

The construction process which is used today while constructing residential buildings has for along time remained unchanged. Unfortunately the development process has gone away frombecoming industrialized and instead most of the work is done at the construction site. In thisrespect this is a worse alternative because the project outcome will be more expensive and theconstruction time will be longer. Skanska?s vision is to have a process which is more like the oneused in small residential buildings which is fully industrialized.The constructing process for residential building involves more parties and therefore it becomesmore complicated. The first step in this development is to study which of the work at theconstructions sites is possible to transfer to a factory. Therefore a study concerning if workrelated to electricity and electrical installation can be transferred to a factory has been executed.The purpose of the investigation is to study if any economical or time profits can be made.The method which was used to implement this project was to study an ongoing project, becausethe outcome becomes more realistic. The name of residential building project was Blå Jungfru(Blue Maiden) and was scheduled to be built on autumn/winter 2008 in Hökarängen/Farsta. Theproject was a cooperation between future proprietor Skanska and the orderer Svenska Bostäder.The outcome of the investigation was that there are savings that could be made in this matter,future proprietor can save both time and money. The time profit is up to 70 % and theeconomical profit is around 20 %, which in reality means that an electrician only needs 200working-days instead of 700 and an economical profit up to 1 ½ million SEK on a projectcorresponding Blå Jungfru. These numbers only indicate that savings could be made however toget precise figures an additional investigation must be done.



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KTH/Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.)


"Masteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) om 30 högskolepoäng (med vissa undantag) utfört för att erhålla masterexamen.

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