

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 9 av 43

Förändringar i revisionsarbetet av kapitalförvaltningsbolag : En studie i hur revisionen av kapitalförvaltningsbolag har ändrats sedan den ekonomiska krisen 2008

Title:Changes in the auditing work of asset management companies.Advisor:Bengt BengtssonExaminer:Stig SörlingAuthors: Mattias Skog & Andrea CyganikPurpose:The purpose is to examine how the work of auditing asset management companies has changed since the crisis 2008.Methodology:The study is based on an adductive approach using a quantitative method.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework includes previous studies and literature concerning the auditing business, the financial crisis, principal agent theory and stewardship theory.Empirical findings:The empirical material is based on answers from 22 auditors in 6 different auditing firms, and it was conducted by sending them a survey.Conclusion:The study showed that the major changes were changes in laws and regulations controlling the auditing business. New guidelines and laws were set to try and improve the quality of the auditing business while trying to restore stained reputation. New regulations were also set to increase the control the government have of inspecting the business through finansinspektionen..

En intressant gemenskap - En analys av begreppet intressegemenskap i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

The establishment of loan-based structures within a group of associated enterprises with the purpose of lowering the group's taxes by using deductible interest payments to transfer money has become increasingly popular in Sweden during the past few years. The legislator has therefore implemented new laws which restrict the amount of interest payments that are deductible within a group of associated enterprises. As a consequence the definition of associated enterprises has become of high importance. The definition has been criticized and is perceived by many as vague and difficult to interpret. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the definition of associated enterprises in Swedish tax law with the aim of clarifying its scope and meaning.

PROSTITUTION OCH INTERAKTION - En diskursiv studie om kön och makt på en sexsajt.

Vårt syfte med studien var att har varit att undersöka den rådande diskursen på sexsajtforum. Detta för att se vilka processer som pågår mellan och inom könen.Frågeställningarna var:? Vilka relationer och diskussioner framträder mellan kvinnorna?? Vilka relationer och diskussioner framträder mellan männen?? Vilka relationer och diskussioner framträder mellan männen och kvinnorna?? Vilken typ av maktförhållanden framträder när det gäller inom- och mellankönsliga diskussioner?Metoden vi använde oss av i vår undersökning, var att observera och samla information i vad som skrevs på ett allmänt diskussionsforum på sexsajten Sekreterarakademin. Vi har även använt oss av litteratur inom ämnet samt för att kunna bearbeta materialet med passande teorier, i detta fall feminism, maskuliniteter och homosocialitet.I vår undersökning kom vi fram till att det är en ständig maktkamp som pågår mellan de escorter och de män som befann sig på sajten. Escorterna som är prostituerade uttrycker med bestämdhet att de håller fast vid priser och ett rådande regelsystem vilket männen konstant utrycker nedlåtande åsikter om och försöker ändra.

Trafficking/människohandel : En människas egentliga värde

With focal point on the national directions, created by Länsstyrelsen (Swedish county administration) in cooperation with National Method support against Trafficking (NMT), this paper aims to depict the phenomena trafficking and also portray the concurrent counteracting against trafficking in Sweden that authorities exert. All involved participants in this mechanism have their particular remit and their ability to interact is hence of utmost significance.In order to fully comprehend and be able to analyze these unified operative execution-elements and processes in Sweden we also have to understand what is proceeding in the international arena. The organized crime-combine is not restrained by boundaries and continuously develop and refine methods in sexual trafficking, that has grown into an expanding multibillion industry. International counteracting is consequently a worldwide existing matter of utmost interest. Therefore we will also, in our report, present international machines such as International Organization for Migration (IOM).In regard to the proceedings in the international arena, concerning empirical and methodical techniques and information of research findings, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) occupies the leading place in the analysis.The main focus, the cornerstone of this paper, is an inquiry into the formerly relatively unknown and unexplored aspects of what happens to individuals who have been subjected to sexual trafficking in Sweden after governmental intervention implicating forced re-allocation to the country-of-origin.

Äktenskapsideal i svenska giftermålstidningar 1914 och 1924 : föremål för liberal styrningspolitik

This essay analyses two swedish magazines about marriage, called "giftermålstidningar", from 1914 and 1924. With ideology as theoretical basis the subject matter is to find words and expressions of ideological influence in the source material. These influences is assumed to come from contemporary marriage laws, which expressed certain views about heterosexual relationships. In addition to the state's laws, the writers in the magazines is presumed to be influenced by other contemporary ideas. Either an older, christian tradition from brittish baptist Frederick Brotherton Meyer, or the swedish economist Knut Wicksell, who represents the Neo-Malthusian world view.

Upphovsrätten incitament eller slutstation? En ideologikritisk analys av The Association of American Publishers och Authors Guilds syn på upphovsrätt.

The aim of the following thesis is to examine if the ideology behind the copyright laws of today poses a threat to creativity and the cultural heritage. The organizations Association of American Publishers and Authors Guild are subject to an ideology- analysis which seeks to examine their ideological views on copyright and the possible threat to creativity such a view brings. The conflict between the two organizations and Google Book Search is used as a context where the ideology is being brought to light. Stanford Law School professor, Lawrence Lessigs work is used as theory and an alternative to the examined view on copyright. The result suggests that the organizations see copyright as the only effective incentive to creation and therefore they think stronger intellectual property laws are needed.

Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansats

To investigate if the student?s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective. Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study.

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.

Miljö- och Personalreglering i Förvaltningsberättelsen : - En studie av Svenska Börsnoterade Företag

The environmental work of companies has become an incredibly important factor in achieving reduced levels of environmental pollution. For companies the work on environmental issues began in the 1980s. During this time companies also began to show interest for the personnel, an interest that was shown in the form of attempts to disclose personnel information in economics. Earlier this information was separated from the financial information, despite the fact that the revenues are created by the employees.The purpose of this paper is to examine how well companies with a notification or a permit today account for environmental- and personnel information in their director?s report.

Identitetens språk : Svensklärares attityd till dialekt i Värmland

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze laws that completely prohibit abortion through a legal philosophical perspective. To demonstrate that abortion blanket bans cannot be seen as legally legitimate, the author has completed a literature study where she uses Robert Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? to analyze abortion laws both in general, and in Nicaragua in particular.Based upon Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? the author has identified three relevant key elements ? social efficacy, the argument from injustice and correctness of content - which she uses in her analysis. In order to apply these three elements on the total abortion ban, she then uses four different analysis tools - feminist theory, Human Rights, deontology analysis and right analysis. This has enabled a thorough analysis of the total ban on abortion that has demonstrates that such laws cannot be considered legitimate.By highlighting the human rights violations the law entails, one can conclude that the law has a social impact.

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Nätanslutning av vindkraft : vindkraftsbranschens aktörers perspektiv på nätanslutning och tariffer

Wind power is a growing energy sector in Sweden. However, it still represents only a small part of the total electricity production, about 0.7%. In order to create good conditions and to facilitate the establishment of wind power in Sweden, the government has for example, created a national centre for wind use. The objective has been to reach the governmental goal, which is an expansion of wind power by 10 TWh by year 2015 compared to the level in 2002. The Swedish electricity market was deregulated in 1996 which refers to the introduction of a competitive market in electricity production and trade.

Förbjud det totala abortförbudet? : Hur legitim är abortlagen i Nicaragua?

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze laws that completely prohibit abortion through a legal philosophical perspective. To demonstrate that abortion blanket bans cannot be seen as legally legitimate, the author has completed a literature study where she uses Robert Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? to analyze abortion laws both in general, and in Nicaragua in particular.Based upon Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? the author has identified three relevant key elements ? social efficacy, the argument from injustice and correctness of content - which she uses in her analysis. In order to apply these three elements on the total abortion ban, she then uses four different analysis tools - feminist theory, Human Rights, deontology analysis and right analysis. This has enabled a thorough analysis of the total ban on abortion that has demonstrates that such laws cannot be considered legitimate.By highlighting the human rights violations the law entails, one can conclude that the law has a social impact.

Biblioteken, upphovsrätten och de nya medierna

The explosion of new digital media puts pressure for developments within copyright law both in Sweden and internationally. These developments are taking place on two different international areas: (1) WIPO which is a part of the UN family and (2) the EU where a new directive on copyright law is being prepared and probably implemented during 2001. The aim of this thesis is twofold: (1) to study which considerations libraries must make when handling the new digital media both under today's copyright laws and under those which are being developed internationally. (2) What will be the consequences, for Swedish libraries, if the new EU-directive on copyright law is implemented in Sweden? By analysing current copyright laws, international treaties and the proposal for a new EU-directive as well as the national debate the thesis brings attention to a number of central issues for libraries.

Kvotering i Polishögskolan : En rättslig studie rörande tillåtelse att kvotera vid antagning till högskola och huruvida kvotering förekommer i polisutbildningen

The purpose of this essay is primarily to investigate the possibility of and the rules concerning using quotas in the field of admission to university. Secondly, an investigation of whether the Swedish Police Academy has been conducting this method during the years of 2009 and 2010 is made. They are currently accused of having discriminated applicants due to their gender and ethnicity. In order to examine the legal arena as far as possible the laws of discrimination, both including the legislations and regulations assumed by the EU as well as the Swedish laws in this field, will be studied. The laws of discrimination will be put in relation to the legal possibilities of making exceptions from the principle of equal treatment.

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