

721 Uppsatser om Psychology - Sida 2 av 49

Jämställdhet med psykologiska ögon - Kunskap, attityd och beteende

Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur kunskap, attityd och beteende samverkar kring begreppet jämställdhet. En enkätundersökning genomfördes till ett specifikt utvald organisation. Enkäten är både kvantitativ och kvalitativ. Resultatet visar att det inom denna organisation finns en kunskapsbrist av ett jämställdhetsarbete, det går även att se en koppling mellan attityder och den befintliga kunskapen. Kopplingen mellan attityd och beteende är dock svag.

Mobbning på arbetsplatser: ett resultat av grupprocesser?

Bullying is a significant workplace problem, a fact highlighted both by companies, government and social science. The purpose of this master thesis was to examine if workplace bullying is a result of group processes. This is a theory-based master thesis. A search of literature on bullying, mobbing and harassment was done in a database called ELIN, Electronic Library Information Navigator, connected to Lund University and 414 articles were singled out. The summary of the articles were studied and according to a list of criteria, I choose to study some of the articles in more depth.

Diskurser om konflikter och konflikthantering på ett företag med internationell marknad

Den genomförda studien avsåg att undersöka om det förelåg likheter eller skillnader i synen på konflikter mellan medarbetare och chefer på ett företag, samt vilka diskurser som kunde utrönas. För det syftet utfördes intervjuer med personer inom båda dessa grupper, intervjuerna ställdes sedan samman, analyserades och jämfördes med varandra. Analysmetoden som användes var diskursanalys och resultaten av intervjuerna visade att det fanns både likheter och skillnader mellan medarbetare och chefer i uppfattningen av konflikter och konflikthantering. Vissa mönster påträffades även i uttalandena, där dessa passade ihop och kompletterade varandra utifrån diskursanalytisk synvinkel. Konflikter är ett både viktigt och intressant område för ett företags utveckling och välbefinnande.

Smal, smalare, smalast: en jämförande studie mellan Pro-ana och det "normala" smalhetsidealet

Syftet med studien är att undersöka Pro-anorexia (Pro-ana) bilders påverkan på kvinnor jämfört med vedertagna modellbilders påverkan. Blir kvinnor mer påverkade av att titta på extremt smala kvinnor än av att titta på "normala" smala modeller? En experimentell mellangruppsdesign, med 42 kvinnor från Lunds universitet användes. Den påverkan som mättes var matproblematik, tjockkänsla, idealkropp, självförtroende och affekter. Pro-anafilmer, modellfilmer och kontrollfilmer användes som stimulimaterial.

Bedömningssamtal inom Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the structured and evidence-based assessment tool/method The Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI) trough a social Psychology perspective of conversation. The aim was especially to seek an understanding of the method considering aspects of children?s participation. The research question was: how do the method users apprehend the advantages and the limitations of the BCFPI method considering aspects of children?s participation.

Motstånd - inte tröst. En studie om förståelsen av motståndsbegreppet

Based on hermeneutic tradition, the goal of this thesis is to further my understanding of what the concept of resistance means in a psychoanalytical context today, primarily within clinical practice. My methodology has been to seek an understanding of the concept of resistance by reading excerpts from the original texts of Sigmund Freud, as well as conducting interviews with practicing psychoanalysts that focus on how they relate to the notion of resistance. The idea was to then present my understanding of these sources in relation to one another. The results suggest that an understanding of the concept of resistance in a clinical context is highlighted by a dichotomy between theory and practice..

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between the two aspects of the identity, how the internationally adopted individual integrate's his/her ethnical origin with his/her Swedish identity. With regards to previous studies about adoption and psychological theories the meaning of being internationally adopted in Sweden is discussed..

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

Soundclash Sverige : Reggaemusik, mångkultur och förhandling

Soundclash is a phenomenon where groups within the culture of reggae music ?battle? against each other, through strategies including both music and rhetoric. The social interaction in the clash exemplifies the scene hierarchy, in which the participants aim to position themselves as number one. This study includes empirical material from a competition within the Swedish scene, also distributed digitally via Internet sites. The analysis is based on discursive Psychology, focusing on rhetoric and the construction of meaning.

En fenomenologisk studie av sex psykologers förhållningssätt till andlighet

The purpose of this essay is to examine Cognitive and Psychodynamic theory in the ways they approach spirituality. How and whether or not the personal view of spirituality affects the professional role of the psychologist is investigated. Data from six semi-structured interviews with psychologists have been collected and analysed in a qualitative, phenomenological method. The results reflect two main topics and several subsequent headlines with regards to: 1) the psychologist's professional approach and 2) the area in between the psychologist's personal and professional approach to spirituality. From empirical studies and relevant theories, a discussion is held about the psychological approaches to spirituality in psychotherapy.

Entitetkontinuitet : en religionspsykologisk tolkning

?Entity continuity? refers to recurrent transcendent experiences related to certain places (?hauntings?). The experiences are often interpreted to be due to discarnate spirits or folklore entities. Although the entity continuity experience can be regarded as religious experience, they have yet to be fully explored in science of religion.The purpose of this paper was to describe entity continuity experiences and map out the scientific discussion in order to provide a Psychology of religion that provides an understanding of the phenomena. For this purpose a literature study of theories of jungian Psychology, paraPsychology, and described experiences was undertaken.

Arbetsmotivation i äldreomsorgen: en explorativ studie av uppfattningar hos medarbetare och chef vid ett äldreboende

An explorative study on the work motivation of employees at a retirement home. The three main factors are internal motivation, external motivation and control. A comparison between how important they estimate the different factors to be and how they experience them today reveals which factor is their key motivator and which areas that need improvement. Results indicat that internal and external motivation are slightly more important than control. And the amount of perceived control reflects the amount of creative and initiative behaviour of the individual.

Synen på kön och jämställdhet i den svenska förskolan

The present Equality Project in the Swedish preschool has been studied according to its view on sex and equality. The purpose was to find out how the Equality Project is described, interpreted and implemented.The research questions focused the central concepts sex (gender identity, gender roles and gender patterns) and equality in the political level, the educational level and the executing level of the Equality Project. From each level some central texts were chosen and analysed.The results indicated that equality is interpreted as connected to an absence of gender patterns and gender roles. The concept of gender identity is differently understood in the different texts. The normative focus and the lack of Psychology in the Equality Project are discussed..

Kognitiv beteendeterapi vid morbid svartsjuka: med psykoedukativt tillägg baserat på evolutionspsykologisk teori

Morbid jealousy is a relatively common problem that often results in relational conflicts, frequently involving violence. Eventually many relationships break down as a consequence of these conflicts. Despite of this morbid jealousy is considered to be under-researched. As regards the treatment of morbid jealousy there is however some evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is a worthwhile treatment, and there is also a growing body of evidence that jealousy, normal as well as morbid, is an evolutionary adaptation. This study integrates an evolutionary psychological approach with cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of morbid jealousy.

Gruppdynamik i manliga idrottslag

Studien syftar till att undersöka manliga idrottslag och få en ökad kunskap i gruppdynamikens uppbyggnad och påverkan på laget och dess individer. Metoden som används för detta är tre stycken halvstrukturerade intervjuer samt observationer. Resultatet visade att gruppdynamiken är en väldigt vikig del av idrottslag. Stämningen som finns är byggd på gamla traditioner om hur män i grupp ska fungera samt på en rollsättning som görs i laget. Detta i sin tur skapar en speciell ton och kommunikation inom laget som främjar vi-känslan och samhörigheten.

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