955 Uppsatser om Random map generation - Sida 38 av 64
Skolan som politisk påverkare : Hotet mot den liberal demokratin
The purpose with this essay is to find out ifneo-fascist connection will change the next generationscitizens (in this specific case ninth graders) opinions about a specific political party. In modern day Sweden,only one political party stands for political ideas that can be seen as neo-fascist (Sverigedemokraterna). Whatwould happen if the next generation citizens saw this connection and how would they respond? That?s whatthis essay is all about, are the students ?positive?, ?negative? or ?on changed? to a neo-fascist politicalparty? The studies research type is mainly of a qualitative nature butquantitative elements occur. The data iscoming from two classes of ninth graders that answered eight questions each.
Radomoptimering för luftburna störsändarkapslar
These studies are done in behalf of Saab AB AVITRONICS in Järfälla in the form of a thesis atthe Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.The task was to examine the parameters that plays a role in the construction of modern radomesoperating in broadband applications.This was interesting for Saab to get an indication of which way they should go at the newdevelopment of radomes for the next generation of equipment for electronic warfare.After a thorough analysis of the influencing parameters, a optimization application was made toget a automated way to get a radome design by specifying data on the radome size, airloads,materials, etc.This is to minimise the time of the laborious work that radome development.inply.This was solved by letting ANSYS calculate the strength of the radome structure and MATLABcalculate electromagnetic data and cost models of different sizes and materials.All these parameters woven together with the optimization tool modeFrontier picks data from therespective program and perform an optimization algorithm and then iterate a step and sends thisdata to calculation programs for the new input data. In the end, we have received a convergedpoint with our optimal solution.For the presumptions and limitations for which applied for this thesis, the result was prettyintuitive. That is to say that the smaller radome - the less materal is needed and lowermanufacturing costs results in the cheapest solution possible. The reality is not so simple. Whereyou have to take more of the electrical details such as the effect on the transmitter as a majorfactor..
Controlled traffic for grass silage production : an economic evaluation for dairy farmers
The farm management system controlled traffic farming (CTF) aims to reduce soil compaction by restricting the field traffic from agricultural machinery to permanent traffic
lanes. Literature and empirical findings show that soil compaction and field traffic from heavy machinery may affect crop growth negatively, reducing crop yields. If grass-clover leys are subject to heavy field traffic the botanic composition might be altered, providing a lower
clover content in the forage. Clover as a silage feed is rich in protein providing good conditions for high yielding dairy cows. Grass-clover silage production is generally associated with intensive field traffic.
Fuzzy Front End: en litteratur review
Denna uppsats behandlar första fasen i produktutvecklingsprocessen, det vill säga Fuzzy Front End (FFE). FFE är perioden från att det finns en möjlig idé och företaget anser att den är värd att utforska ytterligare, till dess att idén är godkänd och företaget är redo för att börja utveckla samt investera i projektet. I litteraturen anses denna fas som kritisk därför att den är problematisk samt avgörande för företagets fortsatta aktiviteter inom FFE. Forskningen har visat att det finns ett samband, att om företaget effektiviserar FFE bidrar det till framgång för den nya produkten. Det finns liten förståelse vad som verkligen försiggår i FFE fasen och i denna Litteratur Review har 12 stycken teman identifieras för att redogöra för FFE.
Mediernas rapportering i influensatider : En uppsats om Aftonbladets, Expressens och Dagens Nyheters rapportering om svininfluensan under hösten 2009
Ett av de mest notoriska dilemman i dagens kosmologi är den mörka materians natur och dess förekomst i universum. Mot bakgrund av detta har nya forskningsdiscipliner med rötterna i Einsteins relativitetsteori växt fram, bl.a. teorin om gravitationslinser som möjliggör en indirekt observationsmetod av ljussvaga kompakta objekt som annars skulle vara mycket svåra eller omöjliga att upptäcka på traditionella vis, såsom svarta hål.Via en genomgång av grundteorin för gravitationslinser, några enkla teoretiska studier och en grundläggande felmarginalsanalys illustreras hur olika typer av kompakta objekt i Vintergatans omedelbara omgivning kan ge upphov till vissa karakteristiska linsfenomen. Detta sätts i relation till rådande teorier om den tidigaste stjärnbildningen och de massiva kompakta rester som denna generation av mycket massiva stjärnor bör ha efterlämnat ? i synnerhet intermediära svarta hål med massor på 100-1000 Msol som ännu kan finnas i dagens mörka galaxhalor.
Arbetsminneskapacitet: relation till verbalt flöde och indirekt minne för inhiberat material
Processing information in complex everyday life recruites different abilities than limited storage capacity. Working memory, the central executive and inhibition are constructs that have been used to describe this ability of adaptation. This paper investigates the connection between working memory capacity and performances in tasks closely associated to real life situations, i. e. verbal fluency tasks.
Betavärdets trovärdighet : Finns det ett positivt samband mellan aktiers betavärde och dess avkastning på Stockholmsbörsen under perioden 2004-2010?
Bakgrund: Den 20:e april 2010 inträffade en explosion på BP:s oljeplattform Deepwater Horizon i Mexikanska Golfen. Explosionen uppstod på grund av metangas som under högt tryck expanderade på plattformen och sedan antändes. Detta ledde senare till att oljeplattformen sjönk och ett stort okontrollerat oljeläckage uppstod på cirka 1500 meters djup. Att explosionen i den mexikanska golfen har påverkat BP negativt och varit mycket kostsamt för företaget är uppenbart, börskursen hade som mest sjunkit med cirka 60 procent. Det kan vara intressant att undersöka huruvida denna katastrof, utlöst av en enskild aktör, också har spridit sig över till andra aktörer i Olja & Gas sektorn.Syfte: Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att undersöka huruvida BP:s katastrof i den Mexikanska golfen har påverkat andra aktörer i samma sektor (Olja & Gas sektorn).Metod: Sekundärdata presenteras som en kvantitativ ansats i form av siffror och för att kunna dra slutsatserna använder vi oss av en deduktiv ansats.I denna studie tillämpas en metodikteknik i form av en eventstudie, där beräkningar av den abnorma och förväntade avkastningen baseras på marknadsmodellen. Vidare har två hypoteser testats, där syftet med Hypotes I är att pröva huruvida information om händelsen i den Mexikanska Golfen påverkar andra företag i samma sektor som BP.
Beskattning av skalbolagstransaktioner : Analys av skalbolagsreglerna ur ett tillämpnings- och rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
Shell companies are characterized by containing liquid assets such as cash, securities or other similar assets. Transactions of shell companies constitutes a severe problem since the purchaser often has the aim of obtaining undue tax advantages by not paying the tax debt of the company.Historically it has been complicated for the legislator to stop the set-up in an efficient way since the transactions as such are not illegal, instead rather commonly used for example to restructure companies or for the transfer of companies to the younger generation. The purpose of the current legislation is to prevent individuals and corporations to involve in shell company trade. Aiming for an efficient legislation, the tax rate is at a very high level.The issue with the rules is that also honest buyers are at risk of being covered. This calls for high demands in complying with the principle of legal certainty and the possibility to forecast the tax consequences.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and analyze eventual problems when applying the legislation.
"Vi måste hänga med, det här är deras vardag" : En studie om Internets frammarsch, om den digitala generationsklyftan i undervisningen
The aim of my study is to look at two specific schools and their work with Internet in the classroom and compare their work to what experts say about how you should educate. The study focuses on how teachers guide the students to be critical to the information they encounter on the internet. What do the experts say? How should the teachers work with Internet in the classroom? What do the teachers say about their work with Internet? What do the teachers say regarding children and the Internet? To answer these questions I have interviewed two teachers from different schools, which had classes with children 6 to 8 years old. The schools are very different from each other concerning investment on Internet devices in the classroom.
Vems ansvar är krogentrén?
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to find out in which ways a group of first generation immigrants use Swedish papers and magazines in a public library and which information needs this group has about Swedish society. One important aspect in this essay is integration of immigrants in the Swedish society as a possible effect of newspaper reading. The method used in this study is qualitative. Data is generated through semi-structured interviews.
Det är inte bara verkligheten som räknas : Hur uppfattas miljöer i 2D och 3D?
Being able to take a decision on an area you've never seen is a difficult task. It is also complicated to introduce an environment in the best way to benefit its purpose. This study focuses on the differences people notice between 2D and 3D models. To make it more concrete, the study has been linked to a case study called Ha?lsans va?g 255.
Mekanismen i generationsskiftet. Strategisk planering vid generationsskiften i familjef?retag: en kvalitativ unders?kning av processen
This study investigates the succession process in family businesses and aims to enhance the understanding of the process as a whole, as well as how family businesses strategically plan for succession. The research is based on a case study of a family corporate group undergoing a transition from the fourth to the fifth generation. A qualitative research approach was employed, involving interviews with individuals from both the fourth and fifth generations, as well as external stakeholders who have influenced the process.
The results show that the planning and implementation of succession are complex and that there is a certain lack of existing theory. Empirical evidence indicates that contracts and documentation are crucial for advancing the process. Inclusion of external parties is also important, not only for their expertise but also to provide an objective perspective.
Från svartvit till färg : en studie av färg i Michelangelo Antonionis film Den röda öknen
Michelangelo Antonioni (1912-2007) belonged to a generation of filmmakers that breathed new life into cinematic expression in the annals of modern-day European film history. By employing his background as a documentary filmmaker, Antonioni used these skills to help establish his own particular style. There was a distinct evolution of style which progressed during his triology L´Avventura, La Notte and L´Eclisse, 1959-1962. This theises presents a comperative study between his earlier films in black and white and his first color film - Il deserto roso, from 1964. By observing color in relation to narrative, dialouge, acting and elements of mise-en-scène, I suggest different answers than those previously discussed among critics concerning this interrelationship.
Integrering av pelletsfabrik med Rya kraftvärmeverk i Göteborg : en teknisk och ekonomisk utredning
Göteborg Energi has a surplus of district heating during spring, summer and fall. The heat surplus is due to a constant production of waste heat from oil refineries and heat from waste incineration over the year. It would be desirable to increase the demand for heat and the uptime for the newly built combined heat and power generation plant, Rya Kraftvärmeverk. One alternative could be to integrate Rya Kraftvärmeverk with a pellet production facility. By producing heat, electricity and pellet in a joint process the energy use can be decreased.
Rädda hotade arter genom mänsklig fostran - att hjälpa eller stjälpa hållbar reproduktion?
Bestånden av flera hundra djurarter i det vilda minskar årligen. I djurparker jorden runt pågår projekt för att bevara många av dem. Trots lång erfarenhet av att hålla vilda djur i fångenskap är det svårt att få dem att reproducera sig för att skapa hållbara bestånd. Många avkommor överges av sina föräldrar och fostras sedan av personal eller andra frivilliga. Mänsklig fostran
verkar i många fall även ligga till grunden för fortsatta reproduktionsproblem i nästa generation.