

3778 Uppsatser om Property company - Sida 19 av 252

Ett företags intentioner och nyanställdas upplevelser i samband med introduktion En kvalitativ intervjustudie om organisationssocialisation

This is a thesis based on a study about organizational socialization and concerns a company?s intentions as well as new employees? experiences during introduction. The study had four different purposes. First, it was to examine what Mölnlycke Health Care wished to achieve with its introduction as well as what they wished new employees should incorporate during introduction. Second, the purpose was to understand how new employees at the same company have perceived how the introduction has changed them.

Konvertering av webbapplikationer från ASP till ASP.NET

This dissertation is carried out on behalf of Two i Sverige AB. Two is a consulting agency which primarily works with the development of homepages. The company has several of its complete applications written in ASP e.g. the development of homepages. At the agency they have seen benefit migrating these applications from ASP to the more flexible environment ASP.NET.

BARA FÖR ATT PLOCKA POÄNG? : ? En studie kring konsumenters syn på Max marknadsföring av sitt CSR-arbete

This study investigates how consumer attitudes toward a company are affected by the company?s Corporate Social Responsibility work and their marketing efforts thereof. The Swedish fast food chain ?Max? provides the empirical setting. The theoretical framework for the study is based on Vanhamme and Grobben?s (2009) model regarding CSR?s effect on a company?s reputation, which is connected to perceptions? effect on attitude based on Fishbein and Ajzen?s (1975) theory.

Celebritet i marknadsföringen : Hur påverkas företaget?

The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company.

Corporate Social Responsibility, vara eller inte vara ? En undersökning om CSR förekommer hos svenska modeföretag och modekonsumenter.

The main purpose is to illuminate how a company links certain values to its brand in an effort to achieve a competitive position. We have done this by studying the government owned company Svenska Spel and its entrance on the netpokermarket. With Corporate Social Responsibility as a guidance for the company they wanted to offer Swedish gamblers an alternative to the, often morally dubious, international actors. Our thesis has taken an internal (corporate) as well as an external (consumer) perspective on the result of this strive. Our conclusions are that although Svenska Spel is successfully integrating social responsibility into their netpokerbusiness, they are facing a difficulty in making the consumer fully appreciate it.

Interaktiv hemsida med PHP och MySQL

This degree project is made for Cervera in Norrköping and Linköping. The task was to create a professional interactive homepage for the company where the company's range of products can be presented. Besides a homepage aimed towards potential customers, an online Internet-application where the company's employees can update, erase, and create posts that are stored in the database was created. The main programming languages have been PHP and HTML in combination with databases in MySQL. The final result was a functional, professional and informative homepage with a simple and pedagogical application for the employees.

Standardisering av snöröjningsplan : Instruktioner, råd och tips för snöröjning av tak med stora spännvidder

The Swedish winters 2009/10 and 2010/11 were rich in snow and many roofs collapsed, mainly largespan frames. Investigations were made and the amount of snow was not the primary cause, insteadthere were several other causes. One of these was that in some cases roofs were shoveled in anunfavorable manner which affected the load patterns negatively, so causing the roofs to collapse.Most people lack the knowledge of how shoveling will affect the roof. Had there been an increasedunderstanding regarding shoveling, some roofs could have been prevented from collapsing.Through both qualitative and quantitative research in the form of interviews and calculations thetheoretically best ways to shovel a selection of roof types is presented in the report. The roofstructures covered are 3-compartment, continuous and Gerberspliced metal roof decks.

Omvärldsanalys och information management: Thules Informationsförsörjning och omvärldsanalys

Abstract: The world in which companies are acting today offers challenges in the sense that it is rapidly changing and that a vast amount of information is available. In order to ensure the competitiveness and survival of the company, an effective and efficient environmental scanning is essential to the company. Our aim with this Master's thesis is to investigate what factors constitutes important and basic conditions in a well functioning environmental scanning and how companies strategically can go about to achieve this. In order to highlight and specify how these factors can be applied on a specific company Thule has been our focal point. Thule.

Att göra affärer i Kina - rättsligt skydd i lagen och i verkligheten

This thesis looks at the difference between the legal protection in law and the legal protection in reality when a small company working with international trade comes in contact with seller's breach of contract. The thesis uses a case taken from a company with over 30 years experience trading with China and looks at the legal protection available along with the different possibilities of dispute resolution available to a company and then looks at the reasons why this legal protection never becomes a reality and the thesis also analyses some possible reasons for this gap between law in the books and law in reality..

Dags att renovera : Effekten av kommunikation på relationen mellan företag och kunder i ett förändringsprojekt

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Litorapid Media AB : En företagspresentation bestående av en hemsida och en cd-produktion

Litorapid Media AB is a printer and prepresscompany, located on Hisingen, Gothenburg. Litorapid is a relatively large company, and is therefore in great need of convenient contacts with becoming and present customers. Seeing that they work with the most rescent technique in the branch of printing, it is important that they market themselves in a modern way. The purpose with this project became, for that reason, to create a more contemporary home page for the company to catch new customers, as well as aninteractive presentation of the company to create a more personal contact with customers they alreay have. The home page was created in the programme Macromedia Dreamweaver 4, and its design is based on previouly distributed brochures.

Undersökning av metoder för att analysera och modellera efter stora datamaterial, hantering av programmet SPSS samt en studie i Kronoberg läns gymnasieelevers psykiska ohälsa

 The sawmill industry is a relative fragmented industry that is in an economic upswing andwith a hard competition. The customers have high demands on their suppliers and the highcustomer demand make it necessary for the companies to make a streamlining in planningand production. For that reason it is very important that the planning- and productionprocesses aren?t to complex and with a simple structure.The purpose of this report is to study and map out a marked out part of a planning- andproduction process, from adjust works to final delivery, at a company in the sawmill industry.Different methods have been used for the report, among others interviews and subordinatedmaterial.We have mapped out a marked out part of the planning- and production process at theCompany. This part we have studied, and we have analysed the process it self and otherthings connected to the process.We see the planning- and production process in the Company as complex.

Betydelsen av ett moderbolags insyn och kontroll över sitt dotterbolag vid prissättning av koncerninterna lån

Transfer pricing including internal loans have increased in recent years, making it easier for companies to minimize their taxable income. After the Swedish court case Diligentia, there have been discussions regarding the influence of a parent company's transparency and control of the subsidiary with regards to the interest rates on internal loans. In court cases that followed Diligentia, the Swedish Tax Agency argued that a parent company always could be assumed to have sufficient transparency and control of the operations in the subsidiary, and therefore reduce the risk on their debt obligations. This thesis seeks to analyze the effects of the transparency and control a parent company has with regards to interest rates on internal loans. The analysis is conducted by analyzing court cases similar to Diligentia.

Skyddet av geografiska ursprungsbeteckningar : en immaterialrättslig figur sui generis

Geographical indications designate products which have a specific geographical origin, which can either be national, regional or local. The subject is complicated since geographical indications arises a large number of questions There are EC regulations which regulate the protection of geographical indications, but since the field has not yet been exhaustively harmonized, the existence of national rules of protection is therefore still possible, which can lead to trade barriers between the member states. Consequently, one problem consists in whether it may be legitimate to restrict the free movement of goods by article 28 in the EC Treaty by referring to national rules of protection and to what extent such measures may be justified by article 30 or by the Cassis doctrine. An additional question consists in how the line between geographical indications and generic terms is to be established appropriately. Further, geographical indications are exposed to improper use by other dishonest commercial operators and therefore the possibilities of protection against unfair competition and misleading are also discussed in the thesis.

En lyckad affärsrelation? : två fallstudier

This study has investigated what makes a business relation satisfactory. The purpose is to distinguish the factors that are relevant to a functioning cooperation relationship between sawmills and DIY-stores. The theoretical framework is primarily based on long-term business relationships. The study is based on two case companies and their relations with wood-suppliers. - Case company 1 is a relatively new established and still growing company.

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