

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 34 av 43

Vita Bandet Luleå: föreningens ursprung, verksamhet och utbredning

Uppsatsens syfte är att på ett övergripande sätt visa på en kvinnlig nykterhetsförening, Vita Bandets ursprung och etablering i Sverige samt dess spridning över landet. Föreningens vidareutveckling och verksamhet kommer att belysas och redogöras för, där Luleå Kvinnliga Nykterhetsförening, senare Vita Bandet, används för att exemplifiera kvinnornas arbete för ett nyktert samhälle och ett nyktert Sverige. Syftet är även att klarlägga medlemmarna i föreningen samt vad deras förpliktelser och åtaganden gentemot föreningen kom att bestå av. Uppsatsen handlar främst om Vita Bandet i Luleå och den huvudsakliga avgränsningen i tid ligger mellan 1902 och 1932. Dessa trettio år används för att exemplifiera föreningen och dess verksamhet.

Skönhetsvård : -En tjänst som hamnar utanför konsumenttjänstlagen ?

AbstractThis essay is about what rights that a consumer has, after it?s been to a beauty-shop getting a treatment somewhere on her body. We were interested to see what kind of regulations that could be useful if a problem occurred after or during treatment. There are several risks with these treatments.The last decade these kinds of treatments have increased, due to people being vain and so aware about there looks. We started to investigate what type of rights the consumer generally has when it?s about a service.

Studenters kollektivtrafik : Studenters preferenser och önskemål på ett nytt biljett- och informationssystem inom kollektivtrafiken i Värmland

Abstract Over the years the consciousness of risk has grown. It?s hard to influence risks, therefore there are guidelines stating that significant risk must be included in the annual report. This paper is a case study; the purpose was to examine how four Swedish listed companies chose to disclose their internal and external risks. Risk is initially described in general sense and then it figures to what constitutes an economic risk.Through a case study of four Swedish listed companies? annual reports we have, through qualitative methods found how the companies chose to disclosure their risks.

Hiv i Sverige - Prevention, sexuella attityder & beteenden

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus which occurs worldwide and spreads between humans mainly through sex, from mother to child, blood and blood products and between injecting drug users. After been infected with HIV for a couple of years the final stage of the infection progress into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and there is no cure or vaccine, only medication that delays the development of the disease. Objective: The aim of this thesis is to examine the preventive work against HIV in Sweden, the groups at risk for getting infected and to highlight sexual attitudes and behaviours among adolescents and young adults. Method: A literature based study method was used and the material is based on scientific articles and reports from active actors within the field of HIV prevention.

Hållbar utveckling i svensk planeringspraktik : en diskussion kring förtätning och andra ambitioner

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Vargolyckan på Kolmårdens djurpark : En studie av Kolmårdens kriskommunikation vs medias berättande

With the rise of the internet especially and information- and communication technology in general, the opportunities for fast and effective communication and sharing of information have proliferated. In relation to the new technologies, the citizens? demands on organizations? communicative efforts have increased. Today?s citizens have high standards regarding transparency, the opportunity to dialogue and have hopes to influence the public sector.

Vilka faktorer påverkar företags val av redovisningsregelverk

Abstract Title: What factors influence a company's choice of accounting rules?Subject/Course: Business Administration -Bachelor thesis Supervisor: Charlotte HemmingsonBackground: Throughout time several of accounting scandals have been discovered, which has increased the demands and requirements of accounting standards. To ensure that the information companies share in their annual reports will be reliable and useful for its users, it is required that certain regulations are in place to ensure that they are established correctly based on laws and regulations. On the first of January 2014, new rules regarding the preparation of the financial reports were established in Sweden. In other words, new rules were introduced by Bokföringsnämnden regarding category 2 and category 3 accounting rules.Problem: The companies had to make their choice between the two different accounting rules.

En skattemyndighet : Balans mellan maktutövning och relationsbyggande

Background: Power by force and threats used to be the common way to collect taxes, but this procedure is today completely different. It?s now more about building a mutual relationship and with help of laws and controls steer citizens and companies to pay the tax they owe. Thus the way to collect taxes have changed over the years, the collecting of taxes aren?t a popular task to do.

Kontroll av slakttransporter : en jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Danmark

Animal welfare during transport has for a long time been a problem around the world. Many animals are transported in stressful environments for slaughter. Even during Roman and Antiquity times wild animals were transported from Africa to the amusement parks in Rome. The aim of our work was to compare how well Sweden and Denmark are performing their inspections of transports of cattle and pigs for slaughter. Today, overloaded transports and poor treatment is not uncommon in Europe and every year 22 million animals are transported between countries.

Affärsmöjligheter med Smarta Elnät : En studie som undersöker möjligheter och hinder i utvecklingen av det svenska elsystemet

Distributed, renewable generation-units and more efficient use of electric power,demands a developed electric grid. This grid is often referred to as the ?Smart Grid?.This future electric system rise expectations among actors in the existing electricmarket. International organizations share visions of opportunities for electricityconsumers and new actors, ready to enter the market. At the same time, electricutility companies may question the need for some of these upcoming changes, as theyare sometimes expected to lead the development.This paper therefore seeks to investigate the business opportunities related to SmartGrids.

Gränsöverskridande arvskiften : En analys av domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågan med beaktande av EU:s förordning nr 650/2012 samt dess förhållande till tredjestat

In today?s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions.

Jämförelse mellan gamla PBL och nya PBL : Med fokus på bygglovets överklagande och möjlighet att vinna laga kraft

This thesis provides a comparison of the old Planning and Building act (PBA) from 1987 with the new PBA, which entered into force in May 2011. The essay consists of a descriptive part that presents the regulation of both laws. The new PBA consists of several differences compared to previous regulation. This thesis will, however, primarily be centred around the regulation regarding building permit appeals and the possibility of building permit, to gain legal force.In the old PBL, there were no regulations that result in a building permit decision could be made effective. Instead, a building permit could, long after the decision had been made, be over-challenged.

Äganderätten eller allemansrätten : En studie av hur små och medelstora markägare i mellersta Sverige skyddas av rättssystemet vid markpåverkan orsakad av tredja man

The aim of this master?s thesis in administrative law has been to study the property owners' legal rights when a third party impacts on the property. The essay is based on several case studies of landowners in central Sweden which has the purpose of forming a background to the legal studies of this field. The framework for current studies builds therefore on landowners' experiences of impairment and damages on their property and has been added to highlight a current problem that exists in central Sweden. The purpose of the study is therefore to see whether a protection in law is imposed on landowners with such problems as the land ownership study shows.

Kan evidensbaserad design användas i upprustningen av miljonprogrammet?

Between 1965 and 1975 a major housing project was carried out in Sweden to resolve a major housing crisis, the so-called one million housing program (Swedish: miljonprogrammet). To raise the standards and create a more attractive housing in these areas is currently a very relevant topic in Sweden.Evidence-based design is the process of basing decisions of the built environment on credible research and studies to achieve the best possible outcome. This method is primarily used in the healthcare sector to improve quality of care and reduce costs by creating healthy environments.The possibility of refurbish apartment buildings from miljonprogrammet using evidence-based design has been studied by means of an extensive literature review and a closer examination of the residential area, Husby in Stockholm, which has been chosen to represent the miljonprogrammet in its entirety. Furthermore, the evidence-based research has been limited to seven fields; nature, noise, color, wayfinding, safe environment, daylight and thermal comfort which has been assessed to be applicable on housing. In order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the different fields, four different subjects were chosen to investigate further within each field; research and studies, laws and regulations, constructional aspect and Husby.

Stigmatiseringsprocessen av prostituerade kvinnor i Spanien

I detta arbete studerar jag vilken bild av det industriella kulturarvet som förmedlas när kulturarv och turism tillsammans skapar kulturarvsturism, i synnerhet vid Världsarvet i Falun. Jag har för att ta reda på detta gjort litteraturstudier, genomfört intervjuer och studerat förmedlandet av världsarvet i text och på plats vid gruvområdet i Falun.Kulturarvsturismen faller mellan å ena sidan kulturmiljövården och å andra sidan turismnäringen och samarbete mellan dessa två sektorer har ofta visat sig vara problematiskt. De olika aktörerna arbetar med olika tidsperspektiv, har olika utbildning och olika uppdrag vilket ofta lett till konflikter. För att tydliggöra denna konflikt talar jag i detta arbete om ett bevarande- och ett turismutvecklingsperspektiv. Vid Världsarvet Falun ? industrilandskapet kring Stora Koppargruvan - har man tidigt skapat ett gemensamt världsarvsråd med ett samarbete som uppfattas som positivt av de intervjuade.

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