279 Uppsatser om Propensity score matching - Sida 14 av 19
I huvudet på en kompositör : Den kreativa processen i handling och tanke
Thesis in Musicology and Artistic Practice by Anders Soldh. Part of the work for the master?s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre and Art, University of O?rebro, 2007.
Typer av sökfrågor på webben: En effektivitetsstudie
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of different types of queries in the AltaVista query-based search engine. Thirty information needs have been collected from an ask-a-question service on the World Wide Web, which means that they are based on real users information needs. This is done to avoid partiality in the study. The author has invented different types of queries for each and every one of the information needs in accordance with the search syntax available for AltaVista. The types used are Boolean expressions, queries including proximity operators, phrases and queries directed towards a specific field.
Mating behaviour and hierarchy among male warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) in Kenya
Warthogs live under natural conditions in matriarchal groups, bachelor groups and yearling groups. Just like all pig species do warthogs have a complex behaviour repertoire. The semi-wild warthog population at Kichwa Tembo Lodge, outside Masai Mara National Reserve, lives in a fenced area with access to food all over the year and is protected from predators. The aim of this study was to observe the male warthogs? mating behaviour and their hierarchy during the mating season.
This thesis strives to demonstrate my increasingly phenomenological approach to musical composition in relation to the extensive body of musical works connected in different ways to the poetry collection ORDER by the Swedish author and play-wright Lars Norén. The hand, the touch, the voice, the space (environment) and its philosophical implications are scrutinised from a poetic perspective (my poetics). The question of language (the word), the sign (text), sound/noise/music and its immanent bodily qualities are focused and questioned in my own work as well as in primarily two case studies of the music of Pierluigi Billone (1960-) and Morton Feldman (1926-1987).The text reflects the emancipatory process my music has undergone the last 4- 5 years: moving away from language and text (representation) to body and sound, although preserving and nurturing the extended idea of the sign (as signification of sound and body) as a possible embodied vehicle in my composing and artistic thinking.The reader is invited through the extensive use of sketches and work methods to witness and follow this process as a manifestation of the ?doing? rather than the presentation or construction of an analysis in an academic sense.The thesis offers no solution and it fails to encapsulate all of the so-called ORDER-MUSIC (the music that is connected with Norén's collection of poetry) Instead it proposes a possible way of ?opening? the process to a basically phenomenological methodology inside the musical field of score based chamber music..
Förändring i insulinkänslighet vid dietinducerad fetma och betesgång hos varmblodiga travhästar
Fetma är ett ökande problem hos dagens hästpopulation. Allt fler hästar diagnosticeras också med insulinresistens (IR) och ekvint metabolt syndrom (EMS). Dessa sjukdomar har ofta kopplats samman med intag av lättlösliga kolhydrater och fetma. Behandlingsregimen för de drabbade hästarna utgörs till stor del av dietprogram där mängden lättlösliga kolhydrater är kraftigt reducerad. Dock vet man inte om både utfodring med lättlösliga kolhydrater och fetma utgör riskfaktorer.
Vikten av motivation på arbetsplatsen : en studie om belöningssystem i hotellbranschen
Background:Companies are beginning to see the world as their market; not only to seek global opportunities but also to oversee the global competition. Although most people connect globalization to export and import of goods, the globalization process also affect the businesses distinguished by service. The corporations are faced with higher demands of adaptation, which in turn leads to higher needs of skills and knowledge, which of course is very important in business such as the hotel industry. A motivated employee can perform better and furthermore has a stronger sense of belonging to the organization and might therefore be a key to future success of the company.Purpose:The main purpose of this essay is to compare the motivation strategies and reward systems chosen by the management and match this with what the employees are requesting. By doing this we can compare the different objects studied in this essay and furthermore we will be able to see which hotel that has the best match.
En jämförande studie mellan försvarsmaktens verksamhetsledningssystem och balanced scorecard : från projekt Rv till tillämpning av H SVAR
Under 1990-talet ökade Regeringens krav på redovisning från myndigheterna. För att mot-svara dessa krav startades inom Försvarsmakten Projekt Resultatredovisning, Projekt Rv, som hade till uppgift att utarbeta en ny modell för verksamhetsledning. Projekt Rv resulterade i Handbok för styrning, värdering, analys och redovisning av Försvarsmaktens verksamhet, H SVAR.Samtidigt som Projekt Rv genomfördes presenterades en modell för verksamhetsledning i USA som benämndes Balanced Scorecard. Den byggde på principen att uppföljning och styr-ning skulle ske mot organisationens vision. Mått för att följa upp detta skulle balanseras inom fyra områden: finansiellt-, kund-, process- och lärandefokus.
Resan mot Web 2.0 : En studie om var populära resmåls webbplatser befinner sig i webbutvecklingen i relation till Web 2.0
This essay is inspired by an earlier essay written in 2012 by Sanna Johansson and Erika Winther. In their essay they examined Sweden?s municipalities? tourist websites and graded these based on a number of Web 2.0 criterias. In this essay we examine tourist websites belonging to the 15 most popular tourist destinations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Ireland. The purpose of this study is to give a general overview of how far these countries? tourist websites have come in terms of web development, in relation to Web 2.0.
"Man vill veta hur det går i skolan"
In the fall 2011 a new grading scale will be implemented in the Swedish school. A government bill suggests a change of the scale from a three- to a six-point scale. The students will also be graded from the sixth class instead of today?s eighth. From the first year of the compulsory school the pupil will get a written judgment.
Genetisk variation i brunststyrka hos svenska mjölkkor :
When cows in Sweden are inseminated the heat strength is reported to the Swedish milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Cows that show strong signs of estrus are desirable and the trait is included in the Swedish breeding goal. A strong heat makes it easier to inseminate at the right time and to avoid long and expensive days open. Since ten years the heat strength is scored from one to five by the farmer and reported to the milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Earlier the score was from one to three and the decision was made by the AI technician.
En tesaurus som ledsagare ? En jämförande studie av tre sökstrategiers inverkan på återvinningsresultatet i en bibliografisk databas.
This Master?s thesis is a comparative study of information retrieval results between three distinct search strategies in simulated automatic query expansion in a bibliographic database. Our purpose is to investigate which of the search strategies score the most effective precision and to what extent the same relevant documents are retrieved (overlapped). A thesaurus attached to the database is used to select appropriate descriptors for the baseline query formulations which subsequently are expanded with hierarchical relations. The search strategies are s1: A baseline query with two or three descriptors, s2: The baseline descriptors combined with at least one Narrower Term, s3: The baseline descriptors combined with Narrower Term and at least one Broader Term.
Genetiska och epigenetiska samband mellan näringsförsörjning och fertilitet hos mjölkkor
The dairy cow?s ability to resume estrus after calving and to conceive is affected by their metabolic status after calving. For high yielding cows there is a high risk that the feed intake will not be sufficient to cope with the increased energy demands after calving, and the cow will end up in a state of negative energy balance. Energy balance can be measured in various ways, for example by body condition score or by plasma concentration of several metabolic hormones and metabolites. After calving, endocrine pathways stimulate tissue mobilization; insulin signaling is blocked, the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) and leptin decreases, and the concentration of growth hormone (GH) increases.
En studie om hur redovisningsprinciper förklarar företags tillämpning av IAS 38 : Är redovisning av Forskning och Utveckling jämförbart mellan företag i IT-branschen?
Bakgrund och problem: Ett tolkningsutrymme har identifierats i IAS 38 gällande kriterierna som behandlar aktivering av FoU. Detta kan innebära ett problem då det finns risk för variation mellan företag i tolkning och tillämpning av kriterierna. Det kan i sin tur påverka jämförbarheten mellan företagen i redovisningen av FoU.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett informationsasymmetriproblem studera jämförbarheten mellan företag i redovisning av FoU. Vi ämnar kartlägga tillämpningen av kriterierna i IAS 38 med avseende på variation mellan företag. En eventuell variation ämnar vi förklara utifrån hur företag förhåller sig till försiktighets- och matchningsprincipen.Metod: Metodvalet är en kvalitativ undersökning med djupgående intervjuer med fem företag i IT-branschen.
Ledarens användning av feedback från medarbetaren, för teamutveckling : En studie om hur systembaserad feedback från medarbetaren kan hjälpa ledaren att utveckla högpresterande team i företagsvärlden
In today's changing society, companies need to work with continuous change and improvement to evolve with the market. It is therefore important for managers to learn how to manage teams because they are expected to streamline selected products or processes in the business. Employees and teams need to develop in line with the changing environment in this process feedback is a tool and an important pillar. Leaders must learn to manage and transform feedback into something useful.The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how systems-based feedback in the form of employee surveys can be a support for the leader in team development. We wanted to identify relevant behaviors and actions of the leader that may increase the work with feedback.
Följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner på en vårdavdelning
The purpose of this work was to investigate the adherence to basic hygiene routines among staff and to investigate if there is any difference between the adherences in diverse professions. The purpose was also to study how staff rates their own adherence to current guidelines. Data for the study were collected through observations and questionnaires. Altogether 35 people were observed and 15 answered the questionnaire. Maximum adherence was found in the category of "hand disinfection after patient contact" with a score of 96%.