

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 12 av 106

Ljudmiljön på två särboenden för äldre : En pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Tinnitus och ljudkänslighet är symptom som tycks öka bland ungdomar. En förklaring kan vara att ungdomar tillbringar allt mer och längre tid i bullriga miljöer utan att använda hörselskydd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik i relation till olika självupplevda hörselsymptom samt med avseende på variablerna norm, risktagande och riskmedvetenhet.Metod: Enkätstudie på 281 gymnasieungdomar i åldrarna 15-19 år, om deras attityder till stark musik. Enkäten bygger bl.a. på frågor och påståenden från Youth Attitude to Noise Scale, Health Belief Model och Theory of Planned behavior.Resultat: Personer med permanent tinnitus hade mer negativa attityder till stark musik än de som inte hade det.

Uppvisande av agitativt beteende hos hund under buprenorfinpåverkan

The intention of this study is to investigate possible excitation on dogs due to buprenorphine treatment. The reason for it to be about buprenorphine and not any other opioid is due to its relevance being one of the most popular opioids in animal care, as well as the authors own experience with what seems to be buprenorphine induced excitation in her own dog. The study consists of a literature review and an internet based survey containing thirty questions sent out to twelve animal clinics and animal hospitals. Significant agitative effects on behavior has been found in studies on horses, sheep, goats, rats and mice, but no one shows the effects of buprenorphine on dogs. The literature on opiod effects on dog behavior seems sparse.

Den subjektiva normen : Utmattningsdeprimerades föreställning om omgivningens syn på sjukskrivningen och återgången till arbete

Studiens övergripande syfte är att belysa och gestalta det sociala stöd respektive sociala tryck personer sjukskrivna för utmattningsdepression anser sig uppleva från omgivningen, vad gäller både att vara sjukskriven och att återgå till arbete. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ metod, och sex personer som var sjukskrivna för utmattningsdepression intervjuades individuellt. Resultatet visar att de sjukskrivna upplever en komplex blandning av både press och stöd i processen att ta sig tillbaka till arbetslivet. Stödet, oftast i form av förståelse och undvikande av press, upplevs främst från personer i individens nära omgivning, medan pressen att återgå till arbete oftast relateras till personer och grupper på längre avstånd. Störst press att återgå till arbetet upplevdes från den "samhälleliga" normen "att göra rätt för sig", men även omgivningens okunskap och brist på förståelse upplevdes som en press. .

Geografiämnet på gymnasienivå : En undersökning om geografilärarens koppling till läroplan och kursplan i undervisningen samt dennes undervisningsformer

The purpose of this essay is to study how the local creators of a "master plan" for the swedish city Kristinehamn, the years between 1940 to -43, looked on their planning. It is an analysis of ideas case study. A hypothesis is upheld for the research: that the local physical planning had largely extended ambitions what regards central state control in a way that is similar to planned economy. Questions that are asked include: Was the planning assumed to be a tool for the state to regulate the environment? Can the planning be seen as a mean to control the society in time and space? The essay search for verification of the hypothesis by a theoretical analysis apparatus made upp of ideal types.

Motivation for eating roughage in sows : as an indiction of hunger

Today?s feeding methods can determine the domestic pig?s abilities to fulfill basic behavioral needs, such as foraging, and the way in which pigs are feed is an important aspect. Feed does not only provide the energy and nutrients critical for survival, but feeding is also associated with a number of other factors contributing to well-being and reproduction. Today the feed for gestated sows is often composed by high energy and low dietary fiber grain products such as wheat. Three kg of this kind of feed can often be consumed by the sow within 20 minutes.

Handlar konsumenter etiskt?

Alltmedan antalet konsumenter ökar som uppger att de vill köpa etiskt märkta varor, uppvisar resultat från ett flertal studier ett gap mellan konsumenters attityd och beteende i fråga om etiska köp. Åtskilliga försök har gjorts till att förklara ?gapet? mellan attityd och beteende men i flera fall har en förenklad bild av relationen mellan dessa tillämpats.Frågan är därför om ?gapet? skulle återfinnas om hänsyn tas till de beteendevetenskapliga teorier som ligger till grund för detta gap. I denna studie undersöks om attityden mot köp av etiskt märkta varor är bättre på att förutsäga individens köpbeteende än attityden mot etiskt märkta varor i allmänhet. Detta syfte undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio konsumenter.

Barn och ungdomars användande av Mp-3 spelare : En enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Tinnitus och ljudkänslighet är symptom som tycks öka bland ungdomar. En förklaring kan vara att ungdomar tillbringar allt mer och längre tid i bullriga miljöer utan att använda hörselskydd. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra gymnasieungdomars attityder till stark musik i relation till olika självupplevda hörselsymptom samt med avseende på variablerna norm, risktagande och riskmedvetenhet.Metod: Enkätstudie på 281 gymnasieungdomar i åldrarna 15-19 år, om deras attityder till stark musik. Enkäten bygger bl.a. på frågor och påståenden från Youth Attitude to Noise Scale, Health Belief Model och Theory of Planned behavior.Resultat: Personer med permanent tinnitus hade mer negativa attityder till stark musik än de som inte hade det.

Medborgarinflytande, former och verkan : En studie av motståndet mot etableringen av ett ungdomshem i Kristinehamn 2005-2007

Abstract"Citizen Influence, Forms and Effects - A study of the Resistance Concerning the Establishment of a Juvenile Detention Center in Kristinehamn 2005-2007"Political Science, Johan Utter This essay circles around the concepts of citizenship and the questions if and how citizens in the modern democracy can influence and effect the political decisions made by the governing body on the local level. This is done by the means of a case-study concerning the establishment of an institutional facility for convicted youths in Kristinehamn. The planning of this facility and especially its planned location in Sunneberg aroused a significant negative response from the citizens, demanding a better alternative for the location.The proposition resulted in heavy protests from the citizens as the planned location was viewed as an important recreation area, where the citizens could experience nature first hand, close to the centre of town. As a result, some citizens living close to the planned location, formed a network called "Bevara Sunneberg", whose purpose was to influence the decision-makers and make the citizen?s voices heard.

Kontroll-lokus och beteende i grupp: en studie om sambandet mellan kontroll-lokus och individers beteende i en arbetsgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and behavior in a work group. The investigation was performed using two methods, self-report and observation, which were used in order to provide a description of how the individuals experienced their own behavior in a group context as well as of how they actually could be observed to behave. The 31 participants were divided into five groups. During the procedure each group received a task, which was to be discussed and solved by the group members together. Observations were carried out using IPA.

Arbetsmiljöekonomisk utvärdering av ergonomiförbättringar : Grundade i antaganden om sjukfrånvaro och förändring i arbetsbelastning efter intervention inom en avdelning i läkemedelsbranschen

The purpose of this study is to incrementally, through a combination of various methods, examine the assumptions about the working economic outcomes that can be made based on planned ergonomic intervention in a department at Pfizer Health AB in Strängnäs. The study contributes to knowledge about how assumptions on OSH financial results can be made, based on planned ergonomic interventions. These assumptions were based on biomechanical calculations made on the basis of ergonomics measurements with inclinometer. The study is important because previous research has shown that poor work environment have a bad impact on the economy of a company in different ways. It can for example be negative impact on the company's productivity and quality of the units produced or the services provided.

Spårbilsstation i Upplands Väsby kommun

Upplands Väsby municipality has a vision that podcars in the future will become an effective alternative in public transport, with reduced car-dependency as a result. The system would also attract new inhabitants and businesses to the municipality.This report deals with various issues that podcar stations may face. Also, suggestions for possible track laying at the stations and station design are presented. Two areas are investigated. Eds allé which is a neighborhood that is planned for housing and where the station may be planned into the cityscape from the start.

Rekommendationer eller konversationer - Effekten av innehållet i word of mouth på mottagarens inställning till det omtalade företaget

We investigate the effects of various types of word-of-mouth (WOM) messages on consumer bahavior. The message is varied along two dimensions where one is valence and the other is whether or not it contains an explicit call for certain behavior or attitude change. We use an experiment in the form of a web-based survey. Five different scenarios were designed to represent neutral, positive, and negative WOM. The latter two came in two different versions - one with a recommendation and one without.

Analytikers beaktande av goodwill: En fallstudie av tio analytikers förhållningssätt till goodwill

Abstract: Since the recession caught the market in fall 2008, multiple companies have suffered due to their former aggressive investment behavior. Huge goodwill piles have been collected ready to be doomed by the market. The aim of the study is to investigate equity analysts? consideration of goodwill in a recession market. An empirical study is conducted, based on interviews with ten Swedish equity analysts that follow companies with relevant goodwill status.

Klasser som påverkar : Om klasskillnader och förändring i politiskt deltagande under perioden 1968 - 20000

The purpose of this thesis is to see how small differences in a store can affect the customer behavior. The changes consist of auditory and visual sensory cues. Since many companies today makes a lot of changes in their styling element, but without knowing how it really affects the customer behavior we thought it would be interesting to see by doing an experiment at IKEA. The study is therefore based on a quantitative research method, where theories have been described and from which hypotheses have been derived to test the theories. The experience took place at IKEA during two weeks where 5732 observations were made.The result from the experiment is that the sensory cue sight makes individuals spend more time in the environment but not creating attention.

Ritualer bland arkeologer - Vad är en ritual?

The goals of this essay are to identify rituals and ritual behavior at the department of archaeology and ancient history at Lund University. To do this a series of empirical examinations was conducted. Observations, interviews and polls revealed that some ritual behavior is in fact present. Two types of rituals were identified; the interaction ritual, as presented by Erving Goffman in the book Interaction Ritual, Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, in 1967. The second type of ritual is a ?problem solving? ritual, such as meetings.

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