279 Uppsatser om Propensity score matching - Sida 3 av 19
Överpronation kopplad till ryttarens sits
According to ?Fotförbundet" (2012), Overpronation occurs frequently (80 %) in the Western World and furthermore overpronation of calcaneus influences the position of the pelvic and thorax (Fotförbundet, 2012; Behnke, 2008).
The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not it is possible to connect overpronation of calcaneus to the problem in the rider?s seat as observed by the instructors of Strömsholm. The study will also investigate if the riders seat problems as noticed by the riding instructors are comparable with the problems found by the analyst during testing. One purpose with the study is to raise the instructors and riders awareness that anatomical deviations in the rider might influence the rider?s position in the saddle.
The questions of the study are:
- Is it possible to see seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus?
- If it is possible to see more seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus, do the instructors in the study considers the seat problems be similar with each other?
- If there are seat problems in the study, is it the same according to the instructors and the analyst in human biomechanics?
The hypothesis of the study is that overpronation of calcaneus has an effect of the rider?s position in the saddle.
The study is conducted as a blind study where the test subjects have been filmed (from knees down) as they walked barefooted and later while riding.
Anva?ndning av finansiella rapporter fo?r att sla? marknaden : - En utveckling av Piotroskis investeringsstrategi
Syftet med denna underso?kning a?r att utveckla den investeringsstrategi som Piotroski (2000) tog fram, grundad pa? fundamentalanalys, genom att sammanla?nka variabler fra?n Lev & Thiagarajan (1993) som visat sig vara va?rderelevanta indikationer pa? fo?retags rapporterade resultat. Fo?r att genomfo?ra detta utvecklas en modell med Piotroskis (2000) F-score som grund. Antalet signaler i modellen uto?kas fra?n 9 till 12 stycken.
Impact of hygiene training on dairy cows in northeast India : en hygientränings påverkan på mjölkkor i nordöstra Indien
Mastitis in dairy cows is an emerging and challenging disease in the tropics, including India. Nation-wide reports suggest that the incidence of clinical mastitis varies from 3.94% to 23.25%, and for subclinical mastitis from 15.78% to 81.60%. In Assam, a northeastern province of India, dairy is an essential part of the mixed farming system that exists in the state, but the milk yield is far below domestic standards. In 2009-2010, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and local associates started to develop a training program for local farmers in Assam, in order to enhance the informal bovine dairy sector in and around Guwahati, India. The project continued until mid-2013.
Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?
The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker?s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth?s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers? way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with counselling and placement.
Empatisk nog för socionomexamen, eller? : En studie om socionomstudenters empatiska förmåga och dess utveckling under utbildningstiden
This quantitative study, with qualitative elements, intended to investigate the empathic ability among students and its change during social work education in Sweden. The study used a self-assessment form in the form of a questionnaire sent out to 8 of the 15 universities around the country. Respondents who participated in the survey studied in semester 1 & 2 and semester 6 & 7. The instrument which were used, measure the empathy level of the respondents and was a Swedish translation of the instrument, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) which is a proven self-assessment form. IRI consists of 28 questions divided into 4 areas (subscales), which together provide a score, where a higher score corresponds to a greater capacity for empathy.
Kartläggning över inducerade förlossningar på en klinik i södra Sverige : en retrospektiv observationsstudie
Bakgrund Att inducera en förlossning innebär att försöka manipulera igång ett förlossningsarbete i syfte att åstadkomma en vaginal förlossning. Nyttan med induktionen måste alltid överväga riskerna för förlossningskomplikationer. Riksgenomsnittet för inducerade förlossningar var år 2007, 13,2 %. Syfte Kartlägga inducerade förlossningar på en förlossningsklinik i södra Sverige under året 2009. Kartläggningen inbegrep induktionsindikation, använda induktionsmetoder samt förlossningsförlopp och utfall.
Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer
The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.
Kan ett synintryck upphäva en ljudillusion? : En undersökning av oktavillusionen kopplad till visuella stimuli i form av noter
The present study origins from Diana Deutschs work with the octave illusion and investigates if musically trained subjects can give a more correct perception of the octave illusion if their visual senses also get stimulated in form of scores.Ten subjects, with over 20 years experience playing an instrument, participated in the investigation. The result shows that a more correct perception of the octave illusion depends on the educational level in scorereading. Four out of five subjects who valued their knowledge in scorereading as being good or very good reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the right ear, which is connected to the dominant hemisphere. When they were instructed to focus on both ears three of these subjects reported that the score corresponded to what they could hear in the left ear, but that they could not hear the lower tone in the right ear. As the scores for the right ear were equal for the identical soundexamples this perception could be an indication that stimuli are percieved as being complex and the interpretation is alternated to the non dominant hemisphere..
Sjukgymnasters bedömningsinstrument och intervention vid hypermobilitet
Bakgrund Hypermobilitet är ett tillstånd definierat av att en individs synovialleder har större rörelseomfång än det normala. Tillståndet har en prevalens på 5% hos vuxna kaukasier och bedöms vanligen med Beighton Score. Tillstånd med hypermobilitet finns både primärt som hypermobilitetsyndrom och sekundärt tillsammans med annan diagnos som exempelvis reumatologisk sjukdom. Behandlingen skall inriktas på information, träning av proprioception och ledstabilitet. Endast en RCT-studie finns gjord på behandling vid hypermobilitet.
Undersökning av relationen mellan False Belief och syntax hos 4-9- åriga barn
Children undergo great developmental changes during the preschool and early school years. It is also the very same period in which their pragmatic abilities develop. This study aimed to examine the relationship between Theory of Mind and syntax. Fifty-four preschool and school children aged between 3:11 to 9:0 years participated. TROG-2 and a False Belief assessment of Sally Anne design using three conditions: narrative, silent and distortion were used.
Utveckling av ett svensk-engelskt lexikon inom tåg- och transportdomänen
This paper describes the process of building a machine translation lexicon for use in the train and transport domain with the machine translation system MATS. The lexicon will consist of a Swedish part, an English part and links between them and is derived from a Tradostranslation memory which is split into a training(90%) part and a testing(10%) part. The task is carried out mainly by using existing word linking software and recycling previous machine translation lexicons from other domains. In order to do this, a method is developed where focus lies on automation by means of both existing and self developed software, in combination with manual interaction. The domain specific lexicon is then extended with a domain neutral core lexicon and a less domain neutral general lexicon.
Normering av nasaleringsvärden uppmätta med nasometer hos barn i fyra- till femårsåldern i Linköping
The Nasometer is a non-invasive acoustic measuring instrument that quantifies the ratio ofnasal resonance in speech. It can be used as a complement to perceptual judgment of speech impediments, for example, in patients with cleft palate and velopharyngeal insufficiency. Inorder to determine if a nasalance score is abnormal, it must be compared to norm data. The main purpose of the study was to collect reference nasalance scores in children between fourand five years of age in Linköping. An additional objective was to compare the results tonorm data collected in Umeå.
Skolråd, bidrag och inspektion : Den fortsatta etableringen av ett statligt skolväsende mellan åren 1871 - 1882
This study investigated a local aspect of theSwedish elementary school modernization process between the years 1871-1882.Previous studies have been drawn from the school inspectors own reports andshow that the schoolboards housed a negative and resentful attitude towardsreforms and the school inspectors often felt that the parish priests were moreinclined to changes than the schoolboards themselves. Other research on elementary schoolmodernization has stressed the matching grants as a major cause of developmentand further establishment. In this study, however, a schoolboards own notes inthe form of meeting protocols during an eleven year period as well as a letterby a priest Erik Lundberg, Redogörelseför skolhusfrågan i Tierp dated 6 October 1880 were analyzed to see if theprevious explanation of school modernization, in particular with regard to thereluctance to change by the schoolboards goes to demonstrate and confirm. Theresults of this study have shown that even if the schoolboards do notimmediately follow the school inspectors instructions, it seems not primarilybeen due to resentment. Reforms within the school world are well known forbeing time-consuming but for the current period, as this study concerns andwithin this specific parish there were conflicts of interest which are notshown when only the inspector?s accounts and reports are examined.
Motorik hos barn som går montessoriskola : En pilotstudie av elever på en montessoriskola i jämförelse med Skola, Idrott och Hälsa-projektet
AimThe aim of this essay is by using a motor skill track to see if there exists any remarkable difference in the motor skill profiles between pupils from our montessori school and the mean score in the "Nytidstest". The questions at issue we had were: How is the motor skill profile on pupils in year 2 and 3 practicing montessori pedagogy? Is the motor skill profile superior or inferior to the mean score in the "Nytidstest"? What factors, if any, concerning the montessori pedagogy affects the results of the test?MethodWe used a motor skill track consisting of 8 stations sellected from the "Nytidstest" adapted for year 3 (the original test consists of 16 stations). Pupils from year 2 and 3 in our chosen montessori school were tested in groups of 4-5 persons each. We made the tests on two occasions each lasting for 100 minutes at the time.
Art- och genusbestämning av bakterier direkt från blododlingar med MALDI-TOF MS
Sepsis är ett allvarligt tillstånd som uppstår när bakterier går från vävnad till blodbanan. Positiva blododlingar odlas på agarplattor och bakterier analyseras med Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Time-of-flight Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) där prov blandas med en matrix och sedan bestrålas med laser. Proteinerna i provet joniseras och rör sig mot en detektor, vilket ger ett m/z-spektrum som jämförs med referensspektrum i en databas och ett score-värde erhålls över hur väl analyten liknar referensen. Arbetets syfte var att undersöka möjligheten att direktidentifiera bakterier från blod med en viss preparation innan analys med MALDI-TOF MS och på så vis möjliggöra snabbare preliminära svar samt undersöka möjligheten att särskilja Staphylocoocus aureus och koagulasnegativa stafylokocker. Innan analys med MALDI-TOF MS centrifugerades blod från positiva blododlingar blod i flera steg med 5 % natriumkloridlösning (NaCl-metoden).