5370 Uppsatser om Political and administrative sciences - Sida 33 av 358
Från isolering mot samverkan? - En deskriptiv studie av lokalt näringslivsfrämjande i Stockholms län
The acts of promoting local business and implementing efforts to appear as an attractive location for potential business are rather new activities among Swedish municipalities. The knowledge about how these activities are organised and what strategies are perused are fairly limited. In addition the structures concerning cooperation between municipalities for economic policies contain incentives both for and against cooperation. This creates a complicated situation. Using prior research mainly done by Markus Gossas, Lennart J Lundqvist and an analytical model designed by Jon Pierre, which in this essay is completed with the works of Roger Henning, these issues are addressed.
Två vägar att bli professor, eller vägen till två sorters professorer? Om befordringsreformen och dess implementering
Förutsättningarna för karriäravancemang inom högskolan ändrades radikalt den 1 januari 1999 då regeringen införde en bestämmelse om att man nu även skulle kunna befordras till professor.Vi ställde oss frågan om det bildats ett A- och B-lag bland professorerna som konsekvens av denna reform. Vi sökte ett svar på frågan genom att göra en jämförande fallstudie mellan Lunds universitet (LU) och Malmö högskola (MAH), och där se på generella löneskillnader mellan befordrade och rekryterade professorer. Därefter valdes en fakultet ut med höga löneskillnader och en med låga, från respektive lärosäte. På fakulteterna intervjuades en lektor, en befordrad professor och en rekryterad professor, vilka tillfrågades om arbetsvillkor och uppfattning om reformen.Materialet bearbetades sedan med implementeringsteori för att kunna ge oss svaret att det finns tendenser till bildandet av ett A- och B-lag på tre av de fyra undersökta fakulteterna..
Att implementra integration En diskussion kring integrationsbegrepp och integrationspolitik med frontlinjebyråkrater som utgångspunkt
The aim of this study is to discuss the implementation of Swedish integration policy from the perspective that public officials, so called front-line bureaucrats, are the real creators of this policy. The concept of integration is far from unambigous; it can have different meanings depending on the theoretical perspective applied. This give topical interest to the question of how the concept is conceived on the national level versus the implementation level. I also aim to uncover how these front-line bureaucrats look upon their role as creators of integration policy. My material consists mainly of interviews with front-line bureauctrats.
Terrorismbekämpning och Fredsbygge - En fallstudie av Uganda
Denna undersökning presenterar och analyserar Ugandas regerings metoder för att hejda den interna terrorism som plågat landet i drygt 20 år. Studien är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie och den utgår från landets terrorismlagstiftning från 2002. Syftet är att undersöka på vilket sätt terrorlagstiftningen påverkar de mänskliga rättigheterna och om detta kan få konsekvenser för möjligheten att bygga en stabil fred. Analysen visar att Ugandas lagstiftning inte följer de för undersökningen uppställda normer för hur stater bör arbeta mot terrorism. I studien kritiseras bland annat de vaga definitionerna av vad som ska klassas som terrordåd samt regeringens kränkningar mot grundläggande fri- och rättigheter.
Varför bör kvinnorepresentationen öka? En textstudie av den interna debatten inom tre politiska kvinnoförbund under sjuttiotalet
When it comes to political representation, all over the world women almost always make up a minority of representatives in the legislative bodies. The Scandinavian countries in general and Sweden in particular have though been exceptions to this rule with, when compared to other countries, a rather high percentage of women in elected positions. This development took off in the seventies: during that decade the unit percentage of women in the Swedish Riksdag rose by double!The aim for this thesis is to analyse what underlying ideas influenced this advance. The focus is on three different female party federations, who are believed to have had a great impact on this increase of women politicians through their influence in their own mother parties. The federations analysed are the ones connected to the Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party and the Liberal party.
PMC:s i humanitära interventioner - En ouppfylld potential?
Denna uppsats syfte är att studera utvalda delar av den moderna forskningen kring krig och konflikter. Fokus kommer att läggar på forskning kring interventioner samt fredsförhandlingar efter ett inbördeskrig. Syftet tycker jag är att undersöka PMC:s roll i interventioner. Vi undersöker PMC:s potentiella roller ur två perspektiv.De forskare vi valt att fokusera på är Mary Kardor och hennes bok ?Nya krig?, samt Peter Wallensteen och hans bok ?Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System?.
Centrala Direktiv och Lokala Viljor Översättningen av samverkansidéer mellan offentliga organisationer i Ystad
This is an empiric, qualitative, case study of cooperation between two public organizations in Ystad, Sweden (Försäkringskassan and Ystad kommun). The aim of the study is to illuminate why they cooperate and what happen with the idea to cooperate and the organizations when they do. The theoretical tools used are influenced by institutional theory. A translationmodel is used to illustrate what the local actors do with the idea when a decision is made to adopt it and how it affects the actors. The study suggests that the cooperation in Ystad called One Stop Shop is partly done because it's a popular way of organizing public organizations in Sweden and partly because försäkringskassan, aim to upgrade their organization identity.
Bilder av Ryssland: Annorlundahet och misstro i samtida svensk Rysslandsdiskurs
This thesis analyzes contemporary Swedish discourse on Russia, i.e. the ways Russia and Russians are perceived in Sweden today. After a summary of historical Western and Swedish perceptions of Russia, and a discussion about the treatment of these tensions within modern research, contemporary Swedish discourse is reconstructed based upon analytical articles in three major newspapers during the period 1992-2007. It is argued that the prevailing image of Russia contains the reproduction of old stereotypes and prejudices. The five major representations of Russia in contemporary Swedish discourse are: non-Western, unreliable, authoritarian, threatening and eternal, with the last one being a meta-representation functioning both as a representation of its own and a mechanism for the reification of the others.
Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning
The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor.The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described.Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala.All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala.
Ansvarsutkrävande i global miljöstyrning -Möjlighet eller utopi?
Is accountability possible in global environmental governance? The purpose ofthis thesis is to examine if accountability is possible in global environmental governance. From an accountability perspective the thesis tries to illuminate global environmental governance. An investigation about the conceptaccountability is made and the thesis also illuminates the possible problems that exist in global environmental governance which exist of such a large amounts of different and often private actors. By investigating and examine the concept of accountability from different aspects and by using Global Compact as a example of global environmental governance the thesis try to answer if accountability actually exist in global environmental governance and in what way it is possible to demand accountability.
Den nya borgmästaren - Ledarrollen, förutsättningar och begränsningar. Det lokalas betydelse för ledarskapet.
Due to globalization, decentralization and the capitalist system's need to physical location cities have become increasingly important economic spheres during thee last decades. City mayors are seen as increasingly important actors, who can shape the future economic development of their cities through networking with businesses and strategic policy development. Therefore several European countries have introduced mayor reforms to enable mayors to take a bigger responsibility for the local development. These reforms raise interesting questions concerning what leadership changes they produce at the local level and if there is a difference between local leaders and leadership in different countries. This paper further explores the connection between the local leader and the locality since this relationship often has been neglect in studies concerning mayor reforms.
Tryggare kan ingen vara? En studie om den danska flexicurity-modellens lämplighet för Sverige
This paper discuss the possibilities to transfer the Danish labour market policy, called flexicurity, to Sweden. There are two main purposes of this essay. The first purpose is to discuss the reasons why the Danish labour market policy could be interesting for Sweden. The second purpose is to investigate which obstacles that might occur during the transfer. For guidance I have used two startingpoints which highlights the Danish flexicurity's pros and cons.
Rättigheternas politik -en diskursanalys av riksdagspartiernas program hur funktionshinder omskrivs
This thesis studies the subject on how disabilities are written about in Swedish politics, the programs of the seven parties in the parliament are studied. The thesis is divided into two parts; where the first part is a content analysis to see how often disability are mention in each programme. It differs between one (the Left Party) and 33 times (the Christian Democrates). This first part also works as a backround to the second part of the study. This part of the thesis is built upon a discourse analysis.
"Back to the USSR" En förklaring av Rysslands energipolitik
Ryssland är en av världens största olje- och gasproducenter. Detta tillsammans med landets bristande demokrati utgör ett hett debattämne i dagens energikonsumerande samhälle. I uppsatsen analyseras den ryska energipolitiken ur ett nationellt såväl som internationellt perspektiv. Den politiska och ekonomiska dimensionen utreds men uppsatsen går också djupare in på olika gruppers identiteter och hur deras intressen styr politikens utformning. Resultatet pekar mot att den syn som det ryska folket och ledarna har på sig själv spelar en stor roll.
Borlänges gemensamma vård- och omsorgsnämnd - en studie av den gemensamma nämndens uppkomst
AbstractThe organization of the health care system in Sweden has been subjected to investigations and discussions in order to make it more effective. The aim is to create a better public health care and to economize on the financial resources. In the year of 2003 an amendment of the Swedish law made it easier for municipalities and county councils to make own solutions and agree about how health service should be organized in the best way. This resulted in a number of test projects. In this paper I will focus on one of these test projects which took place in Borlänge and was based on collaboration between the municipality and the county council in Dalecarlia.