

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 13 av 106

En vindkraftparks inverkan på Gävle Energis elnät

The effects from a planned wind farm on the grid utility Gävle Energis electrical grid have been studied. The wind farm is planned to be built in the forest 15 km north of Gävle and will have 23 turbines with rated power from 2 to 2.5 MW, resulting in a total installed power between 46 MW and 57.5 MW. The grid connection will be made at 70 kV. The aim of the analysis was to determine what effects the wind farm would have on the power grid in the form of electrical disturbances (flicker etc.), need for new investment and raised operational cost. To allow the connection of the wind farm technical solutions (new lines, power stations and grid reinforcements) have been constructed.

?We have to fix so many things before we can even start living here? En grupp utbytesstudenters upplevelser av sökandet efter information under en termin i Prag

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how exchange students experience looking for information in their new life situation during a semester in Prague. A further purpose is to investigate what barriers they have faced and how this affected their information behavior. Six qualitative interviews of students constitute the empirical foundation for the study. The interviewees are from six different European countries, were all participating in the Erasmus program, and all had social sciences/humanities/art as their main subject.

SATS + e2 = SANT? : en studie av SATS lednings kommunikationsstrategi då träningskoncernen förvärvade den dåvarande konkurrenten e2

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the communication strategy that the company SATS developed before taking over the company e2. The following questions are to be answered: - what was the planned communication strategy before taking over the company e2? - did SATS follow their original plan when implementing this strategy? ? Which strengths and weaknesses of the communication strategy can be identified based on opinions of the employees?Material/Method: Together with literature and document studies, a qualitative method has been used and seven personal interviews have been conducted. One informant was selected due to professional position; the other six respondents were former employees of the affected company e2.Main results: The main results from the study show that the company SATS did in fact follow their plan very accurately with only some minor changes such as an earlier started education program and exclusion of an initially planned evaluation activity. Communication about the takeover of e2 to employees was quick and clear.

Kunskap, attityd och beteende kring hushållsavfall : En jämförelse mellan elever i Göteborg, Sverige och Iloilo City, Filippinerna

Waste management is a major challenge for several countries around the world. Sweden and the Philippines have similar waste management legalization but different potentials to effectively achieve the goal of sustainable waste management. Education is the key to sustainable development and both countries promote the subject environment in the curriculum. Based on scientific articles, reports and personal meetings, a survey was conducted among 510 students from Gothenburg, Sweden and Iloilo City, Philippines. The survey aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding waste management and was analyzed to answer questions of possible reasons to differences and also, linkages to sustainable development.

Optimal välfärd och hälsa för kalvar :

In order to optimize calf welfare and health it is important to know the behavior of cattle in free ranging conditions. When the cow is about to give birth to a calf she will leave the heard about 12 hours before. It is then rather obvious that isolating the cow about calving time in a single pen is imitating the cows? natural behavior. To save space and minimize building cost it?s common that the farmers build calving pens for four of five cows especially at larger farms.

Enkätstudie om gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik

Bakgrund: Tinnitus och ljudkänslighet är symptom som tycks öka bland ungdomar. En förklaring kan vara att ungdomar tillbringar allt mer och längre tid i bullriga miljöer utan att använda hörselskydd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik i relation till olika självupplevda hörselsymptom samt med avseende på variablerna norm, risktagande och riskmedvetenhet.Metod: Enkätstudie på 281 gymnasieungdomar i åldrarna 15-19 år, om deras attityder till stark musik. Enkäten bygger bl.a. på frågor och påståenden från Youth Attitude to Noise Scale, Health Belief Model och Theory of Planned behavior.Resultat: Personer med permanent tinnitus hade mer negativa attityder till stark musik än de som inte hade det.

Kristinehamns provisoriska generalplan : En idéanalys av den lokala fysiska planeringen, åren 1940-43

The purpose of this essay is to study how the local creators of a "master plan" for the swedish city Kristinehamn, the years between 1940 to -43, looked on their planning. It is an analysis of ideas case study. A hypothesis is upheld for the research: that the local physical planning had largely extended ambitions what regards central state control in a way that is similar to planned economy. Questions that are asked include: Was the planning assumed to be a tool for the state to regulate the environment? Can the planning be seen as a mean to control the society in time and space? The essay search for verification of the hypothesis by a theoretical analysis apparatus made upp of ideal types.

Fallstudie på Vråens vårdcentral - utformning och användning av det balanserade styrkortet

Planerade fysiska aktiviteter i förskolanFörutsättningar, möjligheter och olikheter i förhållande till förskolans profileringPlanned physical activities in preschool.Prerequisites, opportunities and differences in conditions for a pre-profiling..

Plattform Göteborg : En utvärdering av ett integrationsprojekt i Göteborg

In 2005 the Swedish government introduced a law of amnesty for refugees in the country which made the Minister of Integration invite a number of national organizations to discuss this law. After that, seven organizations in Gothenburg also felt that something should be done and they started talking about a cooperation to improve the situation for newly arrived people to Gothenburg. They formed a project, ?Plattform Göteborg?, which in this paper will be evaluated according to a manual from Sida. The project consists of seven organizations which have their separate activities formed by them to improve the integration.

Att organisera beståndet eller ?Äntligen hittar man!? : om hylluppställning och exponering på Arkenbiblioteket

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how libraries can organize their collections in terms of library shelving and displays and to what extent these activities stem from a desire to create a user-friendly library. The thesis is based upon a case study of Arkenbiblioteket in Sweden and the material consists of a literature study and qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three librarians at Arkenbiblioteket. The theoretical framework consists of theories on information-seeking behavior, classification and displays. These theories form the basis of the analysis of the empirical material.The main reason for the changes in shelf arrangement at Arkenbiblioteket was a desire among the library staff to create a user-friendly library.

Vem predisponerar för ätstörningar? En litteraturstudie om olika grupper i samhället som är i riskzonen för ätstörningar

The purpose of this literature review was to find common factors for the persons who predispose to eating disorders. These factors shall help the nurse to recognise early signs of eating disorder behaviors. The literature review is directed to the nurse and will answer the issue: Which groups in the community run the risk of developing eating disorders? Furthermore, this knowledge shall lead to a better understanding of persons having eating disorders and be used as an aid in his/her encounter with these patients. The method was a literature review based on eight scientific articles, which were interpreted on the basis of the competence of the nurse.

Sökfunktioner i Smartphones : Hur moderna sökfunktioner påverkat vårt sökbeteende

The purpose of this paper has been to identify which modern search functions user of Smartphones are using, why just these functions are being used, and how they have affected the way users acquire information. Modern search functions in this paper means searches that are not based on text, i.e. ways to search for information by other means than writing something into a search field. To identify this, two studies were conducted, one with a questionnaire being distributed with the help of Google Docs through social networks, and one with four interviews with users of modern search functions for Smartphones. The study showed that even though 76 % of Smartphone users are aware of at least one modern search function, only 29% uses one on a regular basis.

En elev som till slut exploderar : En vetenskaplig essä om praktisk kunskap vid problemskapande beteende

This scientific essay starts in a story where you get to follow me in my work by three situations with creative problem behavior at the special school where I work. The story culminates in a dilemma where I ask myself questions about how I look at my actions and my thoughts about the student. I break down and put these thoughts into three questions: What is my student's perspective and how will it affect my actions? How can I explain my actions and attitude of the student from ethical perspective? How do my practical knowledge look like in the narrative situations and why do I act like I do?My approach is to get answers to the questions by the reflection of the text itself, the reflection group and supervisors, as well as through literature that I find relevant to the issues. The process is like a pendulum motion between text, reflection and new understanding.I look at my situations based on psychological theories about the treatment of persons within the autism spectrum of problems creative behavior.

Aggressivt utagerande: Betydelsen av samtidig förekomst av callous-unemotional traits och impulsivitet

Abstract  The importance of the co-occurrence of callous-unemotional traits and impulsivity concerning aggressive acts was examined by a survey. The participants consisted of 1478 Swedish youth. Three groups with extreme scores on callous-unemotional traits and impulsivity was identified.  The group scored high on both was more prone to show higher levels of aggressive and conduct problems behavior compare to the other groups. The aggressive and conduct problem behavior was shown at higher level in all examine variables. This study highlight that impulsivity can identify extreme aggressive individuals, without taking HIA (Hyperactivity, Impulsivity and Attention) problem as a entirety, to account, if shown with callous-unemotional traits. Keywords: Callous-unemotional traits, impulsivity, aggressive, conduct problem, youth, co-occurrence..

Normbrytande beteende : en studie av uppfattningar och resonemang hos kuratorer på högstadieskolor

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how staff at secondary schools are thinking and reasoning about notifications to social services based on norm breaking behaviors in students. To find this out five qualitative interviews has been made with counselors in two public schools and three private schools in Örebro län. The results show that there is no clear definition of what norm breaking behavior is which making the reasoning difficult. There are clear procedures for the staff to dealing with norm breaking behaviors but they do not know when they will be applied. The decision to report behavior to the social service is usually not taken individually, it is a result of several people?s views and experiences.

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