
Skogsbolagens syn på vindskadeförebyggande åtgärder efter stormen Dagmar

On the night of the 26th December 2011, large parts of southern Norrland were struck by the storm ?Dagmar? that caused serious damage to the forests. In the past 10 years wind damage has become a hot topic after several major storms. Forest companies own 25% of the Swedish forest and thus influenced largely by wind damage. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether forest companies attitude towards preventive wind damage actions were changed after the storm ?Dagmar?. The result was developed by doing interviews with two forestry companies. The forest companies who participated in the interview were SCA Medelpads management and Holmen region Iggesund, districts within the area that was hardest hit by the storm. The Interview put great emphasis on the risk assessment, preventive wind damage actions and the factors affecting the perception of them. The results was analyzed to find answers to the target setting, and to see if there was a correlation between the results from the two interviews. This was concluded by the differences and similarities in the results. The conclusion showed that SCA and Holmens perception of preventive wind damage actions in the current situation haven´t changed after the storm ?Dagmar?. They doesn´t assess the risk of wind damage to be greater after a major storm. Preventive wind damage actions e.g. choice of wind-resistant tree species, often comes in second place because forest companies believe that those measures will reduce production in the forest and it requires too much effort in relation to profits.


Elisabet Ekblad Evelina Eriksson

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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