3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 10 av 238
Resurshantering av personer i multiprojektmiljöer
An important task for project managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.
3D Fräs
This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.
Projektet Läskonster : En uppföljning av ett lässtimulerande projekt
The purpose of this study is to carry out a follow-up study of the reading stimulating project Arts in Reading. The project was in progress between the years 2007 to 2009 in Sweden and nearly 80 librarians from 57 public libraries participated. The aim of the project was to initiate new methods fot how to stimulate reading for children. The promoters of the project wanted to initiate the use of new art forms in the work for reading promotion, encourage more collaboration with new actors in the culture area, and co-operate more with the children.The aim of the present study is to investigate to which extent Arts in Reading really succeeded in establishing its goals, whether new methods were brought about, and how this work was done. Another aim is to find out how librarians in public libraries work to develop children's reading.The theoretical framework is based on Ragnhild Söderbergh's term inculturation, Elisabeth Björklund's research on how children acquire literacy, and Lev S.
Broschyr om avändarprofiler
The project group is participating in a measuring project that is a cooperation between CIT EnergyManagement AB, the Measuring unit of Chalmers and College of Dalarna.The results from the measurementswill be put together and presented in a brochure.When designing the brochure a great deal of planning has been made how to attract the targetgroup.To make the contents of the brochure more attractive, which mainly will contain text, a lot of imageswith a symbolic substance have been used. To keep the brochure together it has been divided into fivechapters that each has been given one specific colour. The colours are consistent on initials, headlinesand images.At the moment the results of the measurements are not yet ready and the text for the brochure is notpossible to complete now. This project is expected to finish in the fall when all the measurements havebeen compiled..
Mot en lärande multiprojektorganisation
How can a multi project organisation use Wiki to support improvement of knowledge management and project evaluation to become a learning organisation? The main purpose of this thesis is to give management and employees a better understanding of how Wiki supports knowledge management and project evaluation. The second purpose is to illustrate possible difficulties and pit falls that comes with the implementation of Wiki based learning. The theoretical framework initiates by explaining multi project organizations, then describes Argyris and Schöns theories about organizational learning and learning organizations. The second half of the theory chapter brings up theories about important areas for a learning organization.
Tillit till externa projektledare ur projektdeltagares perspektiv
The motivation to conduct the study was that external project managers have become more common the last decades. At the same time trust is considered to be a key factor for efficiency and good results for the organisation. The group members? trust in the leader is built on past experiences of both the leader at a personal level, and the leaders? relationship to the task. Trust can also be built over time, when the leader earns trust from the group members.
Projektplanering inom konsultföretag : en modell för planering, budgetering och uppföljning
BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.
Kan en teaterproduktion vara socialt arbete? : en studie om KRAFT-projektet
This essay describes how theatre can be a tool in social work. The essay evaluates the Swed-ish KRAFT-project, a course for unemployed people with the goal to make them grow as in-dividuals by using drama exercises and performing a theatre play in front of an audience. The essay is a quantitative secondary study of the questionnaire used in the KRAFT-project. Through analysing the questionnaire the participants answered this essay tries to explain the results from a social psychological perspective. The essay also discusses how the participants? self-concept and self-esteem could have been affected by the KRAFT-project.
Projektledares psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom offentlig verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie i Värmlands landsting
Thesis in project management, D-level by Chris Baldebo & Anders Persson spring semester2011. Tutor: Lennart Ljung. ?Project Manager's Psychosocial Work Environment in thePublic Sector ? A Qualitative Study in the Värmland County Council?.The purpose of this study is to examine how project managers in the public sector perceivetheir psychosocial work environment in a public organization. Therefore we have formulateda hypothesis based on the assumption that there exist differences in how project managersperceive their psychosocial work environment, depending on whether they work in public orprivate sector.Based on the objective, one research question has been formulated: How do projectmanagers active in the Pegasus program experience their psychosocial work environment? Tobe able to say something characteristic about the project managers psychosocial workenvironment our approach has been to interview five project managers.
Projektledning för kreativitet : En fallstudie om hur projektledare skapar förutsättningar för kreativitet i ett distansbaserat datorspelsutvecklingsprojekt
Companies and projects often face the challenge of creating something new to increase their competitiveness. In this process of creating something new creativity is an important factor. By using a creative approach and utilizing creative processes new innovations emerges. An industry that has grown in recent years is the computer games industry. Competition is fierce and for the companies to succeed, the product need that extra something to make it stand out among all the produced games.The project manager's role in the creative process and the ability to be creative within a distance based company is not something highlighted by previous research.
BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.
Effektiv projektledning med standardverktyg, Går det? : MBA-uppsats med inriktning elektroniska affärer
AimThis paper has come about because of the author's own experience as a project manager at FMV. In various projects, I have wondered if there is a link between the programs and processes that I have to use in my daily work. Are these programs effective for managing projects and follow-up.MethodIn order to examine whether it is efficiently using standard software, I have asked a number of projects manager at FMV to respond to a questionnaire, the method is qualitative.AbstractEfficient project management will require a set of tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating. Often there is a demand for a comprehensive range of enterprise software applications and business solutions combined to one business solution. A relevant question is if it is possible to use standard software, i.e.
Athena - En intelligent och flexibel säkerhetslösning för transportbranschen
The project team has chosen to carry out the project itself. This is to be able to work more flexibly in the product development process and not be guided by some guidelines.Every day, we read in the media about a new truck burglary. The problem has become so common that we do not even notice it in the media. Each year the theft of 1 billion of Sweden and the entire 82 billion in Europe in 2008. This is an increase of 10 billion by 2007.
Läslust : ett projekt för och med vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, ett samarbete mellan en lärare och en bibliotekarie
This thesis presents and evaluates a project, undertaken in 2001 by a librarian the writer of this thesis and a teacher. We met with a number of adults with reading and writing disabilities, and presented and discussed books and experiences of reading, with the aim to increase their joy of reading, as well as finding out more about our own ways of co-operating with each other across our professional borders. The documentation and evaluation emphasizes on the process and the results of the project, and on our own participation, by asking the following questions: How did we carry out the project? What obstacles did we meet? What went well/wrong? What did we achieve related to our goals? In order to illuminate the project from different angles, consequences of reading and writing disabilities for adults are discussed, as well as the specific nature of adult education and projects more or less related to ours. Action research is chosen as a method, because it allows the process of the project, and our own learning process, to be exposed.
Fisk, fågel eller mittemellan? : En studie av tre multiprojektmiljöer
Background: A great part of all projects within Swedish industry are conducted in a multiprojectenvironment, which means that several projects are performed simultaneously. The research within the field of project management is though focused on single projects. Projects are highly dependent on the context in which they are conducted, although the organization of the multiprojectenvironment is only partly explored. Furthermore is the research within the project management highly concentrated on standardization of the project work. The question is whether this implies to the basic advantages with the project-oriented organization, which is flexibility and creativity? Purpose: To describe and obtain an understanding for the multiprojectenvironment regarding management control and organization.