
"Inte så att jag har lust att inte ge dem vård bara för att de är gömda..."

Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att vårda gömda flyktingar

 The number of hidden refugees in Sweden is estimated to be at least 15,000. The law, which only allows this group a very limited access to health care, can be considered to clash with the human rights and the ethical codes related to the health care professionals.The aim of the study was to examine how the personnel in public health care may experience treating hidden refugees and which ethical conflicts that may be connected to this. The study, which is of a qualitative descriptive design, is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were trained nurses and mid-wives in an emergency room, a maternity ward and a health care centre for asylum seekers.The experience of treating hidden refugees amongst the informants was limited. The study proved that the knowledge of laws and guidelines regarding hidden refugees amongst the interviewed health care personnel was poor. The interviewees presumed that it would be mentally trying if the law impeded them from giving a patient the care needed.The lack of knowledge of laws and guidelines that appeared from the interviews, may lead to an insecurity for the patient, as well as for the personnel. An increasing knowledge and accurate guidelines at the work place would improve the treatment of hidden refugees.


Karin Wrangsell Linda Yngvesdotter

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap


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