
Normbrytande beteende

en studie av uppfattningar och resonemang hos kuratorer på högstadieskolor

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how staff at secondary schools are thinking and reasoning about notifications to social services based on norm breaking behaviors in students. To find this out five qualitative interviews has been made with counselors in two public schools and three private schools in Örebro län. The results show that there is no clear definition of what norm breaking behavior is which making the reasoning difficult. There are clear procedures for the staff to dealing with norm breaking behaviors but they do not know when they will be applied. The decision to report behavior to the social service is usually not taken individually, it is a result of several people?s views and experiences. Private schools had better resources for preventing major norm breaking behaviors and therefore rarely needed to bring this debate.Keywords: Norm breaking behaviors, notification, school, notifiable, student health


Karin Kihlberg Marie Carlsson

Lärosäte och institution

Örebro universitet/Akademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete


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