

2354 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 5 av 157

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Title Becoming involved in the planning process - from the construction workers perspective.University/Institution Halmstad UniversityKeywordsEmpowerment through participation, construction workers involvement in decision making in the planning process, knowledge management and communication in the planning process, partnering, human resource managementAimThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide knowledge and examine how construction workers perceive involvement in the planning process of partnering projects, what they can contribute and what they get out of the planning process.Methodology The study was conducted with a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews.          The interview studie consist of 10 interviews with construction workers who are specially educated in participating in the planning process at the company ByggDialog AB.ConclusionAll respondents are positive to be involved in the planning process. The main advantages they can see is that they are able to influence technical solutions and methods that will be used later on in the production. Therefore it is important to consider when construction workers should be involved in the planning process so that they get the chance to influence in this decisions.When it comes to the decision making the construction workers should be involved in the decisions that are related to their tasks in the production such as technical solutions, choice of methods and materials. Their main duties and working hours should be in the production.Involvement in planning does not automatically mean that the construction workers are involved in the decision making, it is up to them how much they participate.

Den dialogiska flätan : En studie av det pedagogiska mötets betydelse i den individuella sångundervisningen

The dialogical plait in individual vocal educationThesis in Music Education by Jannike Huss. Part of the work for the master´s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre, and Art, University of Örebro, 2010. Available from Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden. Original in Swedish.This thesis treats the value of communication for individual vocal education on a higher level.

EMC problematik och el-kvalitet i elkraftnät

The dissertation deals with an account of actual problem, which can arise within EMC and power quality. The cause of power interruption and what can be done to minimise the power interruption is discussed. It also includes a definition of planning levels and which factors one needs to have control over to carry out a possible planning strategy and how the local distributions net could be more secure. The electrical net could be secure but no system can be free from interruption.The dissertation examines two distribution transformers: GLA40T1 (Glansås) and T399 in Tranås Energy which don?t have regulators.

?Vård i annans hem? - användning av arbetsmaterialet i Huddinge kommuns hemtjänst/boendestöd och personlig assistans

AbstractThe importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today.A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : En studie av incitament och hinder i Uppsala

The purpose of this essay is to study how the local creators of a "master plan" for the swedish city Kristinehamn, the years between 1940 to -43, looked on their planning. It is an analysis of ideas case study. A hypothesis is upheld for the research: that the local physical planning had largely extended ambitions what regards central state control in a way that is similar to planned economy. Questions that are asked include: Was the planning assumed to be a tool for the state to regulate the environment? Can the planning be seen as a mean to control the society in time and space? The essay search for verification of the hypothesis by a theoretical analysis apparatus made upp of ideal types.

"Råstablick" -ett komplext utbyggnadsområde i Solna. Fokus på barriärer, trygghet och buller.

I detta examensarbetet har jag studerat hur man kan lösa barriär, trygghets- och bullerproblem i det komplexa utbyggnadsområdet "Råstablick" -industriområdet Hagalund. Inledningsvis har en generell analys av området gjorts som behandlar historisk utveckling, landskap och natur, bestämmelser och förordningar, bebyggelse och trafik. Därefter följer en fördjupning om barriärer, trygghet och buller där varje avsnitt innehåller ett kunskapsunderlag som följs av en analys av området. Utifrån slutsatserna från analysen har jag utarbetat riktlinjer för området och ett planförslag. Viktigt i planförslaget har bl.a. varit att skapa en trygg koppling till kollektivtrafiken, överbrygga stambanan, bullerskydda med kontorsbebyggelse, ta tillvara vattenkontakten och skapa sammanhängande grönområden..

Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:5.

Bostadsbebyggelse i Umeå tätort : Flerbostäders bebyggelse i relation till översiktsplaner mellan åren 1998-2014 i Umeå tätort

Urban planning in Sweden goes back to a prolonged tradition, and even since the beginning of the 16th century there´s been general plans for urban planning for cities in Sweden.Nowadays every municipality has a directive from the government to establish or re-new the general master plan covering the whole municipality every 4th year.The aim of this paper is to illustrate and shed light on the extent for the planning document and guidelines, and how they change from every active period and in what extent the provisional planning reaches its visions regarding the outcome of the actual city growth. This study was completed by studying the position of every apartment building that?s been constructed for the chosen area over the years of 2000 - 2014 and draw comparisons between the current master plan main visions regarding constructions ? and comparing the two separate visions to pin out the differences in the same subject.The result shows that there are some deviations from the plans but not as much as one would have thought in the city growth, and some deviations from the different planning documents. Some of the deviations was greater than others but overall the visions was about the same..

Ridningens pedagogik

The purpose of this study has been to look how pedagogic process interacts in horse riding lessons. In order to research this problem I have used an ethnographic approach and during a week I observed ten riding lessons in two separate Riding house in the south of Sweden. In my theoretical frame I have used Michel Foucault ?Discipline and punish? as a toll to make clear how dominance and submission is present and active in the horse riding education. The conclusion shows how dominant power rules by its presence and creates submission, stability and feeling of security. The discipline is used to create a feeling that will bring the riders to new experience and develop their talent.

Gödslingsstrategins inverkan på Holmen Skog, Umeå distrikt

This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.

Kontraster eller anpassning?

Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around? Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.

Matematikverkstad : hur kan lärare och elever arbeta där?

The starting point of this work has been to get knowledge about teachers working in a mathematical workshop with the students. I also wanted to investigate what students think about math, both within the workshop and in traditional teaching.To achieve this I chose to interview a teacher in charge within the framework of a mathematical workshop, and six students in the 5th grade. I also did a lesson observation with the purpose to see how well the teacher?s tutoring agrees with the results of the interview.In this study I have discovered that the lessons in the mathematical workshop are planned after what the students are working with in the textbook. The teacher opens the lessons with the whole class and then splits it up in groups.

Befolknings- och landsbygdsutveckling, Tingsryd-Rävemåla

Syftet med detta kandidatarbete är att beskriva den befolkningsutveckling som pågår i Sveriges gles- och landsbygder samt att sammanställa metoder från forskning och beprövad erfarenhet som används för att motverka en negativ befolkningsutveckling. Den generella befolkningsutvecklingen i Sverige speglas sedan i Rävemåla, som är en tätortsnära landsbygdsort i Tingsryd kommun, för att undersöka om orten har följt samma bana som befolkningsutvecklingen gjort i Sverige och vilka metoder som används och kan användas för att försöka nå en positiv utveckling. Tingsryds kommun och Rävemåla tätort lider båda av en negativ befolkningsutveckling och en åldrande befolkning. Den mest använda metoden för att nå en positiv utveckling är marknadsföring, vilket är den mest använda metoden i riket för att öka befolkning.

Varför upplevs vissa grönområden otryggare än andra?

Idag pratas det väldigt mycket om trygghet. Överallt ska det vara tryggt. Vi vill vara anonyma, men vi vill alltid att någon ska se oss för att vi ska känna oss trygga. Därför ökar beståndet av t ex. övervakningskameror.

ÖsterMälarstrand - en jämförelsestudie med Spacesyntax

The paper evaluates two housing proposals with Space syntax as method. The proposals are very different in a topological sense but are in a configural sense almost the same. This effect is because both proposals connect themselves to the existing configural structure of the city in the same way. Neither of them takes advantages of the most integrated streets in the existing structure and use them to concentrate pedestrian and car flows to the streets or points which are intended to be the most urban areas. The knowledge of Space syntax and this evaluation puts focus on the pour understanding among architects and planners of what effect urban design proposals will have..

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