

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 33 av 43

Ayatollah Khomeini : De rättslärdas styre

A large part of the Iranian population resented the west, in particular USA and Great Britain, during the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979. The people were also resenting the adverse effects of the trumped up frame made in Iran. The last shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was detested by many in Iran for its west-oriented regime. The resentment among many Iranians is a consequence of the violations of e.g. the lack of political and civil rights, there were no existing legal security in the society, there were no economic distribution and the regime of Mohammad Reza Shah violated the human rights.The resolution from an Iranian perspective for riot is not new, during the last centuries the abomination against the despotic kings have been existing varyingly and big riots have been raised.  The Islamic revolution in 1979 was new because the revolution added adverse effects of west, the population detested west and expressed it by protesting through demonstration.  The significance of the revolution in 1979 was also attributable to Islam.

En studie om möjligheter att stoppa förfalskningar : Spårbarheten i en global värld

The purpose of this study is to describe the traceability of products that protect against counterfeiting and examine how protection against counterfeit products have been developed to date, and to display the opportunity to streamline the protection of products and brands.Nowadays, in the global world, it is getting increasingly more difficult to track the products. Especially for the last link in the chain, which in most cases is the customer and who is constantly exposed to risks. This report deals with the possibilities of preventing and detecting counterfeit products. Fake products are not unusual in an historical perspective. It has been common with counterfeits ever since the Middle Ages continuously until today. Forgers have become more skillful and they are successful in most industries. Many of the fake products are of poor quality and can be downright dangerous to the customer.To answer the question, the author used a qualitative collection method.

Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.

Alternativ till fiskbaserat foder till karnivora fiskar

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Pactum turpe : Avtal i strid med lag eller goda seder

Möjligheten att få en tvist prövad i domstol är en rättighet många ser som självklar. Vissa typer av tvister anses emellertid så främmande för rättsordningen att de inte förtjänar dess skydd. Hit hör fall av pactum turpe, det vill säga ett avtal vars innehåll står i strid med lag eller goda seder. Huruvida en talan grundad på ett sådant avtal skall avvisas av en domstol eller ej har varit denna uppsats syfte att utreda. I utländsk lagstiftning förekommer lagbestämmelser, enligt vilka avtal i strid med lag eller goda seder är ogiltiga.

En glimt av hur barnsynen speglas inom två olika länder : En jämförande studie mellan en förskola i Sverige och en förskola i USA

In this thesis I have discussed about conflict management in school, from a teacher´s perspective. Focus has been on Swedish schools, especially on the teachers who are active in primary school. Several perspectives have been given, including an intercultural approach which has been the most recurrent. The importance of teachers? emotional maturity, knowledge about democracy and values, as well as teacher?s impact by being a sharp leader in different ways are other subjects the essay has touched.

Diakoni och välfärd. : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan diakoni och socialt arbete.

This study discloses the responsibility of social work for the Swedish welfare state respective deacons in the Swedish protestant church, which roll the Swedish protestant church have in the existent welfare and also if deacons experience any expectations and how these expectations in that case are expressed.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationbetween deacons working within the Swedish protestant church and social work, as it appears for professional deacons. The method of investigating the questions raised by the aim of this study has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from six deacons working in different workplaces. The data derived from these interviews was then analysed through the theory of Gösta Esping-Andersen about welfare states and also through background research and earlier science research about the social work within the Swedish protestant church and other social work. The result of the study show that the welfare state in Sweden has the comprehensive responsibility for the citizens. Deacons working within the Swedish protestant church does not have the same responsibility.

Generalklausulens fjärde punkt i Lag (1995:575) mot skatteflykt : I ljuset av Peru-upplägget

The taxation of various kinds of income which Sweden requires taxpayers to pay results in people undertaking sophisticated tax schemes to avoid paying tax . As a result of this Sweden had to develop its tax laws and insert a general clause in the legislation because the legislator wanted a more preventive effect. This preventive effect results in that the clause is applicable to more various types of tax situations. The clause, found in § 2 law (1995:575) against tax treaty override, states four requisites that must be met for a procedure to be considered tax treaty override. The relevant point for this paper is the fourth item which created interpretation problems among courts.

Om rätten till utbildning för psykologiskt och socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar: ett juridiskt perspektiv

This essay is about children who have psychological and social problems. An increase part of children and young people in Sweden describe this kind of difficulties. These problems are at the same time a concern for the school as well as the social welfare. The purpose in this essay is to explore if children with psychological and social problems have the same legal rights to education as other children. The main questions are to describe the legal rights in this area and explore how schools and social welfare cooperate in order to achieve better possibilities for the children.The facts take a legal aspect as a starting point.

Vart tog matchningen på arbetsmarknaden vägen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Arbetsförmedlingens debattartiklar i svenska dagstidningar under perioden 2009?2014

The present study examines power relations, textual genre and attitudes to the matching process in the labor market in the employment office?s opinion articles in the period 2009?2014.     The power relations that emerge in the debate articles between employers, job seekers and private employment constitute the study's main question.The theoretical starting points are taken from Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis (1992, 2001, and 2010), where the discursive practice consists of the employment office?s production of opinion articles during a recession. The social practice consists of the laws and regulations that make its actions to reduce unemployment in the society. The method is derived from Halliday?s (1994, 2002) systemic functional linguistics.


ABSTRACT This study consists of a comparison between a public and a private organization that works with people with mental unhealth. The first organization is an authority that conducts investigations to determine if their clients are qualified to receive some sort of help in their daily lives as a part of the Swedish welfare system. The private organization works with offering different kinds of daily activities for people with mental unhealth as a work-training program or to help them create a daily routine in their lives. Our purpose with this paper is to compare the work of the two different organizations based on their organizational framework to see what similarities and differences there are in their work and their chosen approach in meetings with their clients. Our chosen method is that of semi-structured qualitative interviews with three different employees in each organization.

?Det a?r inte viktigt att jag ska vara absolut ba?st, men jag vill vara ba?ttre a?n de flesta? : En kvalitativ studie om juriststudenters subjektiva upplevelser av krav och stress

AbstractTitle: It is not necessary to be the best, but I don?t want to be average Author: Maja Benca & Emma Ender Tutor: Hedvig EkerwaldPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to identify the subjective experiences of stressors and demands of law students of Uppsala University. Beyond these problems, this thesis was also identifying if there was a balance or conflict between social life and studies from a social psychological perspective. This essay is based on five key questions: How does the subjective experience of stress and demands affect the interviewed law students? How do the interviewed law students handle the stress and demands in their studies and in everyday life? Do the interviewed law students consider there is a balance between social life and studies? How do the law students want to present themselves in front of classmates and teachers? What do the interviewed law students consider to be the main goal in life? Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of ten interviews with law students of Uppsala University, five women and five men in the ages of 20 - 32.

Bildtolkning som metod : med syfte att visualisera genusperspektivet

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka hur bildtolkning fungerar som metod för att nå insikt i ungdomars tankar kring jämställdhet, feminism och genus. Jag är också intresserad av hur bilder kan användas i undervisning utanför bildämnet, hur bilder kan användas som en visuell presentation till ett perspektiv eller begrepp, här till det feministiska perspektivet och genusbegreppet. Tillfälle att undersöka detta dök upp genom samtal med en lärarstudent som genomförde sin ämnespraktik i psykologi men även undervisade två klasser i det ämne som kallas livskunskap och idag undervisas på vissa skolor. Kursens mål är bland annat att ta upp genusrelaterade frågor. 53 elever har genom en enkät med öppna svarsalternativ tolkat en bild med feministiska tolkningsmöjligheter.

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad

Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval.

Mindre åkeriföretags konkurrensstrategier

The amount of cargo has since the 1970s increased in Sweden and the road traffic accounts for a large part of the transported volume. In Stockholm County the amount of cargo is calculated to be doubled in size from year 2001 to 2020 which means a greater need for transport is required. Much of these transports are being carried out by haulage companies of varying sizes which acts externally as carriers for their customers. All of this despite a greater awareness, laws and demands regarding environmental performance.The trend shows that the haulage industry in Sweden are moving towards fewer but larger haulage companies, which means that the competition is getting tougher for the smaller haulage companies. Smaller haulage companies and research about their competitive strategies is a neglected part of this industry.

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