

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 59 av 247

"Om föräldern hade varit normalbegåvad men behövt stöd i sitt föräldraskap hade situationen varit en annan? : - En dokumentanalys av rättsfall om LVU

Previous research has indicated that intellectual disabilities and parenting is not socially accepted and compulsory care of children often occurs in families where one or both parents have an intellectual disability. This study aims to, thru a document analysis, investigate ideas and representations of parents with intellectual disabilities that emerge in Swedish legal cases. The legal cases is about children who are taken care of according to LVU § 2, where one or both parents have a intellectual disability. The results of the study revealed that people with intellectual disabilities are seen as not capable of developing parenting ability, in some cases aroused concerns about parenting during pregnancy, these suggesting stereotypes of parents with intellectual disabilities. Of the documents reveals that social workers word overrides in the decision-making, this leads to a position of power where the parents are at a disadvantage..

Utveckling av ett frågeformulär för delaktighet : En pilotstudie

Background: The need for structured practice has in recent years appeared in connection with the request for a more evidence-based nursing. In psychiatric care with its complex disabilities, it is important to have methods to identify these. Research has demonstrated the importance of patient participation in nursing that has been shown to affect their mental health. It is essential to get to know how patients with mental illness are capable of involvement in their life situation. The ICF emerged as a useful theoretical framework for development of questionnaires of patient participation.Aim: The aim of the present pilotstudy was to develop and test a questionnaire for participation, based on ICF.

Bedömning av fallrisk hos patienter som vårdas inneliggande på sjukhus och inom kommunal vård : Med hjälp av Downton Fall Risk Index

Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a year. In addition to economic loss accidental falls also creates human value losses and reduced quality of life for its victims. In order to prevent the occurrence of injury related to accidental falls healthcare providers utilize various scientifically developed risk assessment tools, one of them being Downton Fall Risk Index. Method: Empirical, quantitative cross-sectional study. Objective: The purpose of the extended essay was to describe the categories in Downton Fall Risk Index that have a bearing on patients' risk of falling while in hospital and in municipal care, and to illustrate how nurses can use the fall risk assessment tool.

Anestesisjuksköterskans smärtskattning jämfört med patientens egenskattade smärta

Syfte: Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka om anestesisjuksköterskans skattning av postoperativ smärta skiljer sig fran patientens egenskattade VAS. Bakgrund: Flertalet studier visar att sjuksköterskor underskattar patienters smärta och att VAS inte används i tillräcklig utsträckning vid smärtskattning. Många erfarna sjuksköterskor tenderar att lita mer på sin intuitiva känsla om patientens smärta än på vad patienten säger. Metod: Åtta anestesisjuksköterskor på ett sjukhus i storstadsregionen fick genom ett frågeformulär skatta 44 patienters postoperativa smärta utifrån en beteenderelaterad skala och fysiologiska parametrar. Detta värde jämfördes med patientens egenskattade VAS/NRS.

Träffpunkten : En plats att stråla samman

This essay focuses on a träffpunkts-activity within LSS's disability care, which started a year ago. The study has an evaluating perspective.The purpose of this essay is to describe the activity, study its intentions and to describe how far it has come reaching its intentions/goals. The questions we have focused on are: What were Träffpunkten's goals and how far has it evolved during the past year. Further more we have examined what kind of social interaction developing between guests and LSS-activity users and how much the activity's intentions show in it today.We used a qualitative method in this essay. To get answers to our questions, we have interviewed persons involved in Träffpunkten and others at Vård och Omsorgsförvaltningen.

Självförvållad sinnesförvirring : Konsekvenser av att fingera tillräknelighet istället för uppsåt vid gärningar som begåtts under självförvållad sinnesförvirring

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Synergonomi och arbetsbelysning för sjuksköterskor inom avancerad hemsjukvård

The main aim of this master thesis was to examine the visual ergonomics and the systematic work environment management concerning lighting issues for nurses within domiciliary care. Further aims were to examine a few existing lighting solutions, to come up with ideas for future possible lighting solutions, and to evaluate if the legal regulations for lighting is satisfying and if the regulations are obeyed in domiciliary nursing.The methods used were a questionnaire completed by 55 nurses, field studies of used lightings in cooperation with a student in industrial esign, test of ten existing lighting solutions in a laboratory environment, and a field test of five existing lighting solutions tested by nine nurses in the home of the patient.The result indicates that 40 % of the asked nurses were dissatisfied with the working light in the patient?s homes. All respondents reported poor working light close to the patient, 50 % reported that this problem occurred daily. One third reported that they had to work in uncomfortable working postures due to insufficient working light, and 15 % reported risk of making mistakes due to the same reason.

Omvårdnadsepikriser: Från sluten somatisk vård till hemsjukvård

Distriktssköterskan är ofta den sista länken i vårdkedjan från den somatiska vården och hemsjukvården. En fungerande överrapportering från den slutna somatiska vården till hemsjukvården är av yttersta vikt för patientens trygghet och säkerhet och det är därför viktigt att innehållet i omvårdnadsepikrisernas uppfattas som relevant för den fortsatta vården. En omvårdnadsepikris skall innehålla en slutanteckning över de omvårdnadsåtgärder som genomförts på sjukhuset och en kort beskrivning över patientens aktuella omvårdnadsbehov. Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors uppfattning om omvårdnadsepikrisernas relevans och användbarhet i den fortsatta vården i hemmet av palliativa patienter samt att jämföra dessa med det faktiska innehållet i omvårdnadsepikriser skrivna av sjuksköterskor inom den slutna somatiska vården.Studien har genomförts med en innehållsanalys av 16 omvårdnadsepikriser insamlade från en kirurgiavdelning på ett större sjukhus i Göteborgsregionen samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem distriktssköterskor i Göteborgsregionen. Avslutningsvis jämfördes resultatet från de två datakällorna för att bedöma överensstämmelsen mellan dessa.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP)

Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede enligt en vårdplan utformad som en journal med riktlinjer för vård i livets slutskede, den så kallade Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Metod: Studien är utförd som en litteraturöversikt. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, MedLine, SAGE Journals och Scopus. Tolv artiklar valdes ut för kvalitétsgranskning enligt en förutbestämd granskningsmall. Elva artiklar godkändes och utgjorde grunden för resultatet.

Tills döden eller äldreomsorgen skiljer oss åt : En studie om äldre personers upplevelse av att separera från sin partner på grund av att han eller hon blir beviljad ett särskilt boende.

Elderly couples have a right to live together. On June 1st 2006 the Swedish government extended couples? rights, granting special consideration to elderly partners to enable them to receive care in the same home. But what happens if only one of them is eligible for care? This paper has studied how elderly couples were affected in situations where one partner was unable to continue living at home, and what measures could be taken to improve their situation.

Outside the box - Inside care : En deskriptiv studie om effektivitet i vården

The study is based on a new approach on how Swedish healthcare is supposed to be controlled and organized. There is a renowned administration problem within Swedish healthcare, which seems to be an obstacle to exploit the resources to the fullest. The latest venture within the healthcare system is patient involvement, where the patients become co-producers of their own care, which aims to both improve and make healthcare more efficient. A few wards in Sweden have implemented this new approach whereupon the study intends to discuss the effectiveness and efficiency in some of these.The study is restricted to three wards, whereof two of these are inpatient wards and the other one is an outpatient ward, within the medical clinic in Jönköping County Council, which has implemented the patient involvement approach in their daily work. The methodology for this study is qualitative in its nature where a time study of personnel time allocation and supplementary interviews with managing nurses on the wards have been conducted.


Att kolhydratuppladda är att fylla kroppens muskler med energi, vilken används för att patienten ska klara av kroppens stressrespons i samband med fasta och operation. Kliniskt får patienten dricka näringsdryck innan operation för att kolhydratuppladda. Inför ett kirurgiskt ingrepp genomgår patienten en förändring i vardagen, lämnar hemmet och kommer till en ovan miljö. Att patienten genomgår fasta och upplever en ny situation påverkar patientens välbefinnande negativt, med både hunger, törst och oro och så vidare. I denna litteraturstudie kommer tio artiklar att granskas för att undersöka, effekterna få en preoperativ kolhydratuppladdning fokus i studien ligger på omvårdnad och välbefinnande men den tar även upp effekter som inte är direkt relaterade till omvårdnadsämnet men knyter an till vården.

Miljöutredning för Bräcke Diakoni

The environmental work in Sweden has developed a lot over the past fifty years. Today, most companies have some kind of environmental work. Environmental activities are regulated by the Environmental Code, which applies in parallel with other laws. This report is an environmental review for Bräcke Diakoni. The report aims to find out how much environmental impact Bräcke Diakoni has.

?Innanfo?r hemmets va?ggar? : En kvalitativ studie om bista?ndshandla?ggares erfarenheter och uppfattningar kring a?ldre personer med problematiskt fo?rha?llande till alkohol

This study is qualitative and aims to describe and analyze how senior citizens with alcohol- related problems are recognized by social workers within local care for the elderly. The empirical material consists of eleven semi-structured interviews which was completed with the help of social workers within local elderly care. The findings of the study shows that the processing of the senior citizens alcohol related problem can be explained as an identified ?awareness process.? Further, the findings of the study shows that awareness is often made by others than the social workers themselves. The study has also showed that known versus unknown information about present alcohol-related problems, tends to be crucial for when and how awareness is made in the ?awareness process?. .

Värdepapperisering av samhällsfastigheters hyresflöden : En attraktiv finansierings- och investeringsmöjlighet för att bygga vård- och äldreboenden till en åldrande befolkning?

The number of elderly people has been steadily rising in Sweden for a long time and as a proportion of the population, the increase has been even greater. The population structure in the country means that in the not too distant future, there will be a sharp rise in demand for care and elderly accommodation.A tighter credit market as a consequence of new rules and regulations with a stricter capital and liquidity requirements combined with market turbulence, has made financing property developement more difficult and more expensive which has resulted in many companies using alternative sources of finance.DEmand for safe investments with low risk is high as the market is volatile and banks, pension funds, fund management and life insurance companies are looking for investments outside the stock market that can deliver a safe return in the longer term. There has also been a debate about whether institutional investors as the AP pension funds really should own properties directly.As properties for care and elderly accommodation are definable assets with predictable payment flows, long leases and often a local authority as tenant that would not risk cancelling payments, these would be highly appropriate for securitisation, i.e. to issue bonds or other tradable securities based on the cash flows from the assets.In other words, the securitisation of rent flows would offer the opportunity to create an attractive investment product of the type being demanded, well suited to institutional investor requirements, while at the same time, it can provide an attractive financing opportunity to meet the need for more care and elderly accommodation..

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