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En dold stämpling : - En kvalitativ studie om i vilken utsträckning ett utlänsklingande namn påverkar individens möjlighet att bli kallad till arbetsintervju
Background: Investors have several options to choose from when the goal is to achieve the highest yield at the lowest cost and risk. Stocks are a common investment options, but is also associated with risks. Portfolios are usually constructed with several different assets to reduce the unsystematic risk of investment. Funds are similar to composite stock portfolios, the big difference is that they dealt with in their entirety and investors may not affect the fund's content. The problem remains that whether you choose stocks or mutual funds there is still uncertainty as to how the future will unfold.
Flickor med utagerande beteende : Fyra fall i praktiken
Utagerande beteende riskerar att få allvarliga konsekvenser för individ och omgivning. Orsaker och behandling av utagerande beteende har studerats ingående, men forskning har fokuserat på studier av pojkar och det är oklart hur detta kan generaliseras till flickor. Intresset att studera utagerande beteende bland flickor har ökat då det tycks vara vanligt förekommande och flickorna löper stor risk för negativ utveckling och riskerar föra problemen vidare till nästa generation. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att beskriva problematiken hos en grupp flickor med utagerande beteende, utforma behandling för den aktuella gruppen samt diskutera och utvärdera behandlingen. Data samlades in genom föräldra- och lärarskattningar, minnesanteckningar och intervju.
Kan saffran f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos? En systematisk ?versikt bland vuxna diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2.
Syfte: Syftet med denna ?versiktsartikel ?r att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring
om ett intag av saffran kan f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos hos vuxna personer ? 18
?r diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2, j?mf?rt med placebo.
Metod: Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus. S?kningen
gjordes den 240323 och innfattade ord som "saffron?,? crocus?, "diabetes mellitus,
type 2" och ?random*?. Artikelselektionen utf?rdes systematiskt med hj?lp av en
avgr?nsad fr?gest?llning samt inklusions- och exklusionkriterier, d?r
inklusionskriterier var RCT-studier, gjorda p? vuxna personer diagnosticerade med
Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 d?r interventionen skulle f? supplementering av saffran, och
kontrollen skulle f? placebo.
Kvalitets och förbättringsarbete för ITtjänsteföretag
Wavecraft AB develops medical equipment for heating of organic synthesises. The heating is done with microwaves, which improves the process in both speed and accuracy compared to the more traditional methods where heating elements are used. This report discusses the developement of an automatic lid mechanism for one of Wavecraft's product prototypes. The company assumes that the final product will be integrated by customers into fully automated systems, and the upgrade from a manually to an automatically controlled lid is therefore an important step in the product's developement process.The first stage och the project was an idea generation process. The ideas generated here were organized into five different concepts of which the best one was selected through the use of a concept matrix.
Hållbar utveckling-en studie av små- och medelstora företag i Sverige
Sustainability has become more interesting to several companies through the last years, the trend attracts lots of attention around sustainability. Sustainable development means different to different people. The most frequent definition that we have found and which we believes compare with our definition of sustainable development.?a social change which satisfies daily needs without endanger next generation?s possibilities to satisfy their needs?.We have in this project commence from the English word sustainability and establish our own apprehension of its meaning, in the Swedish translation we have chose to call it sustainable development.This study is a part of an extensive project which is going on around the world and the material of the empirical study is designed after the international variation.Our study on over fifty small and medium sized enterprises has got the conclusion about what they think of sustainable development. We have compiled their answers and then the answers have been divided in three main categories.These main categories are:? Environmental-? Social-? Economic sustainabilityWe have also described what kind of obstacles which can be considered as standstill?s in the work with sustainable development, we have been summery them in three main categories:? Time? Cost? KnowledgeWe have seen that enterprises mostly see it as an competitive advantage to work with the main categories which is included in sustainable development, but the three standstill?s makes it difficult fore them to reach right up to sustainable development..
Ung? Var god dröj! En diskursanalys kring ungdomsarbetslöshet och fördröjd etablering på arbetsmarknaden
Youth unemployement in Sweden is at an all-time high, a fifth of all university and college students live in poverty and the number of young on welfare is increasing. This study attempts to answer the question of how youth deprivation has been made possible as a consequence of political action, focusing on youth unemployment.I critically examine the role of the Swedish government, the Swedish Labour Organisation (LO), and the various government departments through text analysis, in order to answer the question of how the current discourse on youth position in the labor market. Because youth unemployment is not an isolated phenomena the analysis covers several policy areas, such as education policy, labor market regulation and housing policy. I use discourse theories drawn from Laclau and Mouffe to expose how language is used as an instrument of political power.I conclude that the current situation is a result of policy choices where the young have fallen behind due to lack of political organization. Their situation is not problematized to the required degree and is often explained on an individual level rather than on a structural level..
Du ser inte ut som en bibliotekarie! ? Kläder och identitet i bibliotekarieyrket
The aim of this study is to examine whether the image of the stereotype librarian has created conflict in young librarians´ personal identity and/or professional identity and if this has shown in their choice of clothes? Our purpose was to find out, with the help of their choice of clothes, the young librarians view of themselves as individuals and professional librarians. We have searched for the answers to the following questions: - Do young librarians experience that clothing at their workplace has any significance and if so, what do they want to signal with their clothing? - Do they experience that clothing and appearance has any impact on their personal and professional identity? - How do they relate, by their choice of clothes, to the stereotype images of the librarian? We have performed qualitative interviews with eleven young female librarians. As a theoretical framework we have used ideas and concepts from different areas of research; semiotics, social psychology, business administration and ethnology.
Arenainvesteringar i Stockholm : En studie av sex arenor.
The modern arena as we know it today has its origins from about 100 years ago. Since then a lot of aspects have been changed and developed. Arenas built in the same age tend to have the same features and configurations and can therefore be categorized into different generations. Stockholm is represented in each generation but the fourth that constitutes arenas of the early 21st century. Besides that there has been several arena constructions built through the entire 20th century and now most recently in 2010s.The overall motive behind arena investments can be categorized into two types.
Läsning i generationer ? En kvalitativ studie av en familjs läsvanor
The aim of this Master?s thesis was to investigate if one can identify a pattern in a family?s reading habits. Our empirical data was gathered in a survey distributed to a family in three generations, between the ages 15 to 82. The family was interviewed in a life time perspective, in a so called life story character. The questions addressed in this thesis concerned how the reading habits and the general attitude toward literature differ between generations in one family.
Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen
During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.
Investor Relations framtid. Den digitala generationens krav på kommunikation
Titel Investor Relations framtid - Den digitala generationens krav på kommunikation.Författare Johan Sahlman Simon KarlssonKurs C-uppsats i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation vid Göteborg universitetTermin Vårterminen 2009Handledare Jan StridSidantal 61 sidor exklusive bilagorSyfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka en yngre generation finansiella intressenters uppfattningar och önskemål av företags finansiella kommunikation.Metod Fokusgrupper, två grupper aktieägare en grupp finansanalytiker & investerare.Material Två grupper aktieägare från Högskolan i Borås, totalt 7 st. deltagare, en grupp finansanalytiker & investerare från Andra AP-fonden, totalt 4 st. deltagare.Huvudresultat Vårt resultat visar att aktieägare, finansanalytiker och investerare är positiva till vissa format beroende på deras förutsättningar. Trovärdigheten i formaten och av innehållet är av stor betydelse för deras användande. Tryckta finansiella rapporter är fortfarande positivt uppskattade och de digitala formaten ska istället ses som komplement.
Afasi-vänlig information : inför funktionell undersökning av språk med magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI)
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, can be used for analyzing brain activity in subjects performing language tasks. The purpose of this study was to develop aphasia-friendly information adjusted to aphasic subjects participating in fMRI studies. The objectives were to investigate if adjusted information was important for the ability to perform language tasks and if the information could be used for different types of aphasia.Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants varied in grade and type of aphasia. They had Swedish as their native language and were aged between 26 and 89, mean 57.
Fröken vet bäst : En undersökning om hur elever i förskoleklass uppfattar inflytande
Introduktion: Produktplacering I TV och datorspel har ökat dramatisk under senare åren. Detta till stor del för att datorspelutvecklare idag kan återge pro-dukter med hög detaljrikedom. En hög återgivningsgrad är dock ingen förut-sättning för att lyckas med en produktplacering. Istället torde det finnas fler faktorer som påverkar spelares attityd emot de produkter som exponeras i spel. Denna studie försöker bidra med kriterier som kan vara viktiga för en spelare vid produktplacering i förstapersonsskjutarspel.Forskningsfråga: Vilka kriterier kan vara betydelsefulla för generation Y och Z rörande produktplacering i FPS-spel?Metod: Denna studie behandlar FPS-spel som ett fall.
Kan havregrynsgr?t till frukost p?verka aptiten hos vuxna? En systematisk litteratur?versikt
Syfte: Syftet med den h?r systematiska litteratur?versikten ?r att unders?ka det
befintliga vetenskapliga underlaget g?llande om havregrynsgr?t till frukost
p?verkar aptiten inf?r n?stkommande m?ltid hos vuxna.
Metod: I den h?r systematiska litteratur?versikten har en litteraturs?kning genomf?rts i
tv? olika databaser, Scopus och PubMed. Datum f?r litteraturs?kningen var
2023-01-25. PICOTSS formulerades f?r att systematiskt inkludera relevanta
P/E-effekten : En utvärdering av en portföljvalsstrategi på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 2004 och 2012
One could argue that the most discussed topic in finance is whether or not it is possible to ?beat the market?. Even though many people claim to do this, there is little evidence to support the idea that one can consistently beat the market over a long period of time. There are indeed several examples of investors who have managed to outperform the market consistently for a long time, but the efforts of these individuals or institutions could by many be considered to be pure luck.One of the many strategies that have been evaluated by several researchers and is said to generate a risk adjusted return greater than that of the market, is one based on the P/E-effect. This strategy is based on the financial ratio P/E ? price divided by earnings ? and used by constructing portfolios consisting of stocks with low P/E ratios.