

1933 Uppsatser om Preventive Strategies - Sida 2 av 129

Antimobbningsplaner : Åtgärder och strategier mot mobbning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how educationalists who are currently working in school-environments feel about antibullyingprograms. Do they think that the programs are working and do they feel that the measures that they use work as planned? The reason why I choose to investigate this topic is that it will always be at topic interesting to study. Bullying will unfortunately always exist in some way. The whole survey is made in a small/medium seized municipality in Sweden with about 12 000 inhabitants.

Ansvarsförhållande kring förebyggande materielvård på förbandsnivå inom armén

The change in course recently taken by the Swedish Armed Forces results in an increased use of equipment, and thereby increased requirements of preventive maintenance. This paper aims to examine the current responsibilities for preventive maintenance in an army unit. The intended effect of this examination is to disclose possible flaws, and to help make routines for preventive maintenance more effective.The questions asked in this paper are;Who, in an army unit, is responsible for the routine maintenance?When is this responsibility valid?What demands does the technical service have on responsibilities for the routine maintenance?How are these demands met?How ought to be responsible for the routine maintenance?To answer these questions the author has chosen to use a descriptive method to show the current facts. A theorizing method is chosen to, from described facts, clarify the demands of the technical service on routine maintenance.

FN och EU ? två aktörer inom det konfliktförebyggande området - en studie av FN och EU: s konfliktförebyggande åtgärder i Makedonien

Conflict prevention is a term which has gained much influence during the last decades. To prevent conflicts from occuring have both humanitarian and economic incentives as the cost for war are much greater than the cost of acting preventive. To act in this matter has been regarded a priority for the United Nations during several years, and the European Union have also expressed a wish of playing a more active part. The essay compares the actions taken by the international organisations in Macedonia, a country which headed toward a violent conflict. The UN acted through the mission UNPREDEP and the EU through the mission of Concordia.

Stölder och förebyggande åtgärder : en studie hos Holmen skogs entreprenörer och egna maskinlag

This master thesis was performed as a mission from Holmen Skog with the purpose to investigate to which extent their own machine teams and engaged contractors were exposed to theft and vandalism, and most common preventive measures used. With the help of collected data the study should lead to proposals of preventive measures that can help the machine teams in their struggle to minimise theft and vandalism. Theft and vandalism are a big problem for Swedish forest contractors. In a scarce economic situation thefts and vandalism rapidly decrease the profit for the contractors. However, the last years have resulted in a positive awareness of thefts, and more and better preventive measures have been developed. With the initiative of this master thesis, Holmen Skog show that they are aware of the situation and that they wish to take control of the problem. A total amount of 108 questionnaires was sent out to Holmen?s own machine teams and engaged contractors.

Teknologi, Pedagogik och Ämne : En policystudie om hur nationella mål för IT i skolan transformeras till kommunala IT-strategier

Today there is a large consensus about the importance of Swedish schools providingconditions enabling students to develop the ability to manage and learn through information technologies (IT). The goal of this study was to describe and examine how national education goals for the use of IT transformed into municipal IT-strategies for the school. A content analysis was conducted of thirty-eight municipal IT-strategies collected from Swedish municipal websites on the Internet. The content in the municipal IT-strategies was compared with the content in both the Swedish education act and the national curriculum. The results showed that the content in the Swedish education act and the national curriculum in fact was translated into municipal IT strategies, but that the range of strategies concerning technology, pedagogy and content in relation to IT was broad.

Hur elever läser - En jämförande studie av gymnasieelevers lässtrategier i biologi och engelska; How students read - A comparative study of high school students? reading strategies in Biology and English

The purpose of this study was to identify reading strategies used by high school students when reading textbooks and school-related material. Any differences in reading strategies between Biology and English were also of importance. A study sample of 62 students from three different high schools in Sweden participated in the study and were asked to fill out a survey questionnaire. Eight students from this sample were also interviewed. The findings of this study show that students use a number of different reading strategies of which metacognitive and sociocultural factors play a crucial part.

Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS

Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.

Underhållsstrategi enligt Professional Maintenance metodiken som en del av World Class Manufacturing

As a result of global competition, companies within the automotive industry are required to improve their production systems to achieve sustainable and competitive production. To attain operational excellence, companies have adopted concepts like lean and World Class Manufacturing (WCM).In order to deliver, companies need to increase the availability and reliability of production equipment. This demands focus on both operational and strategic maintenance, and efficient equipment acquisition and management. The main objective of this thesis is to identify processes and success factors that are necessary for improved maintenance performance. By conducting a case study and by performing a literature review, the following has been studied: 1) how companies within the automotive industry work with maintenance and maintenance strategies, 2) implementation of maintenance strategies, and 3) new acquisition and spare parts management for maintenance. The results show that basic maintenance concepts and related terms are well defined in the literature.

En studie om konflikter i arbetslivet och det  systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets roll som verktyg till förebyggande arbete.

Abstract The main subject of this essay is conflicts at work and the effect it has on the employee´s health.  I can through various reports read that bad health at workplaces is too high and that conflicts are a reason. What can be done to the work environment so it will be better from a psychosocial perspective? Sweden has a regulation that makes the employer responsible to work for an improvement in the work environment; can these regulations be used in purpose to reduce conflicts?My first question concerns the possibility to establish preventive procedures in the workplace systematic work regarding to improve the work environment. My second question is about the obligations of the employer to attempt to reduce conflicts at the workplace and the third question regards the documenting and monitoring of conflicts and the preventing work to reduce them. The purpose of this essay is to clarify how conflict preventive work can be included in the Systematic work environment management.

Omvårdnad för kalvar med lunginflammation

Pneumonia is a common disease in calves. There are several causes behind the disease. The main purpose of this litterary study was to estimate what kind of nursing calves with pneumonia could benefit from, especially the evidence-based nursing recommendations for the sick calves. A further purpose was to gain knowledge of different treatments of sick calves and what kind of practical measurements that are most suitable to use in the preventive work. The results in this study shows that there are only suggestions of nursing, rather than some actual evidence-based actions. The most important nursing actions is to isolate the calves with dyspnea, prevent or treatment of hypothermia, potential dehydration and malnutrition. It is also important to make sure to place the calf on soft and dry bedding.

Kan fysisk aktivitet förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom? En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: We are facing an aging population, which means that the incidence of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are expected to increase. In the current situation there is no cure for the disease, whereupon it is important to develop Preventive Strategies. Objective: To examine the association between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity. Method: A systematic literature search was done to identify the current state of knowledge from the year 2006 onwards. The reason for this limitation was that the SBU commissioned a systematic literature review in 2006, where the relationship between physical activity and Alzheimer's disease could not be determined.

Skogsbolagens syn på vindskadeförebyggande åtgärder efter stormen Dagmar

On the night of the 26th December 2011, large parts of southern Norrland were struck by the storm ?Dagmar? that caused serious damage to the forests. In the past 10 years wind damage has become a hot topic after several major storms. Forest companies own 25% of the Swedish forest and thus influenced largely by wind damage. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether forest companies attitude towards preventive wind damage actions were changed after the storm ?Dagmar?. The result was developed by doing interviews with two forestry companies.

Problemlösning : - att välja strategi

AbstractBy finding out the pupils' choice of strategies for problem solving, we as teachers, can get a better understanding of their way of thinking, and thus also help them develop in their learning of mathematics. In a classroom environment where several different strategies could be found, the pupils' learning is facilitated as they, with the help of classmates, find positive and negative attributes of different kinds of strategies. The pupils are, in other words, each other's resources, rather than competitors. The main point is that the classroom environment, as well as the role of the teacher in the classroom, are both key elements for good mathematics learning.In order to increase the understanding of the pupils' choice of learning strategies, a survey was performed based on two school classes, one third grade and one six grade class at the same school. Both classes received the same mathematical problem to work with, and the strategies observed were analyzed and compared.

Sjuksköterskans hantering av daglig stress i arbetet - en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe how nurses cope with their daily stress at work. A literature review was made to answer the research question, data was gathered from two databases; Academic Search Elite and Medline (via Pubmed). The result which was based on 20 scientific articles showed that nurses used problem-focused and emotional-focused coping strategies to deal with the stress at work. Most of the nurses used emotional-focused coping strategies by practise some kind of physical activities, avoid and take distance from the problem. Using these strategies was negative correlated with burnout and psychological health.

Hiv i Sverige - Prevention, sexuella attityder & beteenden

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus which occurs worldwide and spreads between humans mainly through sex, from mother to child, blood and blood products and between injecting drug users. After been infected with HIV for a couple of years the final stage of the infection progress into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and there is no cure or vaccine, only medication that delays the development of the disease. Objective: The aim of this thesis is to examine the preventive work against HIV in Sweden, the groups at risk for getting infected and to highlight sexual attitudes and behaviours among adolescents and young adults. Method: A literature based study method was used and the material is based on scientific articles and reports from active actors within the field of HIV prevention.

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