

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 58 av 247

Allmänsjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS

The aim of this study was to examine nurses knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients over the world. A descriptive literature study has been made based on scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The authors have examined the sampling and the falling off of the articles. The result shows that the attitude towards HIV patients is different from one country to another. The attitude was affected by several of factors such as experience, fear, knowledge / education and the nurses attitude and willingness to care for these patients.

Postoperativa halsbesvär efter larynxmask : en jämförande pilotstudie

Litteraturen beskriver larynxmask som ett skonsamt alternativ till intubation med endotrakealtub. Tidigare studier visar dock att det inte är ovanligt med halsbesvär postoperativt, i form av halsont och/eller heshet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomst och karaktär av halsbesvär postoperativt efter användning av två olika larynxmasker. Författarna genomförde en pilotstudie där nitton vuxna patienter, både män och kvinnor, som erhållit Pro-Breathe® eller I-gel® larynxmask under anestesin ingick. Patienterna intervjuades 60 minuter respektive 24 timmar efter uttagandet av larynxmasken.

Portabelt journalföringssystem i hemsjukvården

The aim of the study was to study how a today journal system is applied in homecare. The aim was also to examine if a portable journal system could make any effectiveness on the nurse's work and secure the quality of care. The study is a part of a project called Grensebroen which connects public health care, economic industry and university to a network beyond the borders. The primary goal of this cooperation was to develop technological means of assistance which could simplify nursing on daily basis. An empirical study on homecare was made in a district were long distance travels were common for the nurses in duty.

Sjuksköterskans dokumentation av postoperativ smärta : en journalgranskningsstudie

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett föräldraperspektiv undersöka behov av och önskemål om stödsom föräldrar med diagnos inom autismspektrum beskriver i sin föräldraroll. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskaptill en diskussion kring utformandet av stödinsatser för dessa familjer. Studien är kvalitativ med intervjuer som gjorts ihalvstrukturerad form. Åtta föräldrar har intervjuats. Föräldrarna beskriver att deras svårigheter gör det svårt för dem isamspelet med barn och partner.

Vårdarnas upplevelser av sin arbetssituation i äldrevården - en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur vårdare inom äldrevården upplever sin arbetssituation. Metoden som använts var en beskrivande litteraturstudie. Data samlades in via databaserna Medline via Pubmed och Cinahl. Sökorden nursing homes, elderly care och geriatric care kombinerades med experience och personnel för att ett så stort område som möjligt av äldrevården skulle ingå i sökningen. Sökordet Scandinavia valdes för att författarna ville fokusera studien på skandinavisk äldrevård.

Ett partilöst Sverige? : En studie om svenska partiers medlemsutveckling

A group of scientist, called the council of democracy in Sweden made a predictionabout members of political parties, in 2013 members should not exist. In this essaythat statement going to be questioned. It shows that most of the political parties losesmembers in Sweden. The only differences from year 2000 and now is that in 14 yearsthe parties has lost 65000 members, between 1991-1999 it was about 220000members. Something has changed.

Typ av demens relaterad till övriga sjukdomar och tidigare genomgången anestesi/kirurgi : En retrospektiv pilotstudie

This retrospective study reviews and investigates type of dementia, related to co morbidity, symptoms of dementia, previus anaesthesia/surgery, intraoperative events and postoperative cognitive symptoms. The patient co morbidity was compared to occurrence in an age-matched population of 1095 individuals. Fifty-two patients with different types of dementia participated. Data was collected from patient journals.Compared to population, heredity for dementia, heart insufficiency, hypertension, depression and B12- deficiency was more frequent in the patients. B12- deficiency was common in vascular dementias and "burn-out syndrome" in early-onset AD.

Visioner om framtidens profilboenden : Hur äldre personer vill bo när det bli ännu äldre

As the population of senior citizens increase, various housing options are required for an increasing competitive environment within elderly care. This study addresses the concept of profile housing for the elderly by outlining its definition and providing options for the different kinds of housing options available within the municipalities of Stockholm and Solna. The study reveals that these locations have different definitions of what constitutes a profile home. Based on this, should one assume there are further definitions to cover additional municipalities?     This study also touches upon how a group of senior citizens would perceive their living conditions if relocated into such housing. Members of the group have also expressed that they would like to go about their daily activities as they have prior to being relocated. They want health professionals to enable and encourage participation in various daily activities..

Anhörigas upplevelser i samband med vård av en äldre person i hemmet : En litteraturöversikt

SAMMANFATTNING Syftet: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att studera hur anhöriga till äldre personer upplevde sin situation i i samband med att de vårdade sina äldre hemma, hur de hanterade sin situation, samt vilka strategier de använde sig av för att hantera sin roll som anhörigvårdare. Metod: Databaserna Cinahl och Medline användes i sökningarna efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relative and older people and home care, home health care and family caregiver elderly people, family caregivers and care givers of aging people, elderly people and family care givers of aging people, family care givers of older people, family caregivers and frail elderly, family caregiver and older people and home care, home care older people and family caregivers older people, family caregivers older people. Efter genomläsning bedömdes 16 artiklar vara användbara i resultatet. Dessa kom från vetenskapliga tidskrifter och artiklarna innehöll både kvalitativa studier som kvantitativa studier.

Enhetschefs främjande av anställdas psykosociala arbetsmiljöEn kvalitativ studie på kommunala äldreboenden.

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Att genomgå hjärtkirurgi med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskinen : kognitiva effekter

SAMMANFATTNINGFör att möjliggöra öppen hjärtkirurgi används hjärt-lungmaskin som leder blodet i en bana utanför kroppen sammankopplat med kroppscirkulationen. Möjliga komplikationer efter kirurgi med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskin kommer från det centrala nervsystemet och kan ge upphov till kognitiva symtom, dessa komplikationer har ökat sedan 70-talet. Kognitiva nedsättningar kan påverka både patientens livskvalitet och sjukvårdens ekonomi. Risker med att opereras med stöd av hjärt-lungmaskin är embolier, hypoperfusion, anestesi och inflammation. Detaljerad information till patienter som ska genomgå hjärtkirurgi gör dem mer förberedda på eventuella komplikationer.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

Självskadebeteende : Bemötande och attityder hos vårdpersonal gentemot personer med borderline personlighetsstörning

 Background: Self-injury can be defined as deliberate harm one's own body without conscious intent to commit suicide. These patients need skilled care. Purpose: Illuminate nursing staff attitudes and treatment of patients with self-injury behaviour for individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Method: A general literature study has been made. Based on the objective was a literature search in various databases with ten relevant articles were selected and reviewed.

Patienters livssituation och vårdkostnad

The purpose of this paper is to test a procedure that would be useful for a certain, more final purpose. Assume that you want to know if the differences in the result of a certain effort in health care have any connection with differences between the life situations of the patients. This would be easier to investigate if the life situations of the patients had connection to the easily available variable Health Care Cost (in Swedish VK). In that case the searching for connections between VK of patient groups and the result of health care efforts would be sufficient to gain knowledge of possible connection between health care efforts and life situations. Thus that is the final purpose.

Att vara förälder til barn med astma : En litteraturstudie

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

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