

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 11 av 43

Ensam i Europa? En studie om mottagande- och anpassningsprocessen för ensamkommande barn i Europa, med utgångspunkt i Italien

In the last decade the Italian authorities have tried to adapt themselves to a united European asylum system, in the European Union, through the adoption of legal reforms, intended to improve the conditions of asylum seekers in Italy. Despite these reforms, asylum seekers and refugee?s living conditions are far from covered. The aim of this study is to explore the different functions of social work in the Italian reception process regarding unaccompanied minors and their implications on the wellbeing of the unaccompanied minors. This study was conducted through several interviews with both social workers, which in some way worked with unaccompanied minors, and the unaccompanied minors themselves.

Boomerang/Filippa K : En studie i lojalitet till klädesmärken

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

Riskkapitalbolag : En analys av hur den svenska riskkapitalmarknaden påverkades av IT-haussen

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

BSCI : Ett europeiskt initiativ till standardisering av socialt ansvarstagande

Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.

HUR MAJORITETEN SER PÅ MINORITETEN En studie från Slovakien om romers livsförutsättningar och identitet

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the minorities view on themselves.The study focuses on the research questions; what does the Roma identity look like? Is there a connecting between the week feeling of belonging to the majority ? Slovaks - that the Roma people feel and the widespread racism, stereotypes and scapegoat view towards Roma that the majority in the Slovak society have? Is the view Roma have on themselves effected by how other see them? Has the situation for the Roma gotten better since Slovakia entered the European Union?An empirical research study has been conducted in Slovakia during the period of April 2006 and interviews with Roma and NGO representatives where done.The Roma people's situation in Slovakia is bad and the discrimination towards them is widespread, both in the working life, healthcare, education system and housing. A lot has happened the last years, before Slovakia entered the EU the country adapted many new laws that strengthen the Roma people place in the society and gave them as a minority more support and rights.According to my findings it is found, and what most of the interview Roma expressed themselves, was that today they have a very low feeling of belonging and being a part of the Slovak society. They also expressed that they are very much affected by the poor view that the majority of Slovak have of them and in many cases they did not even want to try to be part of the society. The NGOs expressed that the situation for Roma in Slovakia is bad and even if it has been improved since the country entered the EU, the NGOs said that there are only a lot of new laws and in reality not much has changed..

Sex som ett självskadebeteende

Denna kvalitativ intervjustudie, söker en förståelse kring fenomenet sex som självskadebeteende. Självskadebeteende har studerats och definierats, men sex som ett självskadebeteende är inte inkluderat som ett begrepp i dessa vetenskapliga studier (Zetterqvist, 2014; Nock, 2014; Klonsky 2009). Däremot har psykologer, organisationer och andra professionella tolkat och definierat fenomenet som att det existerar (Sjöström, 2012; Landgren 2015; Jonsson och Mattson, 2013; Tjejouren 2015; MUCF, 2013). Genom intervjuer med tre olika personer som kommer i kontakt med sex som självskadebeteende, kombinerat med tidigare forskning, visar denna studie att sex kan användas som självskadebeteende och att det görs i syfte att hantera (coping) ångest och andra negativa känslor. Tidigare trauman och/eller en dysfunktionell familjedynamik kan leda till att en individ utvecklar icke fungerande strategier för att hantera potentiella dåliga känslor. Individerna vänder sig till sexuella destruktiva beteenden som en affektregleringstrategi.

Människohandeln i Sverige

Runt om i världen faller allt fler kvinnor offer för människohandel. I Sverige avslöjar polisen mellan 200-500 fall av människohandel årligen, men det är svårt att veta hur mycket av denna illegala verksamhet som sker i det fördolda. Eftersom detta är ett internationellt brott som ofta är gränsöverskridande, sker de flesta insatserna mot människohandel i samarbeten mellan länder och med organisationer som ex. Förenta Nationerna. Men människohandel är dock ett växande problem i Sverige idag och jag ville istället undersöka vilka nationella insatser man tagit till mot människohandel i Sverige.

I strid med lagstiftningens syfte : En analys av det fjärde rekvisitet i skatteflyktslagens 2 § utifrån legalitetsprincipen

Under Swedish tax law; the general clause in the Tax Avoidance Act is a method to prevent tax evasion. The purpose of the general clause is to prevent any tax avoidance procedures that the legislator has not been able to foresee. For the general clause to be applicable, four prerequisites need to be met. This thesis analyses the fourth prerequisite based on the principle of legality. The prerequisite concludes that a determination of the tax base, based on the procedure in question, is in conflict with the purpose of the legislation.

Att konstruera en (ny?) norm.En analys av förarbetena till sexköpslagen

Lagen om förbud mot köp av sexuell tjänst (Brottsbalken 6 kap 11 §) infördes i Sverige 1999.När lagen utarbetades var den, internationellt sett, unik i sin utformning eftersom den utmäterstraffansvar för den som köper en sexuell tjänst men inte för den som säljer den. Föreliggandeundersökning ämnar söka svar på frågor kring hur den dominerande diskursen om sexhandelsåg ut inför och i samband med att lagen kom till, hur den säljande och köpande parten i sexhandelngestaltas i förarbetena och vilka värden som genom argumentationen för och emot enkriminalisering framhålls som skyddsvärda i förhållande till sexhandeln. Den tidigare forskningensom presenteras visar på i grova drag två motstående förhållningssätt till prostitution,som båda hävdar en feministisk utgångspunkt men som ur olika perspektiv fokuserar på kvinnansrättigheter. Den teoretiska och metodologiska utgångspunkten i min studie är diskursanalys.Undersökningen präglas av en socialkonstruktivistisk syn, med begrepp från kritiskdiskursteori som ämnar belysa materialet och svara på frågor ur ett diskursivt perspektiv ochett genusperspektiv. Frågorna har besvarats i huvudsak med en kvalitativ metod, men medinslag av enstaka kvantitativa mätmetoder som komplement.

"Go vote for this man and go home" : En studie av tre NGO:s arbete med kvinnor inom Egyptens familjelag

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with staff from three Egyptian NGOs in Cairo during the spring of 2013. The study examines how three Egyptian NGOs discuss the woman?s situation within the Islamic legal discourse in the contemporary Egypt. The empiric material was analysed through a theoretical framework of gender in Islam, and a discussion of the concept of human rights laws in a local context.The respondents emphasize the societies gender stereotypes as obstacles in the discussion regarding women?s rights.

Upplysning, rollspel eller lagstiftning? ANT-undervisningens utveckling 1962-1994

The use of alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco have all long been considered health hazards, especially among children and teenagers. It is therefor not surprising to find that schools have promoted against the use of these substances in different preventative programs for many decades, and the Swedish school system is no exception. However, the use of, as well as the laws restricting alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco are, and have historically been, highly political issues. Individuals, groups, institutions, and states may all have different opinions on how these substances should be regulated and of their place in society, which in turn may lead to conflicts of values and different approaches. One can not expect parents or guardians to share the views on alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco policy presented by schools, laws or state regulations.

Två lag : Nyhetsrapportering om sextrafficking inför fotbolls-VM i Tyskland 2006

Den här uppsatsen kretsar kring mediedebatten om sextrafficking som startade den 2 april 2006 när dåvarande jämställdhetsombudsman (Jämo), Claes Borgström, medverkade i Sveriges Televisions (SVT:s) samhällsprogram Agenda. Hans budskap var att Sverige borde bojkotta fotbolls-VM i Tyskland i protest mot sextrafficking, ett förslag som väckte starka reaktioner. Många förstod hans avsikt men inte hans strategi. Det positiva var att Borgström satte igång debatten om sextrafficking och frågan är hur denna debatt kom att speglas i pressens nyhetsrapportering? Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur sextrafficking beskrevs i svensk press från april till september 2006.Studien har gjorts med kombinerade metoder, dels en kvantitativ del som sammanfattar innehållet i debatten och ger en översikt på artiklarna, dels en kvalitativ del som analyserar nyhetsartiklarnas texter.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

Könsstympade kvinnors möte med västerländsk vård : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Female circumcision or female genital mutilation is a tradition that is carried out mainly in Africa. The intervention refers to that part of- or all of the girl?s external genital organs are removed. Aim: The study's purpose was to highlight the consequences of female circumcision in the encounter with western health care.Method: A systematic literature reviews was performed as a method. Twelve articles were selected for the study and these were sought in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Analysis and interpretation was done according to qualitative content analysis, inspired by Lundman and Granheim.

Wicca : beskrivning av en religion

My essay is a description about the religion Wicca; laws, ethics, history, rites, inauguration and how they relate to the gods and the different seasons.It?s also about the wiccan history and how wicca have created their own history by taking old mythic stories and making them their legacy..

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