

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 31 av 53

Fast etableringsställe : En skatteplanerares dröm?

This master?s thesis will examine the concept of ?fixed establishment? in VAT-law. The concept can be found in the new EC-directive on the common system of value added tax, however it has existed for thirty years in previous directives. Despite this, the legislator has never provided a proper definition of the concept. Its meaning has therefore evolved through the case-law of the ECJ.The Court has put forward a number of criteria which are all to be met if a fixed establishment is to be at hand.

Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality?s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sales.

HÅLLBARHETSREDOVISNING FRÅN BANKER : Vilket intresse har företagskunder och påverkar redovisningen kundernas förtroende till banken?

Sustainability is today a current topic and companies are more or less forced to work with it even though it contradicts the historical role of companies, which is to generate a profit for shareholders. In recent years there has been a rising interest from banks to work with sustainability but research has shown a growing dissatisfaction among customers even though banks are spending a lot of money and time working with sustainability. This shows that there is an asymmetry between how the banks act and what their customers demand. The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how business customers perceive banks´ CSR-reports by investigating customers? interest in these reports.

Ovillkorade aktieägartillskott - Analys utifrån skatteflyktslagen

Partner in a close company is taxed under special rules for private companies. This is to avoid a fiscal revenue conversion. Partner as having a major influence in the company and take out what is really earned income as dividends and thus be taxed at a significantly lower rate. The purpose of the close company rules is that a partner in labor income is taxed in the same way that an employee?s income.The problem that arises when one partner in a closely held company leave a shareholders contribution to the company which aims to raise the threshold for the shares discussed in this paper.

ADHD- diagnosen i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers förhållningssätt till diagnosen ADHD i Åk 6-9

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a phenomena that is much talked about in both schools and in communities. Today, there is a conflict surrounding the diagnosis ADHD. A part of the conflict takes part between the sociologist Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg, professor in child- and teenage psychology. The roots of this conflict surrounds the much debated line of what is seen as normal and ?too? different, basically how many children that actually should have the diagnosis.

-Jag kan detta, vad kan du? : Ledares och medarbetares uppfattning om kunskaps- och informationsöverföring i ett produktionsföretag

Introduction: More and more companies have realized that keeping and using the knowledge in their companies is getting more important to get or keep a competitive advantage. The companies? organizational culture and knowledge management are essential to create knowledge transfer. Also that the employees and the leaders of the company knows how knowledge- and information transfer arknkoe done best for them. That is why we chose our purpose to be:The aim is to understand the differences between managers and employees perception about knowledge- and information transfer in a manufacturing company.

AppleTM 1 - 0 Allsvenskan : En uppsats om varumärken och fotboll i en föränderlig värld

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and understand how branding can take place in a football organisation. Football clubs have for a long time been seen as non-profit organisations but since money have become a main factor also in football these days the organisations are more or less turning in to commercial businesses. Football organisations have for many years neglected the assets of actively contributing values to their brand. Despite that branding doesn't seem to be seen as important in football organisations as it is for real companies who spend a fortune of money on building strong brands, which makes us curious to find out how this approach can be developed also in football. We are also interested in what the characteristics are and which underlying factors that determines the choice of a football brand.

Cirkelformen i landskapet : funktionen och användningen av cirkelformen i landskapsplaneringen

The Circle is a strong form that influences the landscape. It also has symbolic value which influences our feelings and experiences. This Thesis project examines the Circles? characteristics and its significance in various connections. The goal of this Thesis is to examine what role the Circle plays in various situations and what motives there are for using it is landscape architecture. The basis for this Thesis work is a proposal which has been drawn up for development of the rural area between the villages of Hofterup and Löddeköping in the municipality of Kävlinge.

Den vägda nyttjandeperioden och dess effekter på utvalda finansiella nyckeltal: En studie av bostadsrättsföreningars avskrivningstider på byggnader

Housing cooperatives in Sweden practice very long depreciation times for their buildings and assets, subsequently depreciation costs are very low. This study aims at addressing issues relating to potential upward revisions of these costs and the revenue levels needed by housing cooperatives to address these changes, while also providing a detailed summary of some chosen financial ratios under different circumstances. This study's results are based upon recent (2015) market data within the Stockholm region, collected through a manual process and analyzed quantitatively. On average, housing cooperatives EBIT do not cover their financial costs and have low profit margins. The average depreciation time is considerably above what a technical evaluation by other sources may state.

Självgående renslastare till sockerbetor :

Our greatest interest within crop farming is to grow sugarbeets, that?s why we want to write about something new in this sector. We heard that a new concept had come to Sweden so we wanted to find out everything about this machine. This new technique was a self-propelled cleaning loader for sugarbeets. This machine is supposed to replace a loader and a cleaning machine when the sugarbeets is going to be loaded, cleaned and delivered to the sugerbeet factory. The cleaning loader picks up the sugarbeets with rollers from the pile, which is placed close to the road.

Rörelsekapital och lönsamhet : Finns det ett samband?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och   lönsamhet för företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ metod för att undersöka rörelsekapitalets samband med lönsamheten. Datan som användes i studien hämtades från retriever business och uträkningarna gjordes i Microsoft Office Excel. Variablerna storlek på företag, utvecklingsfas och rörelsekapitalspolicy användes för att kategorisera datan i flertalet tester.Teori: Studiens rörelsekapitalsmått var kassacykeln och lönsamhetsmåttet var bruttovinstmarginalen.Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet i 13 av de 24 undersökningarna.Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet skiljer sig åt hos företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag..

Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :

In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level. In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.

"Vi är inte byggda för att ta in video" Utmaningar med video i räddningsarbete

THE CONSTANT IMPROVAL AND REFINEMENT OF THE MOBILE TECHNOLOGY HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLEto use video in settings where such use couldn't be motivated before, due to economicaland practical reasons. The purpose of the study was to identify and explore possiblechallenges in interorganizational use of video during emergency response work. Thiswas done by a case study of a system designed for the use of video in such situations.The study focused on operational challenges for the fire and rescue services and thehealthcare organisations, where the main challenges identified were intended to beanalysed and discussed in terms of design. The empirical results were gathered throughqualitative interviews with representatives from the fire and rescue services and thehealthcare organisations in Göteborg. This material made it clear that contextual aspectsof emergency response work lead to a couple of challenges connected to the use of videoin such situations.

Pinterest - En källa till inspiration : En undersökning av Pinterests funktioner, styrkor och svagheter

Sociala medier består av digitala plattformar där integration, kommunikation och delning är möjligt mellan användare. Under de senaste åren har nya former av sociala medier växt fram och blivit ett intressant område för forskning. Det har även blivit en ny kanal för marknadsförare att nå ut till sina kunder. Pinterest startades 2010 av Ben Stilbermann med syfte att användare kan dela bilder och skapa sina egna digitala anslagstavlor. Målet med denna studie är att analysera Varför svenskar använder Pinterest för att skapa en bredare förståelse av Pinterest som nytt socialt medium samt presentera dess funktioner, styrkor och svagheter.

Lika rätt för barn : En studie av rättssäkerheten för barn i skyddat boende på ideella kvinnojourer.

I föreliggande studie undersöks hur rättssäkerheten tillämpas och tolkas allmänt för barn som placeras utanför det egna hemmet av socialtjänsten samt hur rättssäkerheten tolkas och tillämpas när det rör barn som är placerade på ideella kvinnojourer. Studien är av rättssociologisk art. Metoden som används i studien är en kombination av rättsdogmatisk metod och samhällsvetenskaplig metod. Detta för att genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden studera lagstiftning och den samhällsvetenskapliga undersöka hur lagen tillämpas i praktiken. Materialet består av texter samt intervju.

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