

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 54 av 247

Anhörigas upplevelse av vården på en geriatrisk avdelning : en enkätstudie

SAMMANFATTNING BAKGRUND Syftet med studien var att få information om anhörigas upplevelse av vården på en av fem geriatriska avdelningar i Uppsala län 2008. Studien undersökte upplevelsen av tillgäng­lighet, delaktig­het, information och bemötande. En jämförelse gjordes för att se om skill­nader fanns mel­lan den studerade avdelningen (grupp 1, n=39) och de tidigare studerade geriatriska avdelning­arna (grupp 2, n=162). METOD Studien är deskriptiv och jämförande med kvantitativ metod och analysen utfördes med deskriptiv statistik. Antal anhöriga som deltog var 39 av 50 tillfrågade (n=78 %).

"Delaktighet är engagemang" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av delaktighet hos mellanchefer inom hemtjänst  

The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the experience of participation among first line managers within community home care. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers operating in a metropolitan area in Sweden. A majority of the interviewees worked in private companies.We have used two theories to interpret our empiri: Lean Production and Human Resource Management. The analysis resulted in seven themes: economy, leadership, participation, view on the organization, first line manager, private or municipally operated organization and expectations on the manager. Our results showed that all the interviewees experienced that they were participant in the organization.

Olika kön - olika bedömningar? : En kvalitativ studie baserad på socialarbetares bedömningar kring ett enskilt fall

This qualitative study aims to highlight if there are any gender difference in social workers reasoning about a particular case. To achieve a deeper understanding we had to explain and understand our respondent?s answers, primarily from a gender perspective, but also from a power perspective. Our questions were: how does social worker reasoning about a particular case? How can we understand the social workers answer from a gender- and power perspective? The method consisted of a construct case and of semi-structured interviews.

Beslutstödssystem använt av experter

Abstract In this report I describe the Health Care Advice Bureau?s (sjukvårdsrådgivningen) historical background, proposals for its development according to a committee from the Blekinge County Council (Landstinget Blekinge), the Health Care Advice Bureau?s cooperation with different external operators e.g. the SOS and the Care Centers [Vårdcentraler]. I account for how I, in the same county council, aided by ethnographical methods observed or investigated the following: The nurses? interaction with the patients, the nurses? interaction among themselves, the nurses? participation in the development of the system and also the computer based system?s technical qualifications.

Komplementärmedicinsk behandling vid postoperativ smärta

Intresset och användandet av komplementärmedicinska behandlingsmetoder växer bland både patienter och sjukvårdspersonal. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka effekten av tre komplementärmedicinska behandlingsmetoder vid postoperativ smärta. Centrala frågeställningar var om transkutan elektrisk nerv-stimulering, massage och musik har smärtlindrande effekt postoperativt. Good-mans sju steg (Willman m fl, 2006) följdes genom processen i denna litteratur-studie. 11 artiklar inkluderades totalt efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.

"Ja men barn kan inte växa upp så. De kan ju bli likadana." : -Familjehemssekreterares resonemang gällande familjesammansättningar våren 2009

  Author: Moa di Zazzo EilertsenTitle: ?Children should not grow up like that. They may turn out the same?: Social workers, working with foster care investigations, reasoning about family and family structures of foster homes. [translated title]Supervisor: Annika StaafAssessor: Norma MontesinoThere has been a change in family structure which shows that the nuclear family, which is still the main form of family pattern, is becoming less frequent nowadays.

Munvård av intuberade intensivvårdspatienter : fokusgruppsintervju

Inom intensivvård bedrivs omvårdnad i en högteknologisk miljö. Flera av patienterna är i behov av andningshjälp i form av ventilatorbehandling vilket medför att patienten är sederad och har en endotrachealtub i trachea. Patienten kan inte själv utföra sin munvård och blir därför beroende av intensivvårdsjuksköterskans hjälp. Syftet med studien var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av munvård av intuberade intensivvårdspatienter. Studien utfördes med en fokusgruppsintervju och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Vad är vanvård? : - En kvantitativ studie om omsorgspersonalens kunskap om och inställning till lex Sarah och vanvård

Media has reported frequently about elder abuse in Sweden during the year of 2011. The authors have found an interest in elder abuse due to the attention about it and the law about the duty to report elder abuse, which is called lex Sarah. The aim was to investigate, due to quantitative method with surveys, the care givers tolerance to elder abuse, attitude and knowledge about lex Sarah. The result of the thesis was analyzed based on two theories, Lipsky?s street-level bureaucracy as well as Svensson?s, Johnsson?s and Laanemets? theory about knowledge.

Barn som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Vilken hjälp bistår socialtjänsten med?

The main purpose of this study is to find out what kind of help social service in one selected municipality in Sweden can provide for children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence. Using focus group interview this study investigate how the social workers meet the needs of these children. The bases for our analysis are the Organization Theory and the Attachment Theory, as well as previous research. Important results are that the social services are dependent on notifications in order to do their work and that the most common interventions are foster care, emergency foster care and/or family therapy. The difficulties that social workers perceive their work are unjustified families and heavy workloads.

Sjuksköterskans bedömning vid telefonrådgivning : En litteraturöversikt

BACKGROUND: A telephone nurse is a nurse that during most of its working time is engaged in healthcare advice via the telephone. The advent of the telephone healthcare advice has probably meant that individuals, who initially wouldn?t have sought help, if they needed to meet healthcare providers face to face, now actually have the confidence to turn to healthcare. For telephone healthcare advice is professional care to identify, assess and advise on individuals? reactions to actual or potential health problems.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed.

Familjehemsvård - En studie om kontakten mellan familjehem och handläggare på socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to understand the contact between foster homes and social workers, by doing a comparison of the social workers and the foster homes experiences of the cooperation that is between them. We started from three main questions to get an answer to our aim, how the foster homes and the social workers experience the organization of the foster care in the Social Service as an impact of the cooperation, what does the foster homes and the social workers experience as a important fact of a successful placement and finally, how does the foster homes and the social workers experience the supporting and controlling contact that is between them. To get our results we based our study on interviews whit four foster homes and whit four social workers. The analysis was based on one theoretical perspective, Skaus (2007) analytical approach for power and help. As a conclusion we have found out, that the organization of the Social Service has significance for the contact between social workers and foster homes.

Villken funktion fyller en studiecirkel om smärta?-en pilotstudie

BACKGROUND: The nurse profession is nursing care and that includes leading and educate co-worker. In north-east Skåne a nurse started a study circle about pain for nursing staff at housing for elderly. AIM: The aim of this study was to understand the nursing staffs understanding about the study circle as a resource for their work with analgesia among elderly after participating in the same. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and collecting data was done by a semi-structured focus group interview and two individual semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed by content analyses.

Patientsäkerhet och rätt vårdnivå vid akut sjukdom eller skada : En kvantitativ observationsstudie på en akutmottagning

TIA är en kraftig varningssignal för att drabbas av en allvarligare hjärt-kärlhändelse, bland annat stroke. Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar är beroende av levnadsvanor, där låg nivå av fysisk aktivitet är en viktig faktor. Bland de viktigaste behandlingsmetoderna mot hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, både primär - och sekundärpreventivt, är förändring av levnadsvanor. Rådgivning om fysisk aktivitet bör bestå av individanpassade muntliga råd i kombination med skriftlig information och uppföljning. Sjukgymnaster som träffar TIA-patienter har möjlighet att informera patienterna om fysisk aktivitet men det är inte känt i vilken omfattning detta sker.

Att ändra livsstil - lättare sagt än gjort: en litteraturstudie om nedsatt glukostolerans

Glukosintolerans och diabetes typ 2 blir allt vanligare. Det är en negativ utveckling som sker världen över. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskan kan göra för att hjälpa patienter med nedsatt glukostolerans att genomföra bestående livsstilsförändringar. Resultatet från tolv vetenskapliga artiklar sammanställdes med Leininger?s omvårdnadsteori om culture care som teoretiskt ramverk.

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