3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 58 av 212
Mañana mañana eller vi gör det här först? : Några unga människors reflektioner kring spansk, svensk och exemplarisk alkoholkultur
The aim of the essay was to describe what some young Swedish and Spanish people had to say about alcohol cultures. Some of the questions asked were: How are the alcohol cultures in Sweden and Spain described? What are the differences, and where do they come from? What would an ideal alcohol culture look like? The investigation also had a comparing angle, as I was interested in what the people valued in their own culture and in the others´. The result was that there hardly exist a perfect alcohol culture, but that the stricter Sweden as well as the liberal Spain both have positive and negative aspects. Differences in politics and culture seem to create variations in a society´s drinking customs.
Experimentell spelmekanik - Realtidsaction m oter turbaserad strategi
In the gaming industry, it has long been popular to combine genres with the aim ofcreating games that bring together the best of several worlds. However, there are stillmany unexplored combinations with good potential.This report addresses the planning and development of a game prototype that combinestwo game genres, turn-based and real-time strategy. In addition to presenting the results,the report also discusses the di culties that were encountered and how they were handled.The prototype contains a working combat system and a basic AI. The prototype ismodular, which means that it is easy for an end user to extend the game with extra content.Most elements that were considered important from the two genres were implemented, butthere is still room for improvement and further development.The result is evaluated by means of quality assurance, a process that is commonly usedin the gaming industry. The response has been generally positive, which indicates thatthe combination has potential and should be explored further..
Ungdom, utanförskap och bostadsområdet som reservat. En samtidsorienterad studie av stadsdelen Hovsjö i Södertälje stad
This study is an investigation of a sub community within the community of Hovsjö. The local government has financed a project in Hovsjö which is intended to bring about positive development. The prior object of this paper is to describe the project, it?s planning, it?s methods, it?s carrying through, and it?s goals. This study presents the district of Hovsjö in Södertälje.
En udda fågel i den för övrigt homogena bankflocken : En fallstudie av Oktogonen
The purpose is to describe and analyze Handelsbanken?s proftit share system Oktogonen and to investigate how it affects the motivation among the employees and management.The method qualitative case-study has been used. Both primary and secondary sources act as a foundation for the thesis. The primary sources are based on eight qualitative interviews. The empirical material is completed with appropriate theories.
Kompetensförsörjning : Strategier för att hitta, behålla och utveckla personal
This qualitative study aims to examine what career opportunities the Swedish employment service Arbetsförmedlingen can provide, as well as how the employees perceive their career development opportunities. Furthermore, we have touched on what it is that makes employees feel satisfied with their job and workplace, and also stay in the organization. The study was conducted on one of Arbetsförmedlingen?s offices in northern Sweden and the informants consisted of six employment agents, an executive assistant and a head of division. The result of the study has been analyzed using theories within the field of career development.
Den personliga konflikten
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between the Big Five personality traits Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism and the five conflict styles developed by Thomas-Kilmann: Accommodating, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborating and Competing. The participants consisted of 128 students of the Linnaeus University in Växjö. A questionnaire consisting of two parts were used for this study: Part one consist of a personality-test developed from Lewis R. Goldberg?s Big-five scale, and part two where the participant is asked to fill out Thomas-Kilmanns conflict style test.
Design av verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning
The aim of this study was to design short interventions based on the literature study, which will change the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problem-solving in mathematics and everyday life. An experimental group of 17 pupils in fifth grade participated in the study and were educated in everyday mathematics 20 minutes a day during four weeks. The intervention was measured in a pre- and after questionnaire, in order to control the design and discover possible changes in the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problems and everyday life.
Men vi tänker ju ta... : En fokusgruppstudie om undomars inställning till körkort
Due to the decrease in obtaining driver?s licenses among young people, the main purpose of this study was to acquire a deeper understanding of young people?s attitudes towards driver?s license and towards driver?s education. This is a qualitative study with a theoretical approach, which combines Bourdieu with post modern theories. By using focus groups a wide rage of attitudes among young people have been gathered. Having a driver?s license is still considered a standard among young people even though their attitude mostly depends on their need for one.
Avveckla eller utveckla mjölkproduktion : vilka faktorer påverkar beslutet?
The decrease in the number of dairy farms in Sweden has been ongoing for a longer period of time. But the fact is that this has previously not had any big effects on total amount of milk produced in Sweden. The main reason is that the remaining dairy farms get larger. However, during the past year, there has been a decrease in the total amount of produced milk, because the decrease is faster than the increase within the farms that are left. During the same period of time the supply of milk on the global market also has decreased.
In spite of the fact that the global supply have decreased and the fact that the milk price increases, there are dairy farmers in Sweden who chose to exit the market.
Bakgrundsmusikens påverkan inom event marketing
The purpose of this thesis was to get a deeper understanding of why and how companies work with background music in event marketing and also how it can affect on companies image. In our research a case study was conducted and based on interviews with four respondents who all have experience working with background music throughout their careers. The study has shown that background music can be a very effective promotion tool in event marketing when it's used in the right way. Furthermore this study has shown that companies consciously use background music to enhance the experience and emotional affect the attendant through choice of music and the music can affect companies' image. Event marketing combined with background music is an effective tool for companies to generate positive associations to image and to reach their target group when right music is correctly conducted..
Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på IUC Dalarna
This degree project is a study of graphics profiling with a practical application on IUC Dalarna.The competition between companies is getting harder and harder. Competing goods and services hasa tendency to be more and more equal to each other in respect of quality and value. The customer choosesthe Company with a high reputation and confidence. This is one of the reasons why a companyshould strengthen their company profile. The graphic profile is an important part of the company profileand it gives positive signals to the company spirit and customers.The degree project contains a guide to graphics profiling.
En resa för ett träd : En hermeneutisk studie om attityder till klimatkompensering av flygresor
The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitudes and willingness towards climate compensation in air travel. The study discuss if people feel a personal responsibility about the environment. Earlier research shows that tourists are positive towards climate compensation, but in reality very few use this service. The main question is: Which are the reasons for travellers not to use climate compensation? The used methodology is qualitative and based on ten interviews with people who have travelled by air one or several times since January 2007, when the service was first established.
En studie om användning av lärplattor i den första läs- och skrivinlärningen inom IT-satsningen ?en-till-en?
This study was aimed to examine what happened when a municipality in Sweden invested in ICT. The purpose of this study was also to find out how the change of process with ICT investment was expressed the need for more knowledge. This was called ?one-to-one? with the goal that all students would have their own computer during their years in school.Teachers have been interviewed and observed about how they work with ipads during reading and writing lessons. The teachers in this study said that they need more knowledge to improve their everyday work with ipads.
Hjältar med låg lön : En studie om en ?yrkessåpas? påverkan på personalens motivation
The amount of television entertainment of the character ?reality program series? has increased on Swedish television, because of this it could be generally considered that television entertainment is in a ?reality series era?. In recent years so called ?work soaps? have become very popular. This is a television series, where through the TV screen; we have the possibility to view ordinary people in their daily lives and often dramatic work.
Strong is the new... : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska fitnessbloggar
The purpose of this thesisis to examine the female body ideal of the Swedish fitness blogs and how it is reproduced. To answer the research question five of the most read female fitness blogs were chosen for a critical discourse analysis. The results show that pictures is an important communication event. The ideal is reproduced by representing bodies with desirable attributes in environments and poses that communicates positive feelings. There is a dialectic relation between picture and text in each published post.