4382 Uppsatser om Psycho-education - Sida 4 av 293
Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om förskollärarnas förhållning till och arbete med utomhuspedagogik
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate teachers´attitudes to and work with outdoor education in preschool. The aim is also to identify the opportunities and barriers that exist to conduct outdoor education. In my research I have interviewed six preschool teachers in a medium sized municipality, where five of the teachers worked in the suburbs to the Big City and one teacher worked in the downtown Big City. All respondents in the study were in favor of conducting outdoor education. The respondents claimed that it promoted children´s health and motor skills. The result also shows that the teachers saw a great opportunity for learning related to outdoor education, by using the resources of nature.
Utbildningsnivå i riksdagen : utbildningsnivå hos riksdagens ledamöter 1971-2006
In the past decades the level of education of the Swedish population has steadily risen. This paper asks questions about the level of education level among members of the Swedish parliament, Riksdagen. The answers are found by studying biographic data over members of parliament between 1971 and 2006. In 1971 a new riksdag, enkammarriksdagen which consists of one ?House?, was founded.
Form och design i frisörutbildningen
This essays purpose is to accentuate the meaning of the knowledge of the design elements color, formand texture in the hair design education. Both the Bauhaus school and Pivot Point educationcampaign close knowledge in color, form and texture. In my study of the literature I compared theBauhaus school with Pivot Point International Inc, study material for hair design education. From thesimilarities in this material I develop a project in color, form and texture. This was a teaching test forstudents in the hair design education at the upper secondary.
Nordisk grannspråksförståelse i en skandinavisk skola utomlands
The primary purpose of this degree project was to investigate teachers conceptions about education for sustainable development and their education within the area. Teachers from Sweden and California have taken part and one of the aims with this study was to look if any differences could be found depending on what country the teachers came from. Therefore, this study has used a qualitative approach where conception maps and interviews have been used to get a result. Furthermore, the result showed that none of the differences that was found can be linked to the participants home country. The study also showed that several of different teaching traditions and educations philosophies was represented.
"Kulturell nedrustning" En studie av forskningsbibliotekens hållning till Bibliotekshögskolan i Borås 1969-1978
In 1972 a national higher education for librarians was started. Up until then different categories of librarians got their education separately. The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore the attitude towards this new education for librarians. The study will concentrate on the attitude of the representatives from the research libraries. Researchlibraries had, until 1972, recruted their librarians amongst Ph.D-level scholars.
Arbetslag och tidspress - En studie av lärarutbildares arbetssituation
This essay investigates the work situation for teacher educators at a university with focus on the subject areas education, research and administration. The research questions contain the work situation the teacher educators have, how they apprehend it, and how they find their position within the work organisation. Six interviews have been executed at the teacher education at a university. Some of the results from the investigation indicate that the teacher educators find education to be very a very demanding work and that the split of work during the academic year is uneven. The work with administration before and after the education, for example work with syllabuses and descriptions for courses, are activities demanding much time.
Egyptiska universitetsstudenters åsikter om det egyptiska utbildningssystemets förutsättningar att främja en demokratisk utveckling i Egypten
The purpose of this essay is to examine Egyptian university students´attitudes about the Egyptian education system´s ability to support a democratic process in Egypt. In order to carry out my study, scientific books and articles have been read and interviews have been made among Egyptian university students. The interviews contained questions about the Egyptian education system´s impact on the democratic process in Egypt and which impact the Egyptian education system has had on the Egyptian revolution.The conclusion drawn from my study is that Egyptian university students find the contemporary Egyptian education system based on authoritarian rules and with a lack of democratic values. The Egyptian university students believe that to establish democratic institutions in Egypt, the Egyptian citizens need a better understanding about democratic values. However, some of the students believe that the democracy that should be established in Egypt, must be based on Islamic values and to succeed with that, Islamic studies must play a greater part in the Egyptian education.When it comes to the Egyptian education system´s impact on the Egyptian revolution the Egyptian university students´opinions were somehow divided. .
?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv
This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.
Föräldrautbildning för adoptivföräldrar: För adoptivbarnets bästa?
AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to study the parental education for adoptive parents. It´s provided by law since 1/1-2005 that parents have to participate in this education-program before they adopt. We wanted to look at what caused the change and made the education compulsory and to find out where the initiative came from, what purpose the education is supposed to fulfil, if it can facilitate for adopted children during their growth and whether the parental education can support the idea of what is best for a certain child always has to come first, according to the UN convention on the Rights of the child and the Haag-convention.The study was based on eight qualitative interviews, four with social workers, three with representatives of adoption-organisations and one with a representative of the public authority of international adoption (MIA). The conclusions of our study are that there is a risk that the education can not fulfil its purpose to prepare parents for their task, that it looses the idea of what´s best for the child and focuses on the parent instead. It seems to be more of a try out to not violate conventions signed and thereby fulfil a symbolic purpose..
Entreprenöriellt lärande : En diskursanalys ? Verklighet, projektarbete, mottagare
This is a study of the phenomenon enterprise education in a Swedish school. Enterprise education is a rather new concept in Swedish schools, and it has yet to be clearly defined and sufficiently studied. In order to investigate the various aspects of the education properly an analysis of the language used by its proponents needs to be performed. The authors have used discourse analysis from a perspective provided by Laclau and Mouffe. This is for the purpose of determining how the phenomenon is expressed by four teachers in the school mentioned previously.
Särskild undervisningsgrupp : En undersökning om upplevelser och tankar kring en särskild undervisningsgrupp
The purpose with this essay is to explore how pupils in a special group of education experience how it feels to be part of this kind of group. Further I want to examine a special educationalist view of this kind of groups. To perform this essay I choose to interview four pupils and one special educationalist. Through the interviews I want to discover the pupils and the special educationalists thoughts and experience. The result has been compared with earlier research and the essay has its basis in different theories.
Åtgärdsprogram - utvecklande eller invecklande? : Arbete med särskilt stöd i praktiken
The purpose of this study is to illustrate how three schools work with special education needs, what they consider is special education needs and what measures they put in for the student to achieve the goals. I will also study how the evaluation and the follow-up of the individualized education program work at the schools.The empirical material consists of all active programs in grades 7, 8 and 9, together with and interviews with special education teachers and the principal at each school. The results are compared with similar previous researches and analysed by two dominant perspectives of school difficulties.The result shows that it is mainly the critical perspective that dominates the individualized education program. The student is the carrier of the problem and is excluded in many cases from the other students in the class. These measures are different compensatory accommodations for the student in order to catch up with other students..
Händelser som påverkat musiklärares undervisningssyn - Intervjuer med fyra fiollärare
Events that have effected music teachers? view on education - Interviews with four violin-teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out what forms the violin-teachers view on how education shall be operated. Through qualitative interviews, four violin-teachers from around Sweden have told about their growing up, higher musical education and what is current. The result shows that the higher musical education and their own teachers throughout the years are factors that have partially shaped their views.
Medborgarutbildning på gymnasiet : Religionskunskap som upprätthållare av värdegrunden?
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att se vilka värderingar elever har efter genomförd religionskurs och hur dessa stämmer överrens med lärarnas ambitioner. Genom en intervjustudie av elever och lärare har jag fått fram en bild av både värderingarna och ambitionerna. Dessa diskuteras mot bakgrund av läroplanen och kursplanen samt det medborgerliga utbildningsperspektivet, citizenship education. För att förstå elevernas värderingar bättre har jag använt mig av Bourdieus sociologiska teorier, vilket gett mig en bild av att skolan inte kan ta på sig hela ansvaret när det gäller överförandet av samhällets värden..
En effektivare habilitering med stöd av webbaserad utbildning. En studie om habiliteringens utbildningsutveckling
The information technology development that has occurred over the past decade has broughtmajor changes into people?s lives. We have gotten used to being constantly connected to theInternet and always having access to information through mobile technology. This has led tochanges in education and more and more courses have become available through Internet. Theseweb-based educations are nowadays very common in schools and in the business world as theyprovide increased flexibility for the user.Habiliteringen Lundbystrand has seen the potential in this kind of education and believes this isan opportunity for them to rationalize their work by replacing parts of their education for parentswith a web-based education.