

2354 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 4 av 157

Pedagogiskt drama ur ett radikalt perspektiv

In this development essay, we are trying to answer how drama studies in education could develop as a subject. Through participation observations and drama lessons in a development group we investigated how drama could develop within multimodality and how this new thinking could promote the identity among the youth. Two different drama lessons and one test lesson constitute our qualitative method. The methods we mainly used were participation observation and reflection. Through Lalanders and Johanssons, Skolan och den radikala estetikens and Ziehes theories we are trying to answer our questions.

Ständiga förbättringar inom verksamhetsprocesser : en studie mellan läkemedel- och kärnkraftindustri

The purpose of thesis was to investigate and compare how two companies within pharmaceutical industry and nuclear power industry are currently working with quality development regarding continuous improvement and Lessons Learned in business processes. In addition, a simple comparison was made with the automotiveindustry.McNeil AB are improving their processes continuously and are according to the findings of this report performing well in their pursuit of world-class pharmaceutical production. They have a well functioning process regarding improvements proposed in weekly improvement meetings engaging all employees. However, during interviews it was made clear that the functionality of the process which administer improvement proposals generated in addition to, or beside the weekly improvement meetings, were inadequate. McNeil AB is proposed to administer this through an IT solution instead of by paper and e-mail, that simplifies the process of adding, implementing and follow up an improvement proposal.The nuclear power plant Ringhals AB recently made major improvements in their business processes as well as the plant itself.

Skatten i toppen? : -En studie om styrelse- & ledningsgruppssammansättningens påverkan på företagets skatteplanering

Introduction: Taxes result in a big cost for corporations which create an incentive for tax planning. Previous studies have demonstrated that it's the management team and the board of directors that influences to what extent the corporation is going to tax plan. We want to study underlying factors for how the composition of the groups affect the tax planning in a corporation based on four demographic traits; sex, nationality, age and duration.Purpose: The purpose with the study is to explain how the composition of the management team and the board of directors affect the corporations tax planning.Method: The study has a deductive approach where theories about the composition of the board of directors and the management team have been used to derive hypothesis. The empirical material has been collected from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Two different measures have been used to calculate the corporations tax planning.Results and Conclusions: The result of the study demonstrates that the composition of both the board of directors and the management team has an effect on corporations tax planning.

Borgholm. Det offentliga rummet i sommarstaden.

Hur reglering av det offentliga rummet ter sig i sommarstaden. Typexempel Borgholm..

BIM i planeringsarbetet : Effective planning by using BIM

AbstractThe importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today.A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies.

Kontexten som tillgång, begränsning och möjlighet ? En studie av gymnasiebibliotekariers användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between user education at high schools and the context in which it takes place. In order to accomplish this qualitative interviews have been executed with librarians at five Swedish high schools. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective and four approaches to user education developed by Olof Sundin. Based on the empirical material six themes have been identified. Each one represents a contextual factor which influences the user education.

Elevprestationer och lärstilar : En intervju- och observationsstudie i matematik med lärare i år 4-6

This study investigates the teaching strategies of four teachers, and determines which teaching strategies give better results in mathematics at the middle school level? Result here means the knowledge level of the students. The result has been measured through leave out a mathematical test, which I leave out designed. Teaching strategies have been assessed through interviews with teachers and observations of their lessons.My study shows that to go through the lessons thoroughly in the traditional way, and open discussions with the whole class are best for students achievements.The information available, however, is too limited to draw some general conclusions, but my study can be seen more like a counter-example to the general praxis that is short lectures and individual assessment with one to one communication when teaching mathematics..

Pojkars inställning till dans : En studie i Sverige och Sydafrika

This work has been to find out what attitude the boys have towards dancing. To gather material conducted interviews with four boys from Sweden and four boys from South Africa to examine the boy?s attitude towards dancing. I wanted answers if the gender, culture or generation has an effect on the boys' attitude to dance. Two interviews were made with a teacher in Sweden and one in South Africa, which had responsibility for dance lessons at the school.

Havsutsikt - Metoder för att bevara befintlig bebyggelse mot den stigande havsnivån

Klimatfra?gan a?r na?got som diskuteras pa? alla niva?er, o?verallt i samha?llet, a?nda fra?n dagliga matinko?p till teoretisk niva? pa? den internationella arenan. Fra?gan genomsyrar hela samha?llet, sa? a?ven den fysiska planeringen. Klimatfo?ra?ndringen fo?r med sig en stor ma?ngd effekter pa? natur och samha?lle, en av dessa a?r stigande havsniva?.

Inställningen till ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En undersökning av attityder bland invandrarelever och svenska elever i grundskolan

The purpose of my work is to study what attitude pupils with immigrant background as well as native pupils have towards the subject Physical Education (PE). An other purpose with my work is to contribute in a way that all newly graduated PE teachers think of making the subject PE to a subject that all pupils regardless gender or background can get advantage of.During the whole work I compare pupils with immigrant background to native pupils and boys to girls. The reason why I compared boys to girls is that I want to study how satisfied girls are compared to boys when it has to do with the subject PE. I consider that boys take more and more space in PE lessons.The method I have used is both interviews and surveys. I chose a school in Stockholm.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

Att angöra Ronneby

Arbetet har sin utgångspunkt i en beskrivning och analys av den befintliga situationen. Med hjälp av den historiska bakgrunden har analysen fördjupats. Arbetsområdets avgränsning har gjorts med hänsyn till infarternas sträckning och utformning. Förslagsarbetet har varit inriktat på att ge de tre infarterna en egen identitet samtidigt som det ska finnas ett gemensamt tema som är specifikt för Ronneby. Utformningen av förslagen ska förstärka vissa attraktiva faktorer medan annat som inte är lika attraktivt tonas ner. Arbetet är ett idéförslag hur Ronneby som stad skulle kunna göras attraktivare genom vackra, värdiga och funktionella infarter..

The Current Emphasis : en diskussion om flödesfilosofi och planering

The current planning philosophy is based on a political utopic modernism founded during the first part of the 20th century. The focus is, in planning a defined area, to maximize the internal efficiency and to create a competitivesociety. During the latter part of the former century globalization changed the context, thus creating the need for a new way of approaching physical planning. This paper shows that the historical and philosophicalmetaphor of flow can be applied to meet the demands in the global city. It also shows how the edge, as where interaction takes place, is an important part of the content that has to be defined.

Simma nu, annars sjunker du! : Lärares arbete med simning i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

This study aims to examine the way of teaching swim lessons. In addition, the study also examines the actual swimming proficiency of pupils in the 9th grade in different areas in Sweden.These are the question specifics which this study wishes to examine.How do teachers define the ability to swim?How do swim lessons differ, regarding to which area they are conducted in? How many of the 9th grade pupils in each examined community passes the bar for swimming proficiency?What does PE teachers do if one or several of the 9th grade pupils fails to show an adequate swimming proficiency?How do results in swimming proficiency differ regarding to different schools in different parts of the country?MethodThis study consists of two major surveys, one based on material gathered from qualitative interviews and the other on material gathered from observations. Four PE teachers and one swimming instructor were interviewed, as well as six different 9th grade classes, with a total of 145 pupils. In the observation the pupils participated in a swim test, where they should swim 200 meters from which 50 meters must be on their back and were categorized in three categories.

Utvärdering av traktplanering på Holmen Skog

This study has been performed with the help of forest machine operators in order to improve the forestry planning at Holmen Skog Örnsköldsvik-region. For Holmen Skog forestry planning is basic for a successful forestry. In a survey I have investigated what can be improved in some areas that are planned for harvesting. The result of the investigation will be used to support the machine operators as much as possible. The study has generated 49.5 % of responses and because of this low response rate, no clear conclusions to anyone else except the responding machine operators can be drawn. It has been proved that there are some details in the forestry planning system that are inadequate, such as marked routs for trails, tractor paths and buffer zones against streams. The quality of forestry planning varies greatly between different locations, as much as 50 % of the responding machine operators thought so. Over 40 % of the responding machine operators claim that the information from Holmen is insufficient. One thing that would improve the forestry planning within Holmen would be to educate all forestry planners and then do continuous follow-ups..

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