

10160 Uppsatser om Project management - Sida 25 av 678

Case Managements spridning i kommunala organisationer : En organisatorisk förändring inom socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to comprehend and explain the idea and function of Case Management and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. More specifically its aim was to investigate factors for the diffusion of Case Management and its differences to similar professional roles. The study was based on interviews with four managers at various levels and two case managers representing two municipalities in Sweden. Five themes were identified that were especially interesting when discussing the function of Case Management, its differences to similar professional roles and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. The themes were: shortcomings in the welfare system, the functions of Case Management, differences to similar professional roles, descriptions of Case Management and factors for the diffusion.

Elektromagnetisk och mekanisk design av en 20MW turbogenerator

At the Division of Electricity at UppsalaUniversitythere are ongoing researches, including a research concerning turbo generators.Turbo generators produce a large share of electricity in the world; however they are costly mainly due to the fact that the cooling and ventilation that are needed to eliminate the excess heat from the generators are expensive. Turbo generators work with high efficiency and in this project, the main task is to simulate a generator while taking into account that the generator must be designed against self-oscillation, centrifugal force, exhaustion and heat. The turbo generator must be simulated without being too expensive and complicated.In this project, the dimensions of the turbo generator depend on the efficiency of it, and where the losses are in the generator. Furthermore, the optimum values need to be chosen with the help of the ACE simulation program. The report begins with an introduction describing the project followed by a task description that is dealing with the project.

Framtidens organisationsteori ? igår, idag och imorgon

Det övergripande målet med den här uppsatsen har varit att skapa en framtidsprognos rörandeämnet organisationsteori. Jag har använt den hypotetisk-deduktiva metoden för att kunnaskapa trovärdiga prognoser. Den teori jag väljer att använda som utgångspunkt är enorganisationsstruktur skapad av Henry Mintzberg, som jag sedan kopplar samman medföljande fyra olika organisationsteorier: Human Resource Management, StrategisktManagement, Produktionsmanagement och Knowledge Management.Själva strukturen är uppbyggd så att jag i den teoretiska referensramen beskriver dåtidensteorier (Den byråkratiska skolan, Scientific management, Den administrativa skolan ochHuman relations management) med fokus på de klassiska organisationsteorierna. Sedan är detmin uppfattning om hur organisationsteorier utnyttjas i nutiden som finns i kapitlet ommoderna organisationsteorier. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen baserad på dåtid och nutidskapar jag sedan hypoteser gällande framtiden..

The Psychology Driving&Barriers to Skunk Work Project

The Psychology Driving and Barriers to Skunk Work Projects (referred to throughout this thesis as the paper) represents a study predominantly on Tetra Pak from a selective perspective, the innovators. Innovators both past&present whose initiatives contribute to the well being of Tetra Pak as well as one from Ericsson were consulted. As with individuals, organizations possess definable characters that are influenced by the various stages of their life cycle. Theories of corporate life cycle phases and organizational character analysis were therefore employed to identify and explain organizational barriers to skunk work leaders&managers. Predicated on the Organizational Character Index survey developed by William Bridges PhD (himself a recognized leader in the field of transition management) and administered to sixty-one managers within a Tetra Pak business unit established the benchmark.

Att utveckla medicintekniska informationssystem på rätt sätt : En studie om regulatoriska aspekters påverkan på systemutveckling och IT-innovation inom hälso- och sjukvård

IT is often seen as a solution to many problems concerning effectiveness in organizations. Information systems within the healthcare sector is often viewed as medical devices rather than just systems or services. These medical devices are thoroughly regulated by laws, standards and certifications. In this study I participated in an innovative project that aimed to bring new life and use to the old fashioned patient journal by giving it a visual representation through the use of an avatar. I aimed to study the effects of regulators connected with the patient journal as a source of information for the innovative project.

Systemförvaltningsmodeller ? verklighetsbeskrivning eller idealiserad bild?

This study will shed light on the subject of system management and system management models. It is important that everyone within an administrative organization understand business objectives and needs of the users who work with the systems. It is vital for the activity to form a structured approach for its management, which includes a system management model. Every company has its individual system management model that is tailored to support their management of a business IT systems. According to Brandt (2000), a system management system model is defined as "an idealized image of how you want the system management work is conducted".

Small scale pig production in Takeo province ina rural area of Cambodia

Cambodia, in Southeast Asia, has tropical monsoonal climate with distinct dry and rain seasons. Many people are poor and live in rural areas. Farmers mainly culture rice, and raise pigs, cattle and poultry as well. During two months, a minor field study was performed in Cambodia. The main purpose was to evaluate the impact of contributions done by projects that started in 2005 and were managed by the local organization CelAgrid.

Walk a mile in my shoes - en studie kring mångfald och förändring

Mångfald är idag en viktig faktor för många företag och dess konkurrenskraft. Det finns därmed en önskan och ett stort behov från företagens sida att på ett systematiskt sätt kunna hantera mångfald så att det blir en varaktig del i organisationens strategi. Problemet som vi ser det är att det saknas en praktisk förståelse för hur företag systematiskt kan arbeta med mångfald. Det som skiljer denna uppsats från tidigare undersökningar är att vi ser problematiken kring arbetet med mångfald ur ett nytt perspektiv genom att knyta samman två teoretiska ämnesområdena Diversity - och Change Management..


The construction process which is used today while constructing residential buildings has for along time remained unchanged. Unfortunately the development process has gone away frombecoming industrialized and instead most of the work is done at the construction site. In thisrespect this is a worse alternative because the project outcome will be more expensive and theconstruction time will be longer. Skanska?s vision is to have a process which is more like the oneused in small residential buildings which is fully industrialized.The constructing process for residential building involves more parties and therefore it becomesmore complicated.

Managementska låneord bland låneböckerna: Om bibliotekariers attityder till marknadsmetaforer på biblioteket

Over the last decades, language in the public sector has changed due to influence from New public management. In this thesis, I seek to investigate librarians? attitudes towards a more businesslike way of speaking about libraries, referred to here as management-speak. For this purpose, I?ve used a modified version of the matched guise technique.

Kund eller patient? ? Till kritik mot en marknadsanpassning av patientbemötandet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, utifrån en analys om läkarprofessionens eventuellt förändrade syn på patientbemötandet - gällande både sin egen och patientens roll - kritisera och kontrastera New Public Management och Service Management angående marknadsanpassning av läkar- och patientrollen. Vi utgår från ett tolkande paradigm och använder oss av en kvalitativ metod. Vi kritiserar New Public Management och Service Management inom svensk sjukvård huvudsakligen utifrån Etienne Wengers teori om sociala grupper i samhället, men även utifrån Michel Foucaults och Jean Baudrillards teorier. Empirisk data presenteras tillsammans med teorin och tolkas utifrån teorin. Empirin härstammar från åtta intervjuer och en observation, men består även av sekundärdata i form av artiklar från läkarfackpress.

Biologiska bekämpningsmetoder i hemträdgården :

Biological pest management is defined as control of pests using their natural enemies. This method has been used in Sweden since the 1970´s and it has been developed ever since. Biological pest management is today relatively common among commercial growers but there are good possibilities to apply this method in the home gardens as well. The aim with this thesis is to compile a report from both the companies that are marketing the products and the home gardener´s point of view. This should give a better understanding of the market and how it could be improved. We will give examples of products that represent the different kinds of organisms that are being used in biological pest management. Our hope is that this will be an introduction to all interested in biological pest management. The legislations regarding registration of organisms are still a matter of discussion and are causing problems to producers, distributors and the market in general. Why isn´t biological pest management more common in the home garden? The main reason appears to be the lack of knowledge in the subject. What are the benefits using biological pest management when it requires so much knowledge and it´s more expensive than conventional pest management? With the environmental problems we face today, we hope that every single gardener has an interest in developing an environment as clean as possible, even if only in one's own backyard..

"Klänningen som får en andra chans" : klädkonstruktion av återbruksmaterial

This report presents a bachelor thesis by Erika Gustrén aimed to increase people?s interest for recycling and reusing by create new products of things that already exist in most people?s homes in the materials textile, plastic and paper. That would be a modern and innovative way to contribute to a better environment.The goal with this project was to create three cocktail dresses made of the same pattern and design and with the three chosen materials. The project did not have its base at a company, therefore an external mentor was chosen to help and support during the development of the project. My mentor was Kerstin Boulogner who is a fashion designer and one of the members of GKF (Gotländska Konsthantverkare och Formgivare) in Visby.The project began with an analysis of the chosen materials; textile, plastic and paper.

Hur prioriterar en matrisorganisation? : En beskrivning & analys av prioriteringsprocessen i ett PMO hos en matrisorganisation.

Företag kan ha olika struktur och med denna organisationsstruktur kommer en del utmaningar. Matrisorganisationer är en utformning av det mer komplexare slaget och dess tydligaste kännetecken är multipla rapporteringsvägar. På senare tid har det visat sig att matrisorganisationer som arbetar med Project management Office (PMO) har problem med hur de ska prioritera sina projekt. Detta för att beslutsvägarna är komplexa och det många gånger är svårt att veta vem det är som bestämmer. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera prioriteringsprocessen i ett PMO som existerar i en matrisorganisation. Studien har även velat påvisa vilka faktorer som påverkar denna prioriteringsprocess.

Knowledge Management och intranät en fallstudie av en divisionaliserad behandlingsorganisation

This Master thesis studies how a diversified institutional care organisation can optimise its collective knowledge resources so to manage and distribute this knowledge to different parts of the organisation with help of the organisations intranet. The purpose of the study is to examine if knowledge management and the organisations intranet can be used to create, store, transfer and better use the knowledge within the organisation. Through a case study the thesis will look at different knowledge processes and their relation to the organisations intranet. The case study includes a questionnaire for the whole organisation and qualitative interviews with seven persons from different levels of the organisation. The theoretical framework of the study approaches knowledge management and intranet through four knowledge processes.

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