3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 11 av 238
Grafisk profilering av EM-loppet
Consumers don´t buy products, they buy brands. To create a succesful brand, you need a clear identity,and it will be strengthened by for instance a graphic profile. This project includes a theoretical partabout corporate identity and graphic profiling, and a description of the work with the graphic profile ofEM-loppet. The aim with this project is to strengthen the identity of EM-loppet, by making a clear andunified profile. The project has been accomplished by studying literature, searching information on theInternet and via personal contacts.
Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader : Särskilt angående problematiken med s k utvecklingsfel
An important task for project managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.
I vår produktion har vi tagit fram ett system för order- och lagerhantering,
med vikt på realtidsuppdateringar, åt en extern mottagare där infrastrukturen
inte hängt med i företagets utveckling.
Vi valde detta projekt i syfte att bredda våra kunskaper inom både
programmering och projekthantering.
Denna slutreflektion tar upp den förundersökning vi gjorde för att kunna
besluta om vilka verktyg vi använde i utvecklingen, den tar även upp vårt sätt
att hantera och planera projektet. Under projektet har vi arbetat med en
egenutformad arbetsprocess vilken även beskrivs här.
Our production has been to design a system for ordering and supply management
with emphasis on realtime updates to an external recipient, where the
infrastructure has not kept pace with the development of the company.
We chose this project in order to broaden our knowledge in both programming and
project management.
This text brings up the investigation we made to decide which tools to use in
the development, it also brings up the way we managed and planned our project.
During the project we have worked with a self-designed software development
process which is also described here..
Tylö: Sauna Lighting
Tylö AB is the leading manufactor of sauna cabins in Europe, but there is a lack
of a sauna lightning produced by Tylö. The project of developing a new sauna
lightning series was assigned two students at the developmentengineering
program at Halmstad University. The main problem with lightning in the sauna
is the heat and security aspect. The selection fell on LED technology as the
lightning source, thanks to its small measures and low heat emission.
The work of constructing of a lightning armature which the capability of cooling
down the LED lightning was carried out during autumn ?06 and spring ?07.
Tylö : Sauna Lighting
Tylö AB is the leading manufactor of sauna cabins in Europe, but there is a lackof a sauna lightning produced by Tylö. The project of developing a new saunalightning series was assigned two students at the developmentengineeringprogram at Halmstad University. The main problem with lightning in the saunais the heat and security aspect. The selection fell on LED technology as thelightning source, thanks to its small measures and low heat emission.The work of constructing of a lightning armature which the capability of coolingdown the LED lightning was carried out during autumn ?06 and spring ?07.
?Hyllan kan vara början till en stege!?: Sociokulturella aspekter på lärande i Demoteket
The aim of this master?s thesis is to explore what learning potentials there are in Demoteket. Demoteket is an on-going project that preserves and exhibits young people?s artistic creations. The idea is that public libraries receives and lends out the young people?s artistic creations.
This project report shows the work around a mockup to a three-dimensional avatar-making application. An avatar-making application is a computer-based software program in which it is possible to create your own personal virtual character. The possibility to use three-dimensional avatars can in the future be essential for adding extra personal information or characteristics to social communication over the internet or over mobile phones. The problem of transforming a physical form and reconstruct it to a virtual basis has been an important problem to solve for many companies and software developers in the, for instance, virtual worlds area. Methods and ideas over making this transformation is the key throughout this project.
Att designa ett multiplattformsystem : Interaktionsdesign möter agila projektmetoder.
This thesis examines the multiplatform design issues of a development project using agile project methods and how they were resolved. Data was gathered through observation, photography and keeping of a journal using action research as a methodological framework. The thesis is concluded with recommendations on how to deal with these issues in similar projects under similar conditions..
TRIM : ? Metod för att identifiera risker och uppskatta projekttider
ITT Flygt is a world leading company that mainly manufactures submersible pumps. A problem of ITT Flygt is that product development projects rarely manage to hold the estimated project time. It shows that something unexpected occurs in projects quite often, which results in delays. The delays can both be due to an optimistic time plan of projects and risks in product development projects which are not discovered at an early stage. This added with unforeseen delays makes it difficult for ITT Flygt to estimate the duration of their projects.The goal with the Master thesis is to examine a suitable method for simulation of project time.
Förbättring av väggfäste för flatscreens
The project was carried out in cooperation with the department of product development IOS at IKEA. The work included improvements of a new existing product that Ikea soon will release on the market, Observatör, a wall bracket for flat screens. The product is supposed to fulfil the needs within this market for IKEA. However, since Ikea was not satisfied with it, our work was to carry out the improvements that were specified in the beginning of the project. Another task in the project was to develop a side-product that is supposed to be used together with Obeservatör for storage of DVD/decoders.The project included labour as problem definition to final technical drawings and a prototype.
Hemautomation : Spara energi genom att automatisera hemmet
In today's society there is a significant focus on energy efficiency. Despite this, people leave lamps, televisions and computer screens etc. powered on unnecessarily. The goal of this project is to build a simple prototype for home automation where a user, via an application on a mobile phone, can switch on and off the power of an electrical products in the home and as well as being able to check whether such products are switched on or off. The prototype will also collect data on power consumption for these electrical products.
I love contrasts and meetings between people. Situations where individual differences are highlighted, affected and shaped by each other.In this project I have been working with five characters: the aggressive one, the frightened one, the social one, the reserved one and the proud one. By analyzing the characters I have tried to understand how they are able to meet and agree with each other. The goal has been to create a place where this can happen, but which is also adapted for each respective character.The project is based on a field study I did in the summer of 2013, when I lived in a masai village in the northern part of Tanzania. Nescar is the name of a masai women I got to know, is means The one that you can trust.
Public Hear Aid
This project started when LIC Audio AB wanted help with development of a hearing aid for public rooms. The problem is that a lot of people suffer from some sort of hearing impairment. In places with a lot of people and background noise the problem becomes bigger and the sound seems to flow together. During the project we found the solution for the problem in the shape of a headphone. The headphone receives a signal from a preinstalled hearing loop.
En analys av "Identitet- om varumärken, tecken och symboler" : Ett tredelat projekt av Nationalmuseum och Stockholms Handelshögskola våren 2002
The purpose of this paper was to analyse ?Identity- about trademarks, signs and symbols?. The project was a co-operation between the National museum of Art and Stockholm School of Economics in the spring of 2002, which consisted of an exhibition, a book and a series of seminars. The goal was to illustrate how the trademark had developed through history, which role it has in the modern society and how the trademark serves as a creator of identities. The project, mostly the exhibition, was exposed to criticism, which was directed towards the sponsorship deals between The National Museum of Art and five companies..
Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank
This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.