3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 59 av 212
Intentionen till generositet - Hur den påverkas av gener, hormoner och religiositet
Many studies have pointed out that generosity depends on different things like gender, age and nationality. We wanted to see if predetermined factors like genetics also had an effect on the intention of generosity. There is a ratio between the index finger (2D) and ring finger (4D) that is determined by the levels of testosterone in the amniotic fluid and that have had some significant effect on personality attributes like musical and leadership skills. We wanted to see if that ratio had any effect on the intention of generosity. We experimentally examined a group of priest student and two groups of young handball players and let the groups answer a survey that included a sort of dictator game and we photo copied their hands to get their 2D:4D-ratio.
Cittaslow i Falköping :
Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities. Falköping is, since the certification in the summer 2008, the first Cittaslow in Sweden. Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities.
Lean Product Development - Will it deliver products faster, better and cheaper?
Abstract Tutor - Anders Richtnér History - Theories suggest that Lean Product Development strategies dramatically increase a company's performance through enabling faster T-T-M, Quality and Costs of Product Development. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate whether the implementation of LPD actually affect corporate performance measurements T-T-M, Quality and Cost, in a positive way. Methodology - This Bachelor thesis is an exploratory investigation of the concept of Lean Product Development within a global IT- company, performed through four case studies, interviews and complementing corporate performance data. Findings - With empirical data and subsequent analyzes in mind, we note the following; it is clear that the project that produced the best results, in terms of T-T-M, Quality and Cost, also was the one furthest in the process of implementing Lean Product Development..
Positive reinforcement training for laboratory mice
The mouse (Mus musculus) is the most commonly used mammal in biomedical research and can easily be restrained by both hand and by a device. Restraining animals causes stress that not only decreases the animal?s wellbeing, but may also influence the research results. The first aim of this study was to train mice to voluntarily stand still using positive reinforcement training. Another benefit of teaching a mouse to stand still is that you can avoid anaesthesia for some procedures.
Beteendeproblematik utifrån ett klientperspektiv"Behavioural problems from a clients perspective"
ABSTRACT Behavioural problems are a compound conception for emotional difficulties at different levels. Individuals with behavioural problems could have difficulties with social relations, low self-esteem, anxiety and worry. The purpose with the examination was to describe how clients apprehend their behavioural problems and what they consider could be the causes of it. The examination was based on the qualitative interviews with 5 clients and a professional helper. We came in contact with our clients through our practice.
Zlatans betydelse för barn i Rosengård
Our study describes how much influence and importance Zlatan Ibrahimovic has on a part of Malmö called Rosengård where he himself grew up. We made interviews with 16 children in the ages of six to ten.
The theoretic views applied in this study come from Robert Connell?s Notions of masculinity and William Corsaro?s Sociology of childhood.
The questions we answer in this study are; if Zlatan has any influence on the children in Rosengård? How do children and media look at Zlatan and the myth that surrounds him? How does the picture of Zlatan Ibrahimovic get constructed amongst the children? How does hegemonic masculinity present itself amongst the peer-cultures of the children in Rosengård?
Our study shows that Zlatan has no influence amongst the children we interviewed.
Samtalsmatta som kommunikationsstöd i grupp för personer med afasi
The purpose of the study was to examine how TalkingMats® canbe used to support communication in a group of people with aphasia. Fourpeople with aphasia and their group leader participated. Comparison wasmade between group discussion with and without Talking Mats. Theparticipants used one Talking Mat each. The group discussions werevideotaped and analysed.
E-boken 5 år senare : En studie om läsvanor och uppfattningar kring e-boken
This paper attempts to replicate a study from 2009 about users reading habits and the future of e?books. Due to the increased use of smartphones and tablets since 2009, there is a reason to reasearch if the perception and use of e?books has changed. The methods used is qualitative interviews complemented with an online questionnaire.
Upprorsbekämpning i Sierra Leone : Counterinsurgency in Sierra Leone
Peace operations are considered to be hard to solve but Sierra Leone is by many thought to be a success despite major problems during the operations. Solving this conflict involved several dif-ferent actors which all contributed to the creating of peace. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether similarities between the way the conflict in Sierra Leone was solved and the method that Galula presents led to the positive outcome. This will be done by a qualitative textual analysis to demonstrate presence and absence of those parts that Galula claim are crucial to counter an insur-gency. Similarities between the method used at the solving of the conflict in Sierra Leone and Galulas method for counterinsurgency can be found.
?Varumärkesstyrkas modererande effekt på negativ publicitet?:
Publicity is argued to have relatively great impact on attitudes and behaviours of consumer. Especially great is the influence of negative information. At the same time it is likely for brands to be subject to negative publicity. Since companies are investing gigantic sums into buidling strong and positive associations around their brands it is of great economic interest to have a better understanding how negative publicity influence brand equity and what factors might moderate this effect. This thesis focuses on brand strength as a moderating factor of negative publicity.
?Varumärkesstyrkas modererande effekt på negativ publicitet?
Publicity is argued to have relatively great impact on attitudes and behaviours of consumer. Especially great is the influence of negative information. At the same time it is likely for brands to be subject to negative publicity. Since companies are investing gigantic sums into buidling strong and positive associations around their brands it is of great economic interest to have a better understanding how negative publicity influence brand equity and what factors might moderate this effect. This thesis focuses on brand strength as a moderating factor of negative publicity.
Utomhuspedagogik? Det är en jävligt bra fråga! : Idrottslärares definitioner och uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik i ämnet idrott och hälsa.
AbstractIn this text the attitudes towards and using of blogs in teaching Swedish toteenagers will be explored. The results are based on a survey made amongst 17teachers and 58 students from all over Sweden. The end results show that theusage of blog still hasn?t found a permanent way into the classrooms, but has anappeal to and is being used by predominantly younger teachers both, male andfemale, with a positive response from students regardless of gender. Theconclusion is that using web tools like the blog is an easy first step for schools toconnect to the digital society of the 21stcentury and take advantage of the perksavailable in the digital classroom.Svensk titel:Blogg + Svenska =Sant? ? Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska.Engelsk titel:Blog + Swedish =True? ? Blogging in teaching Swedish.Ämnesord: Blog, Web 2.0, digitalt klassrum, svenska, undervisning,kompetensutveckling.
Förberedelser inför den väpnade striden : Två verktyg; Idrottspsykologi och samtal om döden
The combat mission is an extreme situation with high demands of the soldier. Killing might very well be necessary. Before a mission a soldier can experience stress due to these factors. The purpose of this paper is to find methods to handle stress due to an upcoming combat mission and to the prospect of having to kill. The main questions of this essay: -How can certain parts of the physiological psychology improve a soldiers ability to perform a mission? ? Is the Swedish soldier mentally prepared to kill? The theory for this essay has been described using litteratur by experts within the field, and the results thereafter discussed.
Globalisering och miljöarbete inom multinationella företag
The environment became an established issue on the international political agenda after World War 2. How to preserve natural resources became an issue that concerned several powerful participants, affected by changed conditions in the environmental legislation. This paper is a study of the growing environmental work within the multinational Swedish corporations Boliden, IKEA and SAS and how it was affected by the globalization. The material studied is environmentally related information produced by the companies and also interviews with the Environmental Managers. The information provided has been analyzed and compared with well-known opinions of globalization, trying to find out how the process of globalization has affected the handling of environmental work within the companies.
Facebook på biblioteket ? en fallstudie av implementeringen av Facebook på ett folkbibliotek
The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to describe and analyze the implementation of Facebook in a public library. A case study consisting of qualitative interviews and studies of documents containing goals for the library has been conducted at a public library going through the process of implementing Facebook in their operations. The theoretical framework for this study consists of Everett M. Rogers?s stages of the innovation-decision process and his characteristics of innovations as perceived by individuals.