstiftning

Ny lagstiftning infördes 1:a januari 2004 som tillät tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. Genom en undersökning skulle information tas fram om hur tillämpningen blivit de första 2,5 åren, samt även få en bild av hur den fortsatta utvecklingen skulle bli. Frågeställningarna var om detaljplaner hade anpassats för tredimensionell fastighetsindelning, vilka ändamål som fanns representerade och hur rättigheter tillförsäkrats. Vidare skulle undersökningen behandla skillnader i tillämpningen beroende på geografisk spridning i landet, och vilken påverkan fastigheternas läge i en tätort hade.Informationsinsamlingen gjordes genom att gå igenom data från fastighetsregistret, genomföra fallstudier, intervjua myndigheter och delta vid ett seminarium. De kommuner som valdes ut för myndighetsintervjuerna representerade en spridning i folkmängd och huruvida de hade en hög eller låg andel bildade fastigheter med tredimensionellt utrymme.Totalt hade det bildats 89 stycken fastigheter.

Tillämpningen av tredimensionell fastighetsbildning : studie av resultatet efter 2,5 år med ny lagstiftning

Ny lagstiftning infördes 1:a januari 2004 som tillät tredimensionell fastighetsindelning. Genom en undersökning skulle information tas fram om hur tillämpningen blivit de första 2,5 åren, samt även få en bild av hur den fortsatta utvecklingen skulle bli. Frågeställningarna var om detaljplaner hade anpassats för tredimensionell fastighetsindelning, vilka ändamål som fanns representerade och hur rättigheter tillförsäkrats. Vidare skulle undersökningen behandla skillnader i tillämpningen beroende på geografisk spridning i landet, och vilken påverkan fastigheternas läge i en tätort hade.Informationsinsamlingen gjordes genom att gå igenom data från fastighetsregistret, genomföra fallstudier, intervjua myndigheter och delta vid ett seminarium. De kommuner som valdes ut för myndighetsintervjuerna representerade en spridning i folkmängd och huruvida de hade en hög eller låg andel bildade fastigheter med tredimensionellt utrymme.Totalt hade det bildats 89 stycken fastigheter.

Modellering av en panna med rörlig rost :  

The aim of this master thesis was to create a dynamic model for the processes in a solid fuel boiler of the moving grate type. Another aim with the model was to keep it as simple as possible but still able to catch the dynamics of the processes in the bedplate of the boiler. The creation of the model had its origin from drying and combustion equations used in earlier modeling work of boilers. The represented model has been used to simulate different kinds of disturbances in a boiler and different ways to control the boiler. These tests show that controlling a number of parameters in the bed of the boiler is an effective way to keep the grate stable during disturbances.

Real-time rendering of large terrains using algorithms for continuous level of detail

Three-dimensional computer graphics enjoys a wide range of applications of which games and movies are only few examples. By incorporating three-dimensional computer graphics in to a simulator the simulator is able to provide the operator with visual feedback during a simulation. Simulators come in many different flavors where flight and radar simulators are two types in which three-dimensional rendering of large terrains constitutes a central component.Ericsson Microwave Systems (EMW) in Skövde is searching for an algorithm that (a) can handle terrain data that is larger than physical memory and (b) has an adjustable error metric that can be used to reduce terrain detail level if an increase in load on other critical parts of the system is observed. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate existing algorithms for terrain rendering in order to find those that meet EMW: s requirements. The objectives are to (i) perform a literature survey over existing algorithms, (ii) implement these algorithms and (iii) develop a test environment in which these algorithms can be evaluated form a performance perspective.The literature survey revealed that the algorithm developed by Lindstrom and Pascucci (2001) is the only algorithm of those examined that succeeded to fulfill the requirements without modifications or extra software.

Klädeshandel genom postorder & nätbaserad försäljning

Postorderbranschen omsätter åtta miljarder kronor varje år. Ungefär 30% av dettasker genom e-handel. Försäljningen av postorderföretagens produkter över nätethar visat sig öka successivt över de senaste åren. Vi frågade oss därför hurövergången till e-handel har påverkat postorderföretagens kunder. Syftet meddenna uppsats var att undersöka dessa skillnader för att se vilka förändringarkunderna upplever.

Analogi & Praktik Systemutvecklares förhållande till analogier

Hur väljer personer som arbetar med systemutveckling att med hjälpav en analogi åskådliggöra sin systemutveckling och hur förhåller sigdenna analogi till de utvecklingsmetoder de säger sig använda? Dettahar undersökts med hjälp av ett frågeformulär med fokus påutveckling, utvecklingsmetoder och analogier. Undersökningens syftevar att se ifall det fanns ett samband mellan de sju informanternasanalogi och den metod som de uppgav att de använde. Majoriteten avde tillfrågade använde sig av en analogi som hade en tydlig kopplingtill angiven metod. Vid behandling av enkätsvaren har vi observeratatt informanternas systemtänkande var att betrakta som hårt och attde analogier som de tillfrågade hört talas om var uteslutandekonstruktionsanalogier.

Adoptionen av Affärsdriven SOA

Uppsatsen ämnar ge en indikation på huruvida affärsdriven SOA har adopterats i organisationer vilka har utfört eller planerat att utföra ett SOA-initiativ. Genom att karakterisera begreppet SOA via den litterära grund uppsatsen vilar på, har vi kunnat identifiera teman utifrån vilka vi utformat en intervjuguide i syfte att utföra en intervjuundersökning, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det empiriska materialet transkriberades och analyserades. Via meningskoncentration kunde vi sedan presentera informanternas syn på ovanstående syfte samt relatera detta till litteraturgenomgången. Detta resonemang blev till en diskussion för att därifrån nå ett resultat och således kunna ge ett forskningsbidrag.

Dokumentation av smärta : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine to what extent documentation of pain assessment with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on patients with pain problems was carried out. The study also explored how the documentation followed the existing guidelines of pain. The material was analyzed with descriptive statistics and a qualitative content analysis. The results shows that 43,24 % of total 37 analyzed patient records contained documentation of pain with VAS on the day of hospitalization. All studied journals contained documentation of pain.

Energioptimering av Hemsö fästning med förslag på energieffektivare systemlösningar

The report is a master thesis about energy efficient measures for an underground facility Hemsö fortress.Several proposals are evaluated economically.Statistics of the electricity used and measurements of several heat pumps are analyzed to find energysavings potentials.The results indicate that several units of a dehumidification system are responsible for over 70 % of theyearly electricity cost. The air that is being dehumidified by these units can otherwise cause damage ofculturally important interior designs.The proposal with highest profit suggests an alternative method for dehumidification. The cooler in theair handling units in Hemsö fortress have capacity to dehumidify the air. However complementary fansneed to be installed to circulate humid air towards the air handling units. The solution can be implementedin three different locations within the facility.

Utveckling av AGV för materialtransport till produktionscell

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Design av antennsystem för hypertermibehandling av hjärntumör

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Tillgänglighetens frihet : En studie av Vägverkets måltolkning

In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.

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