

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 10 av 43

Eva och lagen - En studie av bibliska syner på kvinnor utifrån skapelseberättelsen i Gen 2-3 och lagar i Gamla testamentet

The purpose of this C-essay within the subject of religion is to form a notion as to how the attitudes towards women and their position in a theoretical biblical society might have been perceived, based upon a select number of texts from the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch).Since this essay was written under the framework of the teacher education programme, it is also integrated with the pedagogy subject. This manifests itself with the didactic reflection at the end of this essay, where I try to relate the subject of this essay to the teaching profession.The material, which consists of excerpts from the first and second chapters of Genesis, and aselection of the laws in the first five books of the Bible (from Genesis to Deuteronomy), wasanalysed according to an ideological model, where themes and patterns have been more important than specific word choices.The analysis showed that the views on women vary depending on who writes and who interprets a specific text extract, and the conclusion was that since laws reflect the society it is likely that they were created to improve women's status to make it as equal to the man's as possible.The didactic reflection offers suggestions for lesson plans on the themes gender, feminism andfeministic theology..

Placerad på behandlingshem, vad händer sedan? : En studie om socialsekreterares arbete med uppföljning av tidigare placerade ungdomar

Placed in an institution, what happens next? A study concerning how social workers handle the after-care of adolescents who earlier has been placed in an institution is written by Therese Wester and Sanna Sjölander Wirlöf. The purpose of the study is to understand and explain how social workers handle the after-care. This study is based on an organizational perspective since the after-care has been studied in relation to the structure of the organization and the laws and guidelines that the organization has to relate to. The method that has been used is semi-structured interviews with six social workers in different municipalities in Stockholm.

Generationsskifte : av familjeägda jord- och skogsbruksföretag

The aim of this thesis is to present, investigate and especially to analyse the legal rules that apply in the process of changing of the generation of the ownership of Swedish agriculture and forestry family business. The methods that this study include are: unplanned succession of ownership, i.e. inheritance, and planned succession of ownership, i.e. gift and purchase. The succession method that is the most cost efficient must be established in every single case depending on the situation of the current owners and the successors.

Skattemässiga konsekvenser vid delning av aktiebolag genom underprisöverlåtelser

This thesis conserns the new laws about restructuring. The writers major task has been to analyse and to show which circumstanses different situations of restructuring may cause..

Avvikelser i energiprestanda

Calculated and measured energy in residential buildings is going to differ. The reason to this may be due to many factors. In this study there is a study on how these factors affect the energy use in a building. To get an insight in what defines energy, there is first a description of energy supply both worldwide and used in Sweden, followed by a description of the energy balance. In this study energy will be studied in residential buildings only.

Regleringen kring människohandelsoffer : - för offret eller för rättsprocessen?

Arbetet behandlar människohandel för sexuella ändamål av gränsöverskridande karaktär och fokus ligger på lagstiftningen kring offret i processen. Sveriges inställning till människohandel, och i synnerhet till offret, är särskilt intressant med tanke på den nationella lagstiftningen som kriminaliserar sexköp.Internationell och regional rätt presenterar en enhällig definition av människohandel och stadgar vikten av att åtala och skydda. Det finns dock fortfarande ingen internationell, än mindre regional, konsensus om hur människohandelsoffret ska skyddas. I internationell rätt verkar skyddsåtgärder väga lika tungt som åtagandet att åtala, vilket dock inte återspeglas i regional rätt och nationell lagstiftning. Istället skapas en hierarki: åtala och sedan skydda.

"Inte så att jag har lust att inte ge dem vård bara för att de är gömda..." : Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att vårda gömda flyktingar

 The number of hidden refugees in Sweden is estimated to be at least 15,000. The law, which only allows this group a very limited access to health care, can be considered to clash with the human rights and the ethical codes related to the health care professionals.The aim of the study was to examine how the personnel in public health care may experience treating hidden refugees and which ethical conflicts that may be connected to this. The study, which is of a qualitative descriptive design, is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were trained nurses and mid-wives in an emergency room, a maternity ward and a health care centre for asylum seekers.The experience of treating hidden refugees amongst the informants was limited. The study proved that the knowledge of laws and guidelines regarding hidden refugees amongst the interviewed health care personnel was poor.

Bedömningsgrunder och reningskrav för avloppsreningsverk, 25-2000 pe, i Laholms kommun

The aim of this project was to look into ten small sewer systems in the municipality of Laholm, in Sweden, in order to work out common assessment grounds for them. The sizes of the systems for purification of wastewater were within the range of 25 to 2000 population equivalents. Our method was to study literature, the laws and regulations applicable and the files at the municipality. The conclusion is that every sewer system is different and every situation is unique. We concluded that based on laws and assessment grounds sewer systems equal in size and pollution load ought to have similar demands attached to them.

Surfplattan som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with staff from three Egyptian NGOs in Cairo during the spring of 2013. The study examines how three Egyptian NGOs discuss the woman?s situation within the Islamic legal discourse in the contemporary Egypt. The empiric material was analysed through a theoretical framework of gender in Islam, and a discussion of the concept of human rights laws in a local context.The respondents emphasize the societies gender stereotypes as obstacles in the discussion regarding women?s rights.

Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

AbstractIn this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D).

Privatisering av folkbibliotek skildrat i politiska dokument under 1990-talet

This masters thesis is a study of official political documents in order to discuss privatisation and the Swedish public libraries. In the 1990s public libraries became placed on contractors, and that was said to be one form of privatisation. The main issue for this study concerns driving forces and obstacles for privatisation of public libraries. Another issue concerns advantages and risks. We will also discuss how the future of public libraries will be in this context.

Islamiskt bankväsende : en kvalitativ studie om internationaliseringsprocessen för islamiska banker

The first official Islamic bank was established in 1975. The characteristic of an Islamic bank is that the bank is based on an interest free system. The interest free system is a requirement for an Islamic bank. The Islamic bank system is based on Sharia laws which are laws that are followed by Muslims and it is based on the text from the Quran. The Islamic Banks had a rapid expansion between 1993 and 2003, the expansion was about 23 percent and since 2003 have the expansion been about 20 percent.

Hästhållares uppfattning av Länsstyrelsens tillsyn i Halland

In the beginning of 2009 The County Administrative Boards assumed the responsibility of animal welfare, a task previously performed by the individual municipalities. This transfer was made with the aim of achieving more efficient and equivalent animal welfare controls across the country. Previous studies among animal owners have shown a somewhat negative image of animal welfare controls. This study focuses on investigating the experiences of the horse keepers in the County of Halland concerning animal welfare. The study is based on a questionnaire which was sent to 423 horse keepers in Halland, of which 130 were returned with information that laid the foundation of this study.

Integritet och sa?kerhet inom den digitaliserade sjukva?rden. : Med perspektiv utifrån patientdatalagen

The digitization of patient data and medical records used by the healthcare-industry in Sweden is rapidly developing. However; developing and changing things in this field is not an easy task because of the circumstances surrounding it. Digital systems intended to process, and hold, sensitive personal data, such as medical journals, must be developed with laws, confidentiality, integrity and availability in mind to secure that none of this data gets compromised.A complicating factor in regards to this is the fast rate of development within IT in contrast to the much slower bureaucratic process of the justice system. This means that laws and regulations oftentimes aren?t up to date with the newest available technology.With the purpose of establishing set regulations on how patient data should be properly handled the Swedish government enacted the Patient Data Act (sv.

Mellan lag och rätt : en rättsvetenskaplig studie av kommunala riktlinjer avseende ekonomiskt bistånd i Stockholms län

The purpose of this essay was to examine municipal guidelines regarding the administration of the social assistance, collected from 18 municipalities in the Stockholm-area to achieve a greater understanding on how they were constructed in respect to the legislation and how the language mediated their contents. The legal aspects of the social assistance was studied through a jurisprudential method in which the legislative history, texts of laws and case laws were examined. The empirical aspect of this essay was studied through a hermeneutical method and analyzed through theories of social constructionism and legal pluralism. The results from the jurisprudential study were also used to understand how the municipal guidelines were constructed in relation to the law. The results of this essay corresponded well with previous studies in this field where considerable divergences in the approval of social assistance have been established.

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