
Omvårdnad för kalvar med lunginflammation

Pneumonia is a common disease in calves. There are several causes behind the disease. The main purpose of this litterary study was to estimate what kind of nursing calves with pneumonia could benefit from, especially the evidence-based nursing recommendations for the sick calves. A further purpose was to gain knowledge of different treatments of sick calves and what kind of practical measurements that are most suitable to use in the preventive work. The results in this study shows that there are only suggestions of nursing, rather than some actual evidence-based actions. The most important nursing actions is to isolate the calves with dyspnea, prevent or treatment of hypothermia, potential dehydration and malnutrition. It is also important to make sure to place the calf on soft and dry bedding. Preventive actions against malnutrition is to give the calves palatable dust-free feeds. There are many preventive measurements in a long list that vary from suggestions of personal hygiene in the herd staff to real evidence that shows the importance of colostrum intake.


Caroline Jansson

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Animal Environment and Health


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